Homeschooling is something that tends to leave a bad taste in people’s mouth. Most people look down upon teaching your children. It’s considered radical nowadays, and most people believe homeschooled children are weird, and that their education just isn’t as good.
As someone who has known homeschooled kids and taught at home early on I have seen the difference between children raised in the home and taught at home and those who have been raised in the public school system.

Homeschooling Kids
Now, before anyone gets upset I understand not everyone is able to homeschool, but I believe that those who are able should, for a number of reasons. Not to mention homeschooling has benefits that I believe out way the cons, especially today with things as crazy as they are.
What Is Homeschooling?
So, what is homeschooling? For those unfamiliar with homeschooling, homeschooling is literally teaching your child at home. While states do have different regulations on homeschooling, you have the freedom to teach your child curriculum in a manner that benefits them most.
You don’t have to worry about politics, differing educational philosophies, lack of education opportunities, etc.
What Are The Benefits Of Homeschooling?

There are so many benefits to homeschooling. Some of my favorites are:
- Homeschooled children become more independent adults.
- They are happier in general and become more productive adults.
- Special needs can be catered to.
- Homeschoolers do better on tests.
- The lack of homework, flexibility on hours, and more attention means better learning and less stress.
- More meaningful learning.
- Better behaved and have less negative influences from kids around them.
- Community involvement to make up for the lack of socializing during school hours.
- Better mental health.
- More family time to spend together.
There are plenty more benefits of homeschooling, but those are just some of my favorites. We owe it to our kids to do better for them and help them grow into better people to grow into good adults.
What Are The Cons Of Homeschooling?

It would be wrong if I didn’t provide the cons of homeschooling as well.
- Your are responsible for your child’s education.
- Less time to yourself which can lead to burn out.
- It is a lot of work and happens even on days you’re sick or tired.
- Missing out on experiences most of us had as kids in school.
- You’ll face a lot of judgement and criticism.
- Lots of time together which can breed its own problems.
- If you’re homeschooling a younger child who isn’t independent yet, your ability to work will be diminished considerably.
Most of these cons are for the caregiver/teacher. This will be a challenge and one that will take boundaries, patience, and relying on God to refill your well when it is empty. Because trust me, it’ll go dry. But personally, I found it was worth it in the end to see my babies thrive.
But again, we’re all different, and I wanted to make you aware of some of the cons.
Is Homeschooling Better?
Every kid is different and every situation is different. When homeschooling isn’t feasible then no it is not, if your child does better in school where there is a strict structure and kids everywhere, then no. Kids, like adults, thrive under different conditions.
Personally, I think homeschooling is better over all, especially if that’s how you started your child’s education.
I also think it is better given the climate of things. I try to stay out of the news, I really do, but sometimes things just grab your attention. And the more I’ve watched on news, personal stories I’ve heard from friends and families, and just the protests going by parents, and the stories we’ve heard during the pandemic….
I’m convinced homeschooling is better unless you’re okay with your child being indoctrinated by radical teachers and them being conformed to this world.
Now I don’t say that to scare anyone, but am I the only one who has seen these insane stories in the news? There are some wonderful teachers out there, and I thank you for all you do.
But I’m feeling more and more convinced that we as parents need to take control of what our kids are learning. Which is why I’m writing this. The Holy Spirit convicted me to speak out.
More Reasons I believe Homeschooling Is Better
Anyway, these are more reasons I feel like homeschooling is better, especially after what I’ve witnessed these last 2 years. Maybe you feel the same, maybe you don’t, regardless the movement of homeschooling children is going strong, and I support it!
God Is Taken Out Of The Schools

We have laws keeping God out of school, yet, other religions are not kept out. Whether it is Islam, Paganism, or Occultism, most other religions are allowed despite the law “Church and State.” Which is misconstrued to begin with, but that’s a debate for another time.
What your child is taught, is what shapes them later on in life and is hard to overcome.
Your child is being taught so many things in school. They’re being taught about science theories that go against Christian belief. They’re being taught about other religions, but not their own. Many are being told they’re not allowed to pray or talk about their faith.
They’re being taught twisted history, politics, sex, and being taught to focus on them and emotions. All of this adds up. Thing of it like a glass of water.
You teach them about God at home, that’s a couple drops of food coloring. Add drops in for everything else, and eventually the other colors take over.
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
What is your child being trained up with? The schools are making sure it is everything, but God.

Our children are being taught radical ideals in schools and college. These institutions should be teaching the basics and more advanced versions of math, reading, writing, etc, but now they’re being taught about sexuality at a very young age.
They’re being taught radical ideals from their teachers. We saw this during shutdown and even afterwards. Teachers have been trying to be sneaky, and having kids keep secrets from us. I was taught, we don’t keep secrets from mom and dad.
Tribalism and hedonism are being shoved down their throats and it’s dangerous. Look at this video of a teacher abusing kids into becoming Antifa members.
They’re aren’t the only ones, the abuse whether it’s masks, or sexual education, critical race theory, other education, parents are finally standing up against the public schools.
But it’s time to get your kids out and start raising them yourself and teaching kids. This radicalism isn’t going anywhere, and will get worse.
It’s surprising the amount of garbage these schools are teaching. But why are they allowed to?
Factory Workers

Public schools were different when they started out. The community ran the school and the women often fed the kids or sent kids food. They were taught the basics and then they got a job.
Unfortunately things can’t be this simple because we have grown so much, and because we live in a technological society.
But, once the feds got their hands into the school system it became toxic. It became a place to break children into becoming good little workers and taught them to sit with little breaks to work in the factories.
Of course we aren’t mostly factory workers anymore, but it does the same.
We are in school way too long, learning twisted and tainted history and education, losing the best years of our lives.
Children should be up and moving more, teens are too coddled and need to learn to grow up sooner, and our kids are not just cogs.
Training Kids For A Career

College used to be for the rich and if you went to college you were sure to be wealthy and have a great job. When it was easier to get into, of course blue collared parents wanted their kids to go so they could be successful.
But college is convoluted and most are nothing more but brainwashing facilities that further baby children instead of creating adults. Most people start out with huge debts that won’t get paid off, and most won’t even use their degree or have to keep going back.
High school and college fail our children in that they don’t teach life skills, life lessons, survival skills, coping skills, or really prepare kids for careers.
Yes, colleges do serve a purpose, but not when most are getting useless degrees in oversaturated job markets.
Blue collar jobs need workers and some pay more than what you would make with a degree and the training is much cheaper. But we look down on jobs that require us to use our hands anymore.
Being Home
Being homeschooled means you can teach your child the curriculum, you know what your child is being taught, and you can instill morals and principles in them.
Worried about socializing your child? There are homeschooling groups, children in the neighborhood, reach out and meet new people and make play dates.
Women did it for many many years, while raising babies, and doing everything by hand. If they can do it, so can we.
I get that some people have to work, but if we don’t learn to make our families priority, their health, education, spiritual and physical health priorities, they’re going to be lost in this world.
So many young people have no direction despite spending nearly 20 years of their life in school. And it isn’t because they don’t have education, it is because mom and dad aren’t teaching them how to be men and women, how to live, skills they need.
Someone else is raising many of our kids, and people are so detached and ignorant to what our kids are learning and who they are becoming that it is just sad. We are failing them as parents and it is because many of us failed and were in the same situation as they were.
Mom and dad weren’t home or even if they were, we were still being raised by school and technology. It’s time to take back our kids and ensure their education is priority and a proper education that teaches them how to live godly lives and be good people and help them get careers.