There are many misconceptions of God and questions when it comes to God. Whether people are being purposely obtuse or just ignorant to the Bible and who God is, I want to address these things. These are all questions and comments I’ve seen on social media and in person and I feel like they need to be talked about. A lot of times these misconceptions of God, misconceptions of the Bible, and misconceptions of the Bible get repeated and things that get repeated enough, tend to be believed.

Why Are There So Many Misconceptions of God?
With Christianity being as big as it is, how are there so many misconceptions when it comes to God, Christianity, and the Bible?
Well, first and foremost, religion itself is to blame. There are too many sects of Christianity with their own version of what is right and wrong and interpretations of the Bible based on opinion rather than history and the Bible itself.
Secondly, because a lot of times people hear a video or a piece of the Bible or an opinion someone has when it comes to God, Christians, and the Bible, and it spreads. Whether that opinion or information was accurate or inaccurate or malicious or not, doesn’t matter, because it gets spread.
Thirdly, because people are jaded and of the world and are purposely hateful and obtuse when it comes to the Bible. Their spirits are upset when they come across the Living Word so they spread these questions and doubt as much as they can. Or perhaps they were hurt by Christians or the church. Either way, they use these ideals to try to stump Christians and get a rise out of them, and often time it works.
And lastly, because Christians have been let down by the church and haven’t taken the time to create a relationship with God or spent much time in the Bible. They have questions, very little answers, and quite frankly the world has a tendency to hit like a truck and without a good relationship with God you can easily get confused or jaded.
Questions and Misconceptions of God

1. If God loves us, why does He send people to hell?
Let’s address this one, because this is a legitimate question and I even wondered this for a long time. The answer to this question is, God doesn’t send people to hell, they send themselves.
I know, it’s crazy when you first hear this, but let me explain.
Hell Was Not Created For Man
In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said that Hell was prepared for Satan and fallen angels.
God created hell as punishment for the angels that rebelled against Him, for Satan and his followers. It was never created for people. But, people will end up in Hell.
But didn’t you just say God didn’t create hell for people?
I did, however, God gave us free will. That means we have the choice to make. God does love us, He loves us very much, but we have to choose to love Him back, accept Jesus as our Savior, and live our lives the way He intended.
We Have A Choice In Whether We Go To Heaven or Hell
If you choose to not love God, turn your back on Him, refuse His love and mercy…where does that leave you?
You choose where you go. Even if you don’t want to step into religion and think you’re fine, you need to understand that the world is divided. God vs Satan, and we all know God wins in the end.
3 Men Sitting On A Fence Example
This is my favorite saying. There are 3 men sitting on a fence, God and Satan are on each side.
God talks to the men and asks them to come to Him, He offers them love, healing, and joy through the hard times and a chance to have eternal life in the end. But there are rules.
Satan on the other sides offers fun, sex, drugs, alcohol, money, and all the things that feel good or successful. A comfortable prison, but he doesn’t tell you what happens after this. He tells you not to worry, it’s fine.
The three men had to decide. The first man went to God and God and the Heavens were overjoyed.
The second man went to Satan, and God wept.
The last man decided to not go to either of them, he decided to sit on the fence. Satan started laughing, which confused the man, and when the man asked why he laughed at him, Satan told him, that he owned the fence and took the man to his cell.
2. Why doesn’t God stop bad things?
Sometimes He does. We’ve seen a ton of videos and heard stories of people not being robbed because the robbers were suddenly scared off. We’ve seen people miraculously healed when doctors told us we would die.
However, there are some reasons God doesn’t stop things. For one thing, sometimes God puts us through the fire to help us grow. When we ask for strength and courage, it isn’t a super power that is suddenly given, but we have to go through experiences that make us stronger.
However, sometimes we also turn our back from Him and make bad decisions which lead to bad things. God gave us free will, and just because He loves us doesn’t mean we are saved from the consequences of our actions.
And sometimes the enemy does attack us, (Hello, book of Job), however, God will always turn bad into good. That doesn’t mean God makes all the pain and suffering good, but uses those experiences for good to usually help others and bring about His will. Bad things bring us closer to him.
3. Why does God let bad things happen to good people?
No one is good, we are all sinners. Luke 18:19 We all make mistakes and decisions which can lead us into bad things or sometimes we are attacked of the enemy. Perhaps God is testing us. Either way, just because we deem someone good, doesn’t mean they won’t suffer.
See above question: Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen.
4. Where was God when I was going through hard times?
God was right beside you. He never left you. Deuteronomy 31:8
The thing is, most of us rely on our feelings when it comes to God. Our feelings, especially when we are upset or in a bad place, fluctuate. They’re not reliable, because you have to remember, everything we deal with is spiritual. That includes anxiety, fear, and depression, something many of us deal with when things are hard.
But, when things are hard, we are told to not fear (Isaiah 41: 10), and give God our burdens (Psalm 55:22)
It doesn’t feel good when we suffer, but God gives us joy in the suffering if we go closer to Him and not run away. That doesn’t mean we won’t feel pain, but joy is the faith that we know God will help us through the fire, give us what we need, and not leave. The book of Philippians is a great place to explore for answers when it comes to joy in suffering.
5. We are supposed to be nice, loving, and accepting of all because Jesus tells us to love everyone.
It’s true Jesus tells us to love people. In fact, we are to love God with all our heart and soul, and then we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Mark 12:30-31
But that doesn’t mean we are to be accepting of everyone’s actions. In fact, to love someone is to be kind, not nice to them. And to be kind to them is to sometimes tell them what they’re doing is wrong.
We are not to condemn, but we are to judge, but only once our ducks are all in a row. And not harshly (Matthew 7)
Jesus often called out peoples sin, He didn’t condemn them, but taught them out of gentleness and love, and sometimes He gave people tough love. (Jesus talking to Peter in Matthew 16:23.)
Loving someone isn’t loving their sin and telling them pretty words and that they’re perfect. Rather, loving someone is telling them what they need to hear, helping them, leading them, and being able to forgive them despite them not being perfect. The same way God loves us.
6. Men are supposed to be meek and mild like Jesus
The Church teaches Jesus as this mild man who is nice, who doesn’t make a stir, just helps people with gentleness.
And Jesus does love people and show them gentleness. And men should have a merciful and gentle side, but don’t forget, Jesus did in fact stir things up. Why do you think the Pharisees wanted Him dead so badly?
Jesus gave people tough love, and Jesus also flipped tables, but He was a good mix. God isn’t just kindness and love, God is also wild and a warrior, and men are called to be both.
7. Jesus isn’t God
Believe it or not, I struggled with this for a long time. I believed Jesus was the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins, but I struggled praying in His name because I always separated them and felt scared that I was being blasphemous.
But then I read Matthew 4:1-11
It blew my mind!
And there are other verses speaking of this same sentiment as well:
8. God wants us to believe in Him blindly
I heard this one recently, and it confused me. Their reasoning is, the book of Job, Job was supposed to blindly trust that everything will work out. And I can understand why they think that, but the way they were also using “blind faith” was rather negative.
God wants a relationship with us, an intimate relationship where we put Him first, and seek after Him with our heart and soul. If we do that, than we are going to “blindly trust” Him. We are going to trust that He will come through regardless of our understanding of the situation.
Trusting wholeheartedly is part of it, and I can see how people think that’s all God wants. God wants a relationship with us and stands waiting for us with open arms.
Questions and Misconceptions of Bible

9. The Bible is full of made up stories
This one makes me chuckle. The Bible isn’t just a bunch of made of stories. Did you know the Bible has been confirmed by archaeology? This includes:
Most historians agree that Jesus was real (who they believe He was is up for debate), and even MSN has written posts showing what parts of the Bible have been proven.
10. The bible is written by man and tainted
The argument for this is that man wrote whatever he wanted to control the masses and so that the Bible cannot be trusted. Or that the Bible has been changed so many times that it cannot be trusted.
Of course men wrote the Bible. David wrote the Psalms, Paul wrote letters, etc. So yes, the Bible was written by men, but that in itself does not mean it cannot be trusted. If we went with this logic, we wouldn’t trust any books written.
The Bible was written by 40 generations of people over a span of about 1500 years and written across 3 different continents.
Now why does this matter? Because the Bible, written by so many people across such a span of years and many miles, shows amazing consistency and uniformity.
Even the prophetic material shows consistency, i.e Isaiah 7:14 which talks about a virgin birth which happened in Luke 1:26-38, 700 years later!
And looking at older Bibles to newer Bibles, yes, translations change, but they are still consistent.
God desires an intimate relationship with us, He wouldn’t fail us by not giving us the words we need to guide us to Him.
11. The Dead Sea Scrolls hides information about Jesus and if we knew what it said people would walk away from Christianity
There is a conspiracy theory that the Dead Sea Scrolls were misinterpreted by scholars. I loathe using conspiracy, but until there is evidence saying otherwise, that’s all it is.
There were Christian and Agnostic scholars who interpreted the Dead Sea Scrolls and of course, the Christian leaned towards for religious interpretation and the Agnostic leaned towards a more secular interpretation.
Despite sensational claims though, the Dead Sea Scrolls don’t really talk about Jesus at all, but rather, help us understand the Jewish world He lived in and understand those mentioned in the Bible, both who followed and hated Him.
12. The Catholic Church is hiding books and scrolls and history of the Bible
You know, I don’t really know. Some say no it’s a lie from the unbelievers and heathens, but there are a number of Christians who also believe this.
I am convinced aspects of ALL religions are purposely hidden from the public, but regardless, we still have the tools available to create a relationship with God and to get saved without the hidden documents, if there are.
But, uh, I don’t have an answer, this cannot be proven or disproved feel free to wander down that rabbit hole.
13. The Bible says we are supposed to be compliant to all government
People state Romans 13 says we are supposed to compliant with our government and use it as the end all be all. Be compliant no matter what the situation says, because Romans 13.
Now, we are to be model citizens as Christians. We are supposed to live a life that inspires others to find God.
But that doesn’t mean we follow blindly. If the government calls us to do something that God forbids or forbids them to do what God calls us to do, we don’t follow those laws.
God comes first, not man.
Examples of this in the Bible would be:
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
- Daniel in the Lions Den
- Queen Ester going to the King
- Moses’s Mother Saving Him
- Joseph and Mary saving Jesus and fleeing
Questions and Misconceptions of Christianity

14. If I am saved, then I can just sin as many times as I want
Technically you can sin, and you will sin, but does that mean you should?
Did you know Paul answered this in the Bible?
Look at Romans 6:1-2.
When we are saved and reborn in Christ, we are giving over our life to God and being born anew (2 Corinthians 5:17) . To go back to the way you’re living with drugs, gossip, hate, unmarried sex, is foreign when it comes to the Bible.
The Holy Spirit changes us and helps us die to the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) and we start growing the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
If the sinful path you were living was leading you to hell, why would you go back to that path?
You came to Jesus for freedom and love, why would you go back to the prison you came from?
15. Christianity Is Oppressive To Women
This one drives me nuts. Society at the time of the Bible did treat women as second class citizens, they were property. But that was the world as a whole and not the message that God specifically shared. And there is the argument about the Bible being against women’s rights and I’ll get to that.
Submissive Doesn’t Mean Slave
Women were called to be submissive to their husbands, but that doesn’t mean a doormat. That means we take a step back from control and let our husbands lead. The same we respect God and let God lead us. We are our husband’s Ezer Kenegdo, which is a help meet. And a lot of women hate that term, but it is a term that is also used in the military.
We are our husband’s adviser and helper, equal to him. We can see this in Genesis and Galatians, as well as Ephesians.
We Can Teach, But We Don’t Rule Over Man
1 Timothy 2:12 is often abused as well, saying that women should shut up and sit down. However, you have to understand the era when women were prone to goddess worship and not behaving in a good way, but often disrupting and disrespecting men.
This also goes back, I think, to the consequence woman receives from Genesis where she will want to rule over her husband and he will rule over her. Women in general want to control men and really everything (this is coming from a woman) and have a tendency to abuse it.
So, I believe personally, believe men should take the lead and the head and teach, but I also think women can lead in example for men, but should focus on teaching women and children.
Women Of The Bible
That aside, God has often used women in the Bible. Ruth, Ester, Jael, the unnamed woman who dropped pottery on the enemies head, Deborah, Mary and Mary, the Samaritan woman who became a saint, etc.
We Are All Sons of God
Romans 8:14 calls us all sons of God and so does Galatians 3:26. If you knew the time then, only sons could inherit, so if we are all sons of God, that means we all can inherit God’s kingdom. Another way showing that women are not less than when it comes to God.
16. I’ve seen too much bad stuff done in the name of religion/Christianity
Nearly all religions have done bad things in they eyes of the world. The Pagans, Islam, and yes Christians. I won’t sugar coat it, terrible things have been done in the name of God or whoever else someone worships.
And yes, the Bible talks about the Israelites culling whole communities, but I think most people need to dig deeper into the practices of these people to understand why (i.e child sacrifice/torture.)
Regardless, yes, bad things have happened, and Bible wars aside, I can’t speak for other wars or acts other than, man often twists things for their sake and desires. Don’t let the actions of man, taint the good that God can do.
It may seem like a cop out answer, but that’s all I have. I’m sorry, I’m not all knowing and I’ll be honest when I don’t know. I have my opinion.
Bad peoples actions do not make the Bible less true, bad things done in the name of Religion goes against Jesus’ teachings, vengeance is the Lord’s.
17. All Christians are hypocrites
Yes we are, and so are you. No I’m not name calling and being petty, everyone on this entire earth is a hypocrite.
However, that’s why I need Jesus. I’m not perfect, I am a hypocrite, I am sinner. That’s why I need Jesus to save me (John 3:16). That is why I need the Holy Spirit to change me and help me die to the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) and to help me start growing the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
18. Christianity is a cult
Oh boy, this one. No and yes. There are sects of Christianity that are very cult-like. I’m not poking fun, however, with cults if you don’t believe you get excommunicated and certain types of Christianity are like that.
You are controlled heavily, and there are certain extreme sects of churches that really go against biblical teachings, and abuses God’s word, and then once you don’t want to be apart of it, they tear everything away from you.
Which goes against what is taught in the Bible. Christianity as a whole is not a cult, but like most religions and groups may it be a hobby or politics or whatever, there is fanaticism and extremes.
19. Christians try to shove their religion down everyone’s throat
Again, I can see where people are coming from. Christians have a tendency to be “BELIEVE OR DIE” which, if you’re like that, shame on you, you need to reread the New Testament and what Jesus said.
But today, no matter what a Christian says, even if it’s minor it has become “STOP SHOVING YOUR BELIEFS ON ME!” And their reasoning is person a and b was very forceful.
And if that’s the case, it saddens me that there are people who are shoving their ideals down peoples throats.
Jesus never once did that. He talked to people like they were people, and was respectful, kind (not nice, big difference), loving, and then people decided to follow Him or not. And that’s what we are to do.
But, I will say, it has come to a time also, where people don’t want to hear the Gospel at all and then holler about religion being rammed down their throat too just by someone making a video online.
But, Christians, emulate Jesus and His disciples. Don’t be hateful and forceful, that creates resentment.
20. Christianity just tries to shame us and make us feel guilty about human nature
Christianity wasn’t created to make us feel shamed or guilty. When we do something wrong, God will make us feel it. We often call it our conscience, but it’s God. We know right vs wrong and sometimes we ignore it and we should feel about about doing bad things.
The thing is, God doesn’t shame us. Shame comes from the enemy. We sin, we feel guilty, we repent, we try harder, and fail and then the enemy shames us, making us afraid to go in front of God. A God who will forgive us and love us regardless of what we do.
The ideals of Christianity does go against human nature. Human nature is to be lazy, be selfish, hurt others, sex, do what feels good. And look where our society is today because of people focusing on hedonism, nihilism, and making themselves their own god. Our society is falling apart.
Being a Christian means having a glass of wine and celebrating, but not getting drunk. It means working hard so we aren’t tempted. It means waiting until we are married for sex so we aren’t tied to other people when we finally do get married. Discipline is a fruit of the spirit and one of the hardest that people struggle with today.
We want instant gratification, and a lot of these gratifications hurt us.
21. Thoughts and prayers mean nothing and are a cop out
I agree and disagree.
I think someone appealing to God on someone else’s behalf is a selfless and beautiful and huge thing. As long as you actually do it. A lot of Christians do say these as empty words and it may or may not get done.
Also, if you have no other way to help, I think praying earnestly and fasting is huge.
However, I think works go hand in hand as well. Pray earnestly, fast, and if you have the power, help. Ask people how you can help.
22. Being a Christian is boring
We are called to be the salt of the earth, and salt is not flavorless. If you’re living a boring and dreary Christian life, that is not how God wanted us to live.
He created a world for us to name and explore. He has created beautiful landscapes, amazing people to meet and share His word with, life is an adventure.
The problem is religion has gotten in the way and told us, be compliant, be tame, go to church twice a week.
The disciples were wild men, who walked across continents, faced hardships, to do the will of God. Life isn’t meant to be boring.
We are created in God’s image and God gave all of us special gifts, and talents that we can use to bless others, and create, and further His will.
23. Women are meant to serve men only and be at home
This one is also controversial especially when it comes to women. Women were created to nurture, love, and walk beside man. Man was created to provide and protect, and lead. Yes, that’s the mantle God calls men to pick up.
Women can do great things, and God calls us to do great things, and sometimes calls women to go across the world or do huge things.
But one of the biggest and most noble calls is to be a wife and mother.
Now, that doesn’t mean that is all you are. You are meant to be apart of the adventure alongside with your husband, y’all are equal. And he is to provide, protect, lead, and be a good husband and father. You nurture, love, protect, and are a good wife and mother.
But, that doesn’t mean you can’t work.
Proverbs 31 The woman took care of her family, servants, worked in the home, and out. HOWEVER, who sole focus was providing for her family.
Many woman have forgotten about this and want to focus soley on “their independence” and “being able to afford *insert stuff, vacations, etc*” and lose sight of their families and noble callings.
You are more than a taxpayer and wage earner.
24. People do not still have biblical gifts/ God doesn’t give biblical gifts to modern people
God didn’t just stop giving Biblical gifts and nowhere in the Bible is this said.
25. The Pagan religion is older than Christianity
Yes, Pagan is older than Christianity, but it isn’t older than Judaism. I don’t know why this argument is made to try to disprove or discourage Christians. Judaism came first, and then Paganism, they are both very old.
Yaweh, is the God of the Jews and Christians, and many of the demons and false gods people worshipped in the Bible are the pantheon gods that people worshiped in the past and today.
26. I can still live in the world and be a Christian
Please look at number 14. You cannot have the world and follow God. The world is the playground of Satan and God is eternal life, you have to pick one.
27. Christians are mindless followers
Go back to number 8. Christians aren’t mindless followers, we are followers because of the Bible, our experiences, history, and because we understand we need help and need God to hang on and lead us. We aren’t zombies who do it without understanding why.
Plus, most governments, history and today, consider Christians enemies, it’s because they often stand out for their God and aren’t easily controlled.
Again look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and Daniel.
Other Misconceptions about the Church

28. Churches are too judgmental
This is truth. Churches are too judgmental and stuck up. Church is meant for the sick and broken, not the modern day Pharisees, who too often control the churches.
Church isn’t for those to want to look holy or pretend they’re perfect, but for those desperate for help, love, and acceptance.
This progressive Christianity has been tainting our churches for far too long, and more and more people are walking away from the church because of it.
I can’t refute this one. There are many great churches, but there are many sick churches that us as believers need to step up and fix.
29. The church needs to stay out of the community, schools, and politics
I know everyone is like separation of church and state! But that’s often abused, as it pertains to the state or country not allowing 1 religion to rule over the masses and laws.
And that’s probably a good things honestly, however, we has Christians need to be out in the community and schools living lives that emulating Jesus and speaking out against things like abortion, our children be taught sexual things in school, etc.
We don’t hate, we aren’t violent, but we can’t be complacent in an evil world. We are part of God’s army. Equip yourself with God’s word and venture out living like Christ did, taking care of those who need it, and speaking up against the wrong.
30. The church steals money and is a scam
There are some that do. I can’t refute that there are churches that have done this. But, many don’t. This is man abusing the church and God’s word, not God.
Don’t turn from God because of actions of man.
31. I don’t like God/the Church because the Church/Christians hurt me
Again, man hurt you, not God. And when man does hurt you it can shake your faith. I’ve been there, trust me. I have bad memories of getting ready for church with my family in the morning. I can’t remember a good one honestly. I’ve had scripture twisted and used against me in the worst of ways. But I forgive, I don’t forget because I’m not going to be hurt again, but I forgive those people.
Forgiveness is not saying it’s okay, but instead letting go of bitterness so it doesn’t destroy you. God counts every tear, and vengeance is His.
To Sum Up…
Christians aren’t perfect, and many of us have did more harm than good when it comes spreading the good Word. But these misconceptions of God, church, Bible, and of Christians are sometimes warranted. They did however, need to be addressed. Far too often, people have these types of thoughts and questions, but never get a good answer, so I hope this helps.
Are you interested in giving your life to God? Check out this post to learn how!
Are there anymore common misconceptions of God that I missed? Comment below and let me know, I’d love to hear from you.