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A List Of Free Workouts To Jump Start Your Weight Loss

free online workouts to lose weight

I don’t like gyms or exercising in public. I’m attempting to lose weight, but I’m not quite comfortable enough to be jiggling and flopping around in public not yet…or really ever. So free workouts online are 100% my thing.

Plus, that stuff gets expensive, and quite frankly not everyone has money to put into month subscriptions or buy a lot of weight loss stuff. And the secret is…you don’t have to. There are so many resources that are free you can use.

Free Workout Plans

If you’ve been on the internet then you know free workout plans are everywhere. There are free workout apps, workouts on Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Duck Duck Go, like you can find a workout anywhere. But they are not all created equal, in fact, I’ve done quite a few to learn that the hard way.

But there are a number of amazing free online workouts and free workout videos that you are bound to find some you like.

Free Online Workouts

1. Leslie Sansone Walking Exercises

Leslie Sansone has some of my absolute favorite workouts. It focuses on walking, power walking, and some endurance training. You can find many of them for free on Youtube, but she does have a website where you can purchase some of her workouts as well.

2. Chloe Ting Body Weight Exercises

Chloe Ting is someone I found recently, and I love her challenges. Her workouts may look easy, but they are actually pretty tough! They focus mainly on body weight exercises.

3. Be Fit Exercises

Befit is a channel on Youtube that has so many different workouts. Want low impact? They have it! HIIT training? They have it! No dumbbells? Dumbbells? Cardio? Dance? They have a little bit of everything.

4. Blogilates Workouts

Blogilates is another great channel. A lot of her workouts are bodyweight exercises which is great when you have no equipment available. She has one of my favorite arm workouts that will smoke you!

5. Athlean-X and Athlean-XX

Athlean-X is intense! My husband was into the channel for a long time and bought some workouts and I’ve done the female workout, Athlean-XX. They’re tough, but they get results! They do require you have some equipment, bands, or even gym equipment. They have a very educational Youtube channel that can help you get a plan together or you can buy one of their plans.

6. Abby Pollock Weight Workouts

Abby Pollock is someone else I have followed for years and I have 2 of her programs. I will let you know, her programs are tough, but they are worth it. However, she has a lot of free advice and exercises on her Youtube channel as well.

And sometimes when I don’t feel like following a video I walk. Nothing is more free than a nice walk outside.

7. Pinterest Free Workouts

If I don’t feel like walking to Pinterest I go! I would mute the music on the workouts, unless you’re into it, but I personally don’t like it a lot.

Don’t like any of this? 

8. Clean Your House

There are other things you can do. Wash your laundry by hand, wring it out, hang it up. Wash your floors on your hands and knees, wash dishes by hands, sweep, dust, vacuum, do a little extra in your home everyday. Stretch everyday 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes your whole body.

Women used to burn thousands of calories a day just taking care of the kids and their home!

Workout out doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive. There are plenty of free workouts available online. Workouts for beginners or experts and everyone in between are available, you just have to move!

Moving is so important for your health. We are meant to move so we can live! So get healthy, take care of the temple God gave you, be healthy for your family, and friends, and for the rough times ahead.

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