Have you considered getting saved, but don’t quite understand what it means? When you hear Christians talk, you generally hear about them talking about sin, love, forgiveness, and salvation. These are all very important aspects of Christianity as a whole. It isn’t everything, but it is some of the more important aspects of it. I would also probably add wrath into that. But today we’ll be talking about salvation.

Misunderstanding Salvation And Getting Saved
Salvation can be very confusing to those who are new to Christianity or those who are just dipping their foot into it.
I even misunderstood it for the longest time. I do lay blame on myself for not growing in God the way I should have, but I also blame the church for not teaching me as they should have. Church was fun, but they were very vague or silent on things I should have been taught.
Salvation, or getting saved, is accepting Jesus as Christ and savior. Fully believing that God sent Him to die for your sins. Accepting Him into your heart and giving your life to God and turning away from your old life.
Then once you’re saved you get baptized in the name of God, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
Sounds easy right?
What Is Salvation?

Well, it’s more than that. Depending on which denomination you either are told you can lose salvation or once saved always saved.
I was taught once saved always saved and I continued to live in sin. I know we’re all sinners, but I did what I wanted when I wanted.
Even though I was saved, I didn’t feel close to God. I was continually falling away, confused, wounded, discontented, and couldn’t figure out why.
It wasn’t until I was on my deathbed that I realized I needed God. Like really needed God. Sometimes it really does take a dramatic life event to open our eyes.
So I turned to the Bible, prayers, and began listening to different sermons online. I grew and learned and I was surprised.
Salvation Means Giving Up Your Worldly Life
I don’t believe you lose your salvation, but I learned you can grieve the Holy Spirit. Through repentance and prayer you can receive the Holy Spirit again. You grieve the Holy Spirit through sin.
When you turn your life over to God, you don’t become perfect and you will fall short of the glory of God (through sin) Romans 3:23, but you strive to be Holy.
Being saved is accepting Jesus as your Savior, but it is turning your life towards God. Changing yourself to be more like Him, accepting His love and His grace, and forgiveness. You want to spread His word, read His word, spend time talking and listening to Him, and humbling yourself before Him.
To die to your flesh, to pick up your cross, and to sacrifice.
Sounds hard and scary.
Getting Saved Means Picking Up Our Cross And Sacrificing For Christ

It kind of is in the beginning, but all things are possible through God. But these worldly things you are giving up may be “fun” at the time, but God wanted us to get rid of these things for a reason. And don’t worry about not having fun, you can still have fun as a Christian, it’s just different.
But this worldly fun that is sin filled is hurting us and once we’re saved we have to let go of these things that please the flesh. They leave us void, further from God. God isn’t unfair, in fact, He is just.
Now, you should get saved because you want God to be in your life, to lead your life, to be your rock.
Not because you’re scared of God sending you to hell.
God created hell for the fallen angels, He doesn’t send people to hell. People choose to go to Hell.
We can’t get close to God if we have one foot out the door. I heard a story once, and my husband loves to explain it this way.
Indecision Is Still A Decision- Getting Saved Is A Choice and So Is Hell

There is a fence with 3 men sitting on it. God is on one side and Satan is on the other. God tells the men, “Come to me, I’ll save you in this life and give you eternal life.” The first man went with God.
Satan spoke out and said, “Come to me, I’ll give you a fun life full of riches, sex, and money.”
The second man went with Satan and was deceived.
The third man looks at both of them and says; “I don’t want to go with either, I’ll stay here.”
Satan started laughing and the man questioned him and he told the man, “The fence is on my side.”
Living in sin leads to death, sometimes physically, most times emotionally, all times spiritually. Being complacent and not making a decision is also making a decision.
Getting Saved: These Bodies Are Vessels, The Spirit Is Eternal
We need to take God’s hand. Our bodies are nothing more than vessels for our spirit. We are not robots and have free will, which is what makes this relationship so special.
A relationship based on faith, based on sacrifice, persecution is special.
The world is not a moral and good place. Satan runs around to kill, deceive, and destroy and people embrace it. What is wrong is good, and what is good is wrong. Christians are persecuted, and have embraced false and twisted doctrine.
To truly accept God, to accept Jesus as your savior means you will no longer fit in. People will mock you, be cruel, and turn their backs on you. They will call you names, hurt you, and one day it may cost you your life. But You will be giving up things of the flesh, getting rid of that doubt, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, etc.
You will have a beautiful freedom, and joy even during the hardest times that no one can take from you.
Being Saved And A Follower Of God Is A Lot Of Hard Work

It’s beautiful honestly, the freedom that comes with accepting God into your life.
I won’t sugar coat it, like every relationship it takes work. But understand this, even when things get hard, you will find joy in the Lord. All the moments of happiness, joy, contentment, all the beautiful and wonderful things in life are a small taste of heaven.
Pushing the mansions, golden rolls, pearl gates aside, Heaven is those small moments, but magnified and all the time. We won’t remember the bad things or feel them anymore. We will never be tired, sad, or hurt.
Hell, fire and brimstone aside, is the absence of God. A place where He isn’t. Think of the pain you have felt in life, the depression, anxiety, loathing, hatred, hurt, a void that can’t be filled, a longing for something better. That’s eternity.
Being saved is a choice. Hedonism and nihilism may seem great now, but look at the world. It’s bleak, falling apart, evil thrives everywhere. People hate one another, are consumed with pleasure and themselves, and families are failing. The world is sick.
God Is The Truth, The Way, The Light

God is holy and just, as are His rules. All of them are for your sake, your betterment, for your benefit. His love is never ending, nor is His mercy. He loves you so much, that He gave His only Son to die, so that your sins could be forgiven and that you can receive everlasting life. (John 3:16)
The Lord is a good Lord, a Lord of love, a chain breaker, miracle worker, great healer, and so much more. He can change your life in ways you can’t even imagine, if you are willing to accept His love, and accept Him, and the sacrifice His Son made.
I didn’t tell you the previous stuff to scare you away, but it would have been a disservice not to tell you these things. I wish someone would have told me them.
A Prayer Of Salvation
But if you’re ready to make that walk, take that leap into Love, Faith, and be Saved then say this prayer:
I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. I know You sent Him to die for my sins, the ultimate sacrifice. I believe in the miracles He did and the salvation He brings. I not only accept Jesus in my heart, but accept His sacrifice. I accept your love, O’ Lord, and I give my life to You. I live for You and ask that You forgive me of my sins. I repent of all my sins past and present and ask You make me new in You.
Take away all doubt and unbelief, help me overcome my flesh, flee from temptation, and build a stronger relationship with you. Make me strong in You. I choose You, O’ Lord and I live for You and accept Your grace. You are my God.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.