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Is Oregano Oil Really A Natural Antibiotic?

Is Oregano oil a natural antibiotic? Let’s explore what oregano oil is, how to make it, how it works, and the benefits and side effects of it. It is something that’s been on my radar for a while and I’ve only had minimal experience with it. So we can learn together!

Disclaimer Let me preface this by saying I’m not a doctor and this is in no way medical advice, rather things that I have learned and have done in my life. All medical advice should be from a doctor and be sure to ask your doctor before trying anything may it be: natural remedies, exercise, supplements, etc.

What Is Oregano Oil?

You can make Oregano oil from the Oregano plant. The plant is also known as Origanum Vulgare. Oregano oil tends to have a higher concentration of the helpful compounds found in the plant.

If you are not familiar with the Oregano plant, it is a small bushy plant that is most people dry and use for cooking. Italian food often uses oregano in it. The Oregano belongs to the mint family.

Related: Check out these old home remedies that actually work for minor ailments and injuries.

What Are The Helpful Compounds Found In Oregano Oil?

The helpful compounds that are naturally found in the Oregano plant are:

But what do they do?

Carvacrol is the made ingredient in Oregano oil and is a type of antioxidant. This particular antioxidant is known as a phenol. A phenol reacts with free radicals that are found in the body.

Thymol helps protect against fungus and toxins. And while Oregano contains some Thymal, Thymal is mostly found in the herb Thyme. Which makes sense given it’s name.

Is Oregano Oil A Natural Antibiotic?

Turns out yes. Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic as well as a natural antifungal. I think we could have guessed it was a natural antifungal based on the Thymal.

But it turns out there have been a number of studies showing how powerful an antibiotic Oregano oil is. In fact, did you know Oregano oil is effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria?

Another study shows that out of a number of oils, Oregano oil was best as preventing bacterial growth. Which makes it an effective wound treatment for MRSA.

So yeah, I’mma say it’s quite the antibiotic.

Is Oregano Oil A Natural Antibiotic? Yes, But It Is Also More!

I said it was a good natural antibiotic and natural antifungal, but it is also a lot more! Turns out it is also an:

Did you know Oregano is also a good source of iron and vitamin K?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Oregano Oil?

There are so many benefits of Oregano oil.

We answered whether oregano oil is a natural antibiotic, but as it turns out there are even more benefits!

1. Natural Antibiotic

Carvacrol fights bacteria! Which is why Oregano oil is great at fighting staph. Mice were infected with Staphylococcus aureus and those that were give Oregano oil as an antibiotic had a 43% survival rate whereas those who were given allopathic medicine had a 50% survival rate. That’s pretty close!

2. Strong Antioxidant

We need antioxidants because antioxidants help fight the free radicals in our body which causes cancer, heart disease, and makes us age faster. That’s when they build up in the body. But again, a study showed that Oregano Oil has high levels of antioxidants. In fact it has 42x the antioxidant level that apples have. Crazy, right?

3. Antifungal

Often get yeast infections or thrush? Candida can be a problem if it overgrows in the stomach. But in test tube studies researches found that Oregano oil is effective against 5 different strands of the Candida yeast!

4. Digestive Health

Do you have a lot of bloating, diarrhea, pain due to a parasite? Oregano oil can help! A study had 14 people taking Oregano oil to treat gut symptoms caused by a parasite. They were treated for 6 weeks and not only had a reduction of parasites in their guts, but 77% were cured!

5. Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol is something I need to make a post about because it is super controversial. But Oregano oil is said to help lower cholesterol. In a study done on 48 people with high oregano they found that after 3 months of regular Oregano oil use they had lower LDL and higher HDL.

6. Improves Acne

Because Oregano oil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial it can help reduce acne. Oregano oil may be more safe in treating acne than oral antibiotics.

7. Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is very bad for the body and can wreck havoc in the body if you have long term inflammation. But good news! Research shows that Oregano oil reduces inflammation. Again, another study done on mice shows that Oregano oil and Thyme oil lowered inflammatory markers in those mice that had colitis (artificially induced).

8. Help Relieve Pain

This one I’m particularly interested in considering my husband is often in pain from old military injuries. But a study does show that mice given Oregano oil had significantly reduced pain similar to the effects of allopathic pain killers like fenoprofen and morphine.

9. Help With Weight Loss

So, a study using mice showed that Oregano oil could help with weight loss. The carvacrol in Oregano may be key. Mice were fed a normal diet or a high fat diet or a high fat diet along with carvacrol.

Those that were fed the high fat diet with carvacrol gained less body fat than those only on a high fat diet. Plus, carvacrol can help prevent fat cells from forming as well.

10. Cancer Fighting Properties

There are some studies that show that carvacrol may help with fighting cancer. In test tube studies using cancer cells, it showed promising results against:

It showed that it stopped cancer cell growth and killed cancer cells. However, this study has not been done on people yet.

Side Effects Of Oregano Oil

Like most natural remedies there are side effects as well.

While we know the answer to “Is Oregano oil a natural antibiotic” and we know all the good stuff about it, it’s time to learn about the side effects.


Yeah.. turns out it is a great antimicrobial agent…but it can be toxic. In large doses it can kill you. Only take the recommended dose and only for a short period. It is recommended to only use it up to 10 days at a time or several weeks in low doses. But always talk to your doctor or an herbalist beforehand.

2. Skin Irritation

While Oregano oil is great for infections it can irritate skin as well if you have sensitive skin. However, Oregano oil must be diluted if you’re going to use it on your skin.

3. Pregnancy

There’s not been enough research done and the research that has been done is inconclusive. So if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding avoid it as it can be harmful to your baby and cause miscarriages.

4. Allergic Reactions

Like most things people can have allergic reactions to Oregano oil. Signs of an allergic reaction are: hives, rashes, and in some cases difficulty breathing.

5. Gastrointestinal Upset

Taking too much can make your insides feel not so good. It can irritate your internal organs and cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Oregano Oil Medication Interactions

Oregano oil will interact with certain medications so be careful.

1. Antidiabetes Drugs

Oregano oil can lower your blood sugar. So taking Oregano oil on top of your diabetic medicine can cause your blood sugar to get too low which is a big problem.

2. Anticoagulant/Antiplatelet Drugs

If you take Oregano oil with anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs it can slow blood clotting. This means you’re at a higher risk of bleeding and bruising.

3. Diuretics

Do not take Oregano oil if you’re on diuretics. It has a chance of worsening the effects of the diuretic considering Oregano is a natural diuretic.

4. Lithium

If you take lithium or similar drugs avoid Oregano oil as it seems to affect the bodies ability to process it leading to too much in the body leading to serious issues.

Oregano Oil And Herbal and Mineral Interactions

Oregano oil can interact with other herbs as well.

Herbs, vitamins, and minerals are medicine, they’re just in their natural form. So it makes sense that Oregano oil can interact with them.

1. Copper

Your body does need copper to stay healthy. It does things like making energy, and helps connective tissue, blood vessels, your nervous system, and immune system. Oregano oil can decrease the absorption of copper in the body.

2. Iron

Like copper, Oregano oil can decrease the absorption of Iron in the body which can lead to anemia.

3. Zinc

Just like the above two, Oregano oil can decrease the absorption of Zinc in the body which is needed to stay healthy.

4. Any Herbs For Blood Sugar

If you’re using any herbs to help keep your blood sugar in check be wary when using Oregano oil as it can make your blood sugar drop too much. Some of these herbs are:

5. Any Herbs That Slow Blood Clots From Forming

Taking any blood thinning supplements alongside with Oregano oil can lead to increase bleeding and slow clotting. Some of these herbs are:

Is Oregano Oil A Natural Antibiotic? Yes, But How Do We Use It?

There are a few different ways to use Oregano oil. One way is to add some of the drops to a glass of water with a straw so it doesn’t burn your mouth.

Other ways is to dilute it and use it on the skin.

Most places also have oil of Oregano in pill form. That way it won’t burn your mouth.

Oregano Oil Is Apparently A Pretty Potent Natural Antibiotic

I have some Oregano oil, but never had a chance to use a lot of it. I used it somewhat when I had an ear infection, but wasn’t sure if it helped or not though I’ve seen others swear by it. Either way, based on the studies I think I’ll be keeping some of this around to have on hand to deal with ailments, skin conditions, and fungal infections should they arise.

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Have your tried out Oregano Oil? What are your experiences with it?

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