Getting healthy should be one of your biggest priorities. Your health needs to come to the front of the line. If it isn’t, then you may need to reevaluate a few things.
We are coming to a time in our lives where our little bubbles are about to burst and we need to be able to stay healthy.

Let me preface this by saying I’m not a doctor and this is in no way medical advice, rather things that I have learned and have done in my life. All medical advice should be from a doctor and be sure to ask your doctor before trying anything, may it be: natural remedies, exercise, supplements, etc.
Getting Healthy
Allopathy medicine should not be the first line of defense in our lives, rather, it should be second. Diet, exercises, and supplements should be the first line in our journey to get healthier.
I don’t believe in a lot of what is spouted as the hard in stone science when it comes to our health.
It’s not that I don’t believe in science, I actually love science, but I think we’ve strayed away from the way we were meant to live. And that comes to the way we eat and exercise and when it comes to medicine.
Society has also made excuses and changed what “healthy” is. They’ve sugar-coated the definition to make everyone feel good and not feel the need to change.
Is Being Obese Healthy?

Before you come at me, I’m not judging. I’m actually overweight right now and working hard to get my health under control. So this isn’t me being a hypocrite, but rather, working on getting the mote out of my eye while sharing love and kindess.
Remember, love isn’t always nice, which is what you want to hear, but it is kind, words you need to hear.
The short answer is no. Being obese is not healthy, though there are exceptions.
Being obese makes it more likely to deal with diseases, illnesses, and injuries more so than those who are healthy.
Does Being Skinny Mean You’re Healthy?

Just because you may be thin doesn’t mean you’re healthy either. I know many thin people who live on chicken nuggets and pizza.
I mean…who wouldn’t want to if you could get away with it.
But that doesn’t mean they’re in good shape. They don’t have endurance, strength, or the flexibility needed to be considered healthy.
And a number of them still have health problems like high blood pressure.
Some people even over train. Believe it or not that is also a common thing and that too is unhealthy.
There has to be a happy medium.
Why Should Getting Healthy Matter Now?
I don’t fearmonger and I don’t fear the future. I want to get that out of the way. God never wants us to fear anything in the future, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be prepared.
That being said, y’all our bubble is gonna burst. Whether this year or a few years down the road, we’re coming to a culmination I believe. And if we don’t, well then, at least you’re in good shape!
We have lived such comfortable lives with very little hardship (yes, we struggle and deal with trauma and poverty), but compared to other parts of the world and history…we have it fairly good and have for many years.
Which isn’t bad. But with war, rumors of war, “pandemics”, civil unrest, supply chain disruptions, etc…
Our easy way of life is slowly fading and you can either accept it now and prepare your home and yourself, i.e getting healthy, or you can wait until it is to late and when things get bad, that can make things a lot harder.
1. Preventive Health

This is where we get into preventive health. Getting healthy starts here. Now, modern preventive health is often defined as going to the doctors for check ups, which is important.
However, when I say preventive health, I mean the steps to get into good health and have a healthy lifestyle.
Getting healthier to avoid diseases like:
- Heart Attack
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Blood Clots
- Cancer
- Depression
- Autoimmune Disease
And to also get off of current medication. Did you know you can control a lot of disease through diet and exercises? Even long-term illnesses can go into remission or be omitted completely.
Getting off of medication and avoiding disease is great, but living a healthier lifestyle also means:
- More energy
- Better mental health
- Stronger immune system
- Improved Sleep
- More energy
- Better endurance
- Makes sex better
- Boosts confidence
- Breaks food addictions and gluttony
Taking Steps Towards A Healthy Lifestyle
Getting healthier is hard, I won’t lie. Those baby steps sometimes feel like the hardest part of your fitness journey.
And unfortunately there is no quick and easy way to suddenly get in shape, but with a positive attitude and simple steps, you’ll be surprised at how easy this can be.
2. Changing Your Diet To Get Healthier

Our diets are one of the biggest factors when it comes to our weight. We eat terrible. All this refined flour, refined sugar, low fat, man made fat (vegetable oil, canola oil, soy oil), and corn syrup, and soy, are huge factors in making us sick.
It doesn’t help that a lot of foods we eat don’t even have all the nutrients they need because the soil it grows in is so depleted of said nutrients.
We also eat out too frequently and eat way too much. Half of my generation, and the generation before me, and even the newer generation don’t know how to cook. Like really cook.
We need fruits and vegetables first and foremost, protein, and fat. Fat isn’t the enemy and doesn’t make you fat.
How Do We Eat Healthier?
Well, I fast quite a bit during the day. No, I’m not starving myself, but I’ve never been one to eat a lot and the fact that I force myself to eat when I’m not hungry, because “I’m supposed to eat” never set well with me.
I do eat, just later in the day. And when I do break my fast I enjoy a couple soft boiled eggs, honey dew melon, almond milk yogurt, berries, and fresh veggies like spinach, carrots, and celery.
My husband eats breakfast and it will be something like a sweet potato hash with spinach, mushrooms, onions in the morning with a soft boiled egg and half an avocado. Or he likes cinnamon oatmeal with Greek yogurt and a diced apple.
We don’t really do lunch.
Dinner really depends. Sometimes we do salmon and avocado salsa, salmon wraps, chicken stir fry, roast, lentil potato dahl, beans, etc.
We eat all sorts of things.
But we portion it and for sides we eat two vegetables and rarely eat carbs with dinner anymore. And while we will eat a sweet once in a while, our “sweets” have become stuff like:
- Honey cinnamon baked pears
- cinnamon stewed apples
- Berries and homemade honey heavy cream (for my husband, no dairy for me.)
Having a cookie once in a while won’t kill you, but the amount of bad stuff we eat needs to take a backseat. It is called a treat for a reason. The sweet recipes I post are really only made a few times a year.
And during hard times, I firmly believe a treat can make a crumbling world feel a little better. But it isn’t something we need to have every day.
Healthy doesn’t have to be starving yourself, bland grossness, or meal replacements. It’s real food that isn’t processed and boxed with ingredients we understand.
That alone will bring down high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar problems, weight etc.
3. Exercise Is Key To Being Healthy

This one is a big one. Calories in vs calories out is accurate especially since we eat and eat and don’t move a lot.
But I don’t believe in counting calories. It causes me to obsess and punish myself when I can’t keep up.
We need to be more active during the day. That includes exercise, which I dislike immensely. Very few people I know actually enjoy it.
We are meant to be strong over because this 9 to 5 sitting is unnatural, we were made to move and work.
But the bottom line is just exercise. The benefits of exercise are great:
- Improved strength
- Better endurance
- Better flexibility
- Improved balance
- Manage and prevent diseases
- Reduce stress
- Reduce anxiety
- Control blood pressure
- Improves cognitive function
- Better mood
- More energy
- Improved sleep
Those are just to name a few! And you don’t even have to spend a ton of money.
Exercise Doesn’t Have To Be Complex
Walking outside, picking up rocks out of the yard, swinging hammers, gardening, swimming, running, jumping, dancing, riding, cleaning are all great ways to get some exercise. Just moving in natural ways is more enjoyable and it gets you outside to soak up vitamin d and gets all of you strong.
Now, if you love the treadmill and lifting weights, more power to you, and it’s great if you don’t have a chance to do any of the other stuff.
Recently I’ve become a firm believer in natural movement though.
Not your cup of tea?
That’s alright, I have a small list of free workout programs that you can check out here. Any moderate to heavy exercise will do!
And you can always chart your progress. Paying attention to your inches lost will keep your motivated.
4. Supplements Have A Purpose In Our Health

I’m not talking about weight loss pills or any of the sketchiness like that. I’m talking about things that help us be healthier.
Dandelion tea if our hormones are out of whack. Ginger when our stomachs hurt. Elderberry during cold and flu season. Mushrooms to get rid of excess fake estrogen in our bodies, especially for men. Sarsaparilla root for psoriasis. Marshmallow root for stomach issues and the runs. Things like that.
Things that actually benefit and help us be healthy.
This can help us get some of our health problems under control and prevent other problems from arising.
5. Reduce Stress In Your Life To Get Healthy

Reducing stress is one of the hardest things I find. For me, I have to be really focused on God to ensure I have joy in my life. If I don’t, I’m a huge tense ball of anxiety.
I can’t really tell you how to reduce stress, but I am telling you, you need to.
I would suggest these things, because they work for me:
- Reading your bible
- Praying
- Enjoying other books
- Bubble baths
- Massages
- Painting
- Spending time with friends/family
- Hiking
- Go to the beach
- Stargaze
Finding something that isn’t work that brings you joy will help reduce stress. But finding joy is always the hardest part. We find joy in God. The Bible tells us life will be hard, but joy and hope during the bad will keep us moving and positive.
Plus, make sure you have a strong support group. I’m not talking like a Facebook group, though that could be a thing too I suppose. But having a group pouring love into you and support you as you deal with the world is kind of what discipleship is.
If you have no one else pouring into you, how can you pour into others? God can refill your well, but sometimes you need to be provided a bucket to get the water.
Take Care Of Yourself

I’m not trying to shame anyone, I’m on my own weight loss journey because I’ve been very sick these last few years and because I’ve been sick I’ve gained weight, and it is a vicious cycle that I’m ready to break.
And seeing this chaos ensue in not only my own country, but around the world, I don’t want to suffer anymore than I need to be if things were to get worse and I want others to follow suit. We’ve lived easy, soft, over indulgent lives, and I feel like things are going to change.
So, it’s time to start taking care of us now, so we aren’t in a bind later. Plus, we should be taking care of ourselves anyway. We take care of everyone else, and no one else is gonna take care of our health for us. We deserve to take time to take care of ourselves too.
If you don’t, you’ll find you’re tired and empty and no good to others. So, take care of yourself!