Do you have any uncommon medications? We all have a medicine cabinet, and by cabinet I mean just a group of medicines that we keep on hand may it be in a cabinet or stashed somewhere like a counter, pantry, wherever. Most of us have a lot of the same over the counter medicines. But there are some other less common medicines, salves, tinctures, oils, and teas to keep on hand!

Common and Uncommon Medications
For a long time I never bought any types of medicines until we needed them. Which always saved money, but was inconvenient when one of us got sick…or both… and we needed medicine now and didn’t want to go out because we didn’t want to get others sick. So, eventually I did the grown up thing and started keeping a stocked medicine cabinet. Even more so when shortages became a thing.
Some of the basics on hand are:
- Ibuprofen
- Zyrtec
- Benadryl
- Sinus Infection Medicine
- Cough Drops
- Hydrocortisone
- Calamine Lotion
- Mucinex
But there are other medicines and remedies I like to keep on hand and use on a more regular basis. Not all of them, but a number of them. I don’t want to say they’re uncommon, but they’re definitely overlooked.
Uncommon Medications I Always Keep In My Medicine Cabinet
The list is a little long, but these are things I keep on hand and in my medicine cabinet. Most of them we use on a regular basis, and some of them I keep on hand just in case. But they all serve a purpose. And perhaps some of these may be useful for you.
Uncommon Medications: Creams and Salves

1. Aquaphor
You may recognize Aquaphor if you have ever gotten a tattoo. It’s a petroleum based ointment that aids in healing and keeps skin very moisturized. I only recently started keeping this on hand after a doctor suggested I use it for my psoriasis as I may or may not have over scratched and ended up with an infection. It’s really pretty great though for minor scrapes, burns, and dry skin.
2. J.R. Watkins Petro-Carbo Salve
This is a must! My grandmother uses it, my mother uses it, and now I use it. It’s that good. My husband had never used it before, but once I introduced it to him he loved it. It’s a petroleum based salve with pine oil and a couple other ingredients. It’s considered a sucking salve and is great if you have zits or a splinter. Plus, it is great for minor injuries, burns, and even infections. I’m not kidding. I had a booboo on my finger that ended up pus-filled and a few applications a day for about 2 days and the painful infection on my finger was gone.
3. J.R. Watkins Menthol Camphor Ointment
This menthol camphor ointment is very similar to Vick’s Vapor rub…but stronger. It’s a cough suppressant and helps with chest colds. It is a great petroleum based remedy when you’re all stuffy and coughy. It’s strong, tingly, and amazing. Now, it isn’t a cure for when you’re sick, but it definitely aids and comforts when you’re not feeling well.
4. J.R. Watkins Muscle Pain Relief Roll On
Can you tell I love the J.R. Watkins brand? They’re amazing and I will probably never stop using them. This muscle pain relief roll on isn’t just for muscles. It also is great for joints and tendons as well. I use this on the regular to help relieve pain from my tennis elbow and I put it on my husband’s shoulder to help ease the pain of injuries he sustained in war. It has a cooling feel to it and is a little gummy when it dries, but the relief is almost immediate.
5. Vick’s Vapor Rub
This is a mild petroleum based item that people have used for years to help with coughs, stuffy noses, and dry feet. Yes, I said dry feet. When you’re heels are dry and flaky this stuff works wonders. We keep it on hand to help with allergies. Sometimes allergies hit us hard and we can’t breathe at night, and this helps. We tend to save the J.R. Watkin chest rub when we are actually sick.
6. Lidocaine Patches
I keep these around for my husband. Mainly when he is deployed at work. His joints and back are not what they used to be and standing for 12+ hours or driving around for 12+ hours can really do a number on him. These help him during the day and at least take the edge off. Which is important. Pain can really do a number on your body and mental health.
7. Tiger Balm
Tiger Balm has been a huge blessing. My husband has a very bad back from jumping out of airplanes and going to war. And there are days where he is in a ton pain. He works for the government so needless to say he cannot be on anything strong and you can only take so much ibuprofen before your kidneys get angry. And this doesn’t fix everything, but it at least takes the edge off better than most products. And I also appreciate it when my sciatica is acting up. Plus, it smells good…kind of like flat Coca Cola…
8. Tea Tree Oil
My mother always kept this around. She would mix some in our shampoo so we wouldn’t get lice and it was one of the ways she got rid of lice when we did get it. But it is also good for fungal infections as well. It can also help treat acne and bug bites as well. I won’t lie though, it’s very strong and pungent smelling. So be aware of that.
9. Aloe Vera
I keep a number of forms of Aloe Vera. I have an Aloe Vera plant, I have it in liquid form for my stomach, and I have it in gel form for burns, razor burn, etc.
10. Anti-Fungal Cream
We’ve never really needed this yet. But I do keep it on hand. When you’re in the sun, sweaty, or playing in water, you can get rashes. Rashes love moistness, so keeping an anti-fungal cream on hand can help if you need it.
Uncommon Medications: Teas and Chews

11. Ginger Tea
Ginger is great for a number of things. We’ve talked about it before, but my husband and I both have stomach issues so having ginger around is a must. And ginger tea is perfect for that. Stomach problems after a meal? Enjoy a cup of ginger tea! Feeling nauseated? Ginger tea!
12. Ginger Chews
More ginger?? Yes. More ginger. Did I mention my husband and I both suffer from stomach problems? Sometimes you don’t have time for a cup of tea and ginger teas are a quick options when time is short. Plus, you can take them on the go much easier than you can tea. The brand Gin-Gin is my favorite. They aren’t overly sweet like some brands.
13. Turmeric Tea
I keep Turmeric tea around for inflammation purposes. My husband, again, has many issues from going to war and I have my own issues. So those days where one or both of use are dealing with a particular amount of pain, I start busting out a couple cups of turmeric tea. This one is mixed with ginger too so it’s definitely a warming tea.
14. Senna Tea
I use the brand Traditional Medicinals Senna tea also known as “Smooth Move.” Have you figured out what it is for now? The allopathic laxatives can be harsh, and stool softeners aren’t always enough, so when you need a little help going potty this natural laxative helps ease you into without the harsh chemicals. It can take 1-3 days to work, but you’ll feel better. People with IBS who don’t go for days to a week, you know what I’m talking about.
15. Propel Packets
I really need to get some liquid IV to keep on hand, but I rarely ever think of it. But I do keep these on hand. It is one thing to get hot and sweaty for one day, but my husband is out in the sun every day, or in the woods, or being deployed to where ever they need him in Texas and so he can spend a little too much time in the sun. Gotta replace those electrolytes.
16. Dried Rosemary
This may seem like another odd thing to have on hand at all times, but it really isn’t. Dried Rosemary is great for making teas. And why is it important to have rosemary tea? Well, because it helps fight nasal, sinus, and chest congestion! Anytime we are sick with something upper respiratory, besides sick soup, this is what we drink.
17. Elderberry
Elderberry is to keep on hand. I have it in chewable form, but it comes in tablet and syrup form as well. I generally start taking elderberry when I start feeling a little under the weather or if I’m forced to be around people who have been sick. Ain’t no body got time to be sick!
18. Chamomile Tea
My chamomile tea is mixed with rose and is super flavorful, floral, and I like it. It’s another great tea when you need to slow down and relax a bit. It helps ease stress a bit and is great right before bed.
Uncommon Medications For Motion Sickness
19. Motion Sick Bands
I actually got these years ago when I was dealing with months and months of C.Diff. I’m not sure if it was the disease or the medication, but I was dizzy and nauseated. And these actually helped. I still use them when I have periods of dizziness or when we are going on a car trip so I don’t get car sick.
20. Dramamine
Sometimes you need the big guns! Motion sick bands work well when you’re on other medication or for smaller situations like driving through the hills. But if you’re going to go on rides, a boat, or drive through the mountains, I at least need something stronger or else I’m going to have a mess on hand.

Uncommon Medication For Cholesterol
21. Garlic Extract Tablets
Garlic is a great antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial herb. Plus it helps lower your cholesterol. So, this is another great homeopathic thing to have on hand. This is definitely an uncommon medications, when we think of garlic we generally think of seasoning.
22. Red Yeast Rice
We have this for my husband’s sake. The doctor didn’t like his cholesterol and my husband, understandably, didn’t want to be on statins all the rest of his life. This is essentially a natural statin, but has less side effects.
23. Fish Oil
Again, this is for my husband’s cholesterol. His triglycerides are a bit high and this supposedly helps lower it. It was suggested by a doctor, and his mother and brother both were prescribed high doses of it for their high triglycerides.
Misc Uncommon Medications
24. Salt
Salt in the medicine cabinet?! I know, I know, it’s not common, but hear me out. You can use salt to make saline which is great for cleaning minor wounds. It’s also great for gargling when you feel a sore throat, something nasal, or ear related as well as it kills the germs back there.
25. Mary Ruth’s Organic Women’s Wellness Herbal Liquid Drops
This product is just for me, obviously. But as a woman who deals with a lot of female problems. From PMS to the extremes during the menstrual cycle, these drops have made a huge difference. They help with the pain, emotions, and even help if you suffer from ridiculously long periods. These drops helped me at least.
26. Natural Calm
Natural Calm is a magnesium drink. It doesn’t taste great, but it’s fizzy, tart, and you can mix it into water. It’s great if you have a lot of anxiety, stress, or if you can’t poo. It’s great for a number things. Personally, I can’t drink it throughout the day like it says you can. It puts me to sleep. Which is helpful when I can’t sleep. Stress makes it too hard for me to sleep or stay asleep, so this is something I gotta keep on hand.
27. Cranberry Tablets
I don’t think we’ve ever actually used them, but I keep them on hand for UTI and bladder issues. It’s not a cure all, but it can help. However, we’ve never needed them, but I keep them around just in case.
More Home Remedies From Homemaking For God
- Is Red Yeast Rice Really Good For High Cholesterol?
- The Wonderful Health Benefits of Clove
- The Amazing Health Benefits and Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea
- The Very Best Books On Natural Healing and Herbal Remedies
- The Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic
- The Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger
- How To Deal With Ear Infections
- Is Oregano Oil Really A Natural Antibiotic?
- You Should Spend Time In The Sun!
What uncommon medications do you keep on hand?