Looking for the best books on natural healing and the best books on herbal medicine? Today, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite books that have to do with medicinal herbs, eating well, and herbal medicine, along with some of my favorite general health books.
Understanding your body and how what we put in it can harm or help our body is important. And I think these books on natural healing and books on herbal medicine can definitely help you with just that!

Home Remedies and Natural Healing
I grew up with home remedies. We grew up poor, so going to the doctor wasn’t always an option. I learned the basics of home remedies from my parents and grandparents, but it wasn’t until I became an adult that I really delved deeper.
Especially after I got sick and needed to take a step back from antibiotics and the such. I’m not saying doctors and allopathy medicine doesn’t have a purpose, it does. However, I like taking a natural approach when I can.
So, over the years I began to do research and watch others who are strong in their knowledge of healing with food, supplements, natural remedies, herbs. And many of them had great suggestions on which natural healing books and which herbal medicine books were a must have.
And I’ve picked up a couple here and there on my own.
My Favorite Books On Natural Healing and Home Remedies
Now, there are NO affiliate links. These are just books on my shelves and I want to share them with you because I think understanding natural healing and alternative medicine is important and quite frankly not all herbal medicine works. It is important to learn and understand which ones do and how they can interact with your body and other medications and food.
So without further delay, here are my favorite natural healing books and herbal remedies book, along with general health books.
The Best Books On Natural Healing and Herbal Remedies

1. Herbal Antibiotics and Antivirals: Learn the Basics to Natural, Safe Plant Based Herbal Remedies for Fending Off Viral and Bacterial Infections By Prutha Desai
Herbal Antibiotics and Antivirals is a great book for beginners. Whether you’re interested or skeptical about synthetic drugs and modern healing this is for you.
In this book you learn about:
- How Your Immune System Functions
- Habits That Negatively Affect Your Immune System
- What Bacteria and Viruses Are
- A Guide On How Herbs Can Be Medicine
- Why You Should Be Weary About Allopathy Medicine
- Where To Find Antibacterial and Antiviral herbs
- How To Grow Your Own Herbs At Home
- How To Eat To Heal Your Immune System
Still not sure? Prutha Desai actually has a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and a Master of Science degree so it isn’t written by someone with no education. Not that you necessarily have to have a college degree, but I know some people are cautious and understandably so.

2. Native American Herbalist’s Bible: 4 in 1: The Best Companion to Herbal Remedies: From the Heart of Nature to Your Apothecary Table. Ancient Traditions and Practices for True Vitality and Well-Being By Cheyenne Allen
I actually came across this book on Tiktok. I follow a number of herbalists and natural remedy stores and this is always a book they suggest.
This book has a lot of “lost world” and forgotten Native American herbalism. But it is in the form of a modern guide. This information has generally been passed down by word of mouth, but now we have it in print.
So, what kinds of things will you learn in this book of natural healing? You will learn:
- Learn about 2000 years worth of herbal culture and Native American spiritual history.
- The history of Native American medicine.
- Information about 100 authentic Native American herbs.
- Identify herbs and plants and how to use them.
- Techniques you need to use those herbs.
- 120+ home remedies and recipes to heal everyday ailments.
- Instructions for tinctures, soap, capsules, etc…
- Recipes from herbs in your cupboard that have been tested.
- How to harvest plants and wildcrafting.
- Learning to grow herbs in small spaces like apartments.
- Learn to store and use every part of the plants.

3. The Country Almanac of Home Remedies: Time-Tested & Almost Forgotten Wisdom for Treating Hundreds of Common Ailments, Aches & Pains Quickly and Naturally by Brigitte Mars
Did you know natural remedies were an everyday part of life? Like not that long ago actually. I say that, it’s been decades. But our parents (older millennials and gen x and older), our grandparents, and theirs, and so on and so forth…all used home remedies.
Turns out, a lot of these home remedies were effective after all, despite the firm belief many have that allopathy medicine is the end all be all.
With this book you’ll learn how to treat 100 ailments naturally. Some of the things you’ll learn in this book of natural remedies is:
- Peppermint being used for stomachaches.
- Ginger being used as an antibiotic.
- Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey for congestion.
- Black and Green Teabags for sunburns.
And much more! Now, the book does talk about somethings that I don’t practice like acupuncture and yoga. But I really like the teaching of home remedies and herbs.
Plus, they teach you how to make tinctures and apply poultices and that’s always something good to learn.

4. Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and Use By Rosemary Gladstar
This is a wonderful book for beginners as the title says. It’ll teach the very basics of tinctures, teas, and more.
Rosemary Gladstar deep dives into 33 common plants used for healing and how to:
- Grow
- Harvest
- Prepare
- Make Tinctures
- Oils
- Creams
The best part is, this introductory guide shows you how to stock your medicine cabinet and at a low budget.

5. Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats By Sally Fallon
This is one of my favorite books. While it doesn’t necessarily talk about home remedies, rather, it focuses on natural healing through food.
It talks about how the body functions and disease as well as getting rid of the myths of low fat and how the modern diet makes us sick.
It goes in-depth about:
- The importance of animal fats.
- Why butter is good.
- How high-cholesterol diets aren’t as bad as you think.
- The lies about saturated fats.
- The benefits of rich sauces.
- Preparing grains and legumes the correct way.
- Enzymes and how fermented foods can help increase your health.
- Low fat and high fiber diets can cause mineral deficiencies.
- Along with many more like the dangers of vegetarianism, soy, etc.
This book encompasses a lot of beliefs I’ve had after much research and listening to many people. But even if you don’t agree with everything, it’s super interesting nonetheless. Especially the part about offal.
My Favorite Health Books
Understanding the human body is something not enough people are familiar with. High school only teaches the basics and unless you’re studying in college, most people know the very basics. So, knowing how your body works is important so you can better take care of your body.
Beyond just understanding your body, knowing how to examine the body is also important. Most people don’t even know how to take the basics like temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc.

6. Human Anatomy 3rd Edition
I believe this is a college book. But, it’s a great way to meet human anatomy. Plus, it’s explained in an engaging way, but in a way that is still educational and clear.
I really got this to help me better understand the body, but because it was suggested by The Patriot Nurse.

7. Physical Examination 6th Edition
This book is great to learn and even reinforce the essentials of examining and assessing in a clear and logical and holistic approach to physical exams.
It’s detailed, has illustrations, checklists, and more. It’s actually interesting and helpful if you’re knew to taking care of your family. Plus, these are basic skills everyone should have.
These Books On Natural Healing Are Great For Beginners
If you’re just getting into natural healing and wanting to take control of your health naturally then you won’t be regret any of these books.
Now, if you’re more advanced there are better books on natural healing and home remedies, but we all have to start somewhere.
My word of advice though, no matter what remedy you use, always make sure you’re using the correct amount and check the side effects.
Just because something says natural, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have side effects.
I’m not saying that to deter you, just a word of caution. But I seriously home some of these books on natural healing and home remedies really help.
But you’ll be surprised how foods like raw garlic and ginger can change your health.