We are all made in God’s image. Yet, God made men and women very different. Men are strong, they are a warrior, a provider, and a protector. Whereas a woman is the nurturer, beautiful, full of romance and desire.
Man craves a chance to prove himself and a woman, while has similar desires, wants to be part of that adventure.

We Are Made In God’s Image
Men are inspired by women. Her beauty and kindness, her nurturing ways are sought after by a man. And women desire to be fought for, to be desired b a man. Man wants to provide and protect and a woman wants to multiply and nurture
Grant it, this isn’t every single person, but overwhelmingly this is accurate.
Why do you think action and adventure is geared generally towards men and romance and love is geared towards women when it comes to movies, books, etc?
We are shaped in God’s image as Genesis 1:26-27 explains:
Then God said; “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
So, if men and women crave different things, then what does this say about God?
How Do We See God?

Well, first, let’s see how most of us view God. Most of us fear Him and see Him as our Father, our Savior, Provider, and Protector, our Creator. Well, we already see two aspects of man coming from God. But is that all God truly is?
The Lord is everything and God made man in His image, so this says God is fierce, strong, loyal, faithful, a Warrior, desires our love and respect. God chases after us and sometimes lets us deal with the consequences to make us come back to Him and revere Him. So, there we can see man in God.
But what about women?
A woman is delicate, gentle, beautiful, nurturing, we crave adventure, want to be desired, and romanced. Well, so does God. This is an aspect of God we often overlook completely. We focus so much on men and women being equal we focus on man’s qualities and ignore women’s.
Religions Perception Of God and Being Created In God’s Image
But those things don’t sound like the God we know, does it?
It does actually, however, religion often has made us see God black and white, instead of all the beautiful colors He is.
He too wants to be chased and desired more than anything, He is our nurturer, and the source of all beauty, He is kind as well, and wants to be part of our lives.
Religion talks about us being made in God’s image, but rarely does it expand on that. For most of my childhood and adult life I didn’t fully understand what it mean to me made in God’s image.
But what about romance?
We Need To Desire God

Just like how we long to see our spouse, and make great efforts to please them with words and works, God wants us to do the same for Him. He wants us to desire a relationship with Him, to be the apple of our eye, to make every effort to know Him and love Him as He does the same for us.
What happens when we scorn a man and tell him he isn’t enough and we don’t need him and disrespect him? He gets angry and withdraws. As does God. He lets us stew in our mistakes and deal with the consequences that sometimes hurt us.
God Hasn’t Changed
Remember, our God is a jealous and wrathful God as well. Religion has turned God into this soft needy God. For some reason, people look at the Old Testament and New Testament and don’t realize God didn’t change. God is unchanging.
Here is something else we don’t realize. God doesn’t need us. God wants us. There is a huge difference in need and want.
God blesses and romances us, not in the sense of the romance with our spouses, but the beautiful moments of love and wonderful memories and blessings come from God. He always makes a way for us if we believe and come to Him.
Give God Your All
God wants us to give Him our all, to talk to Him, day and night, to read the Bible so we can know Him. He wants us to long for Him more than anything else in this life and to want Him in all ways, to make Him our everything.
And when you start really desiring God, and chasing God with your heart and your soul, you will see a change in you and your life. Huge changes, you’ll still struggle, but you’ll find a love and hope that you’ve never experienced before, and it is amazing and awesome!
So start talking to Him, it may feel a little awkward at first. But the more you pray, the more you talk, sing, praise, chase, read, the more you will know Him and the more you will need Him!
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Sabbath day!