Welcome to the first installment to the Husband’s Corner of Homemaking for God. So…what does that look like? What must a man do to make his home Godly?

As For My House…
As for my house: we will serve The Lord.
A man must first and foremost have a relationship with God. No other foundation is sufficient for a home or family. The Lord must be your rock. Make no mistake. I speak of the God of Abraham, Yahweh, The Lion of Judah. There is no other God. Jesus is the way, truth, and life. Only through His Grace do you come before the Throne of God. If you have found yourself here, you already have some inkling that this is so.
My First Marriage
I have come to God through much pain and defeat. Too late to save my first marriage. In hindsight, I must attribute my failure to know God as the primary inadequacy. This fundamental lack was the root that sprouted all the numerous shortcomings in my approach to my first wife and our relationship.
Closeness to God espouses those spiritual fruits which are desired by many in the people they invite into their lives. These fruits are virtues that build your character and encourage your family to follow you. This is the role for which you were made. To lead your family, as God leads you.

Seek God
So pick up your bible and get close to God! Seek Him in His Word. How best to do this? Isolate yourself so you may give Him your undivided attention. Remember, He is a jealous God. When you go to Him, go as yourself. You have no secrets from The Lord, so there is no cause for pretense. Bare yourself to him in prayer. Beseech His wisdom before you search His Word. Ask what he would have you learn, so that you may find your place in His Plan. God’s Will be done, you have no doubt heard. Place your life in His hands and submit your plans to Him.
Pray Often

Pray to God often. Like any Father, he would hear from you. Certainly, He knows how your life is going and is intimately aware of how you are affected. This does not diminish a Father’s desire to hear your voice. To know you think of Him. He is the beginning and end. He is your creator, numbered the hairs on your head, and the color of your eyes even as He divided the light and dark. He chose you, and He wants to know that you choose Him. Talk to Him. Sing and dance. Tell him of the things that bring you joy, that you are grateful for. Take Him your grief: wail and tear your clothes. Throw yourself on His mercy and beg forgiveness for your sins.
Bring your family to God. Lead them in prayer. Show them how you face God. How you speak to Him.
Pretty simple, right? We’ll see. God protect you.
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Welcome To The Husband’s Corner
What do you think? Do you have any advice for men trying to run a Godly home?