Make time for your friends. We get busy, I get it…we spend time with God, our husbands, our kids, we cook, we clean, we volunteer.
And you can usually add a few more things to that list like errands, appointments, work, etc.

Making Time For Friends
We get so caught up in our own lives we often forget about our friends.
I once saw a meme that was talking about being mature enough to understand friends are busy. And I could appreciate that meme.
I don’t always have time for friends whether it’s to talk or see them.
But I know there are periods where I start getting run down. I’m running, running, loving everyone, giving my all to everyone. I start to get not really sad, but feel like I need something, but I’m not sure what it is.
I’ll usually pray about it and then a friend will call or will want to hang out. I’ll admit, there are times I’m hesitant or in a huff. I know it’s terrible, and if my friends are reading this, I’m sorry.
I love you dearly, but I tend to worry about keeping up with everything and worry breaks will set me behind. It’s no excuse and a terrible mindset, one I think many of us deal with.
Spending Time With My Girls

But once I start talking and laughing and smiling, I realize this is what I needed.
I needed to spend time with my girls.
There is some science behind it as our gal pals boost our serotonin and oxytocin levels. This is why hanging out with our friends is actually more important the older we get.
Hanging out with our friends helps us feel nurtured and validated without the stress of everything on our plates. We can be ourselves without having to be mom, honey, Mrs., we can just be us.
We can laugh, we can cry, vent, talk, celebrate, debate, whatever, and be ourselves with no judgement.
A lot of us forget we are our own person with needs because we focus on everyone else’s needs, but we are people too and still need to hang out with others and have time to just be us.