As a people we have become soft and wicked. We quite literally put evil on a pedestal, use evil as an excuse to do evil , and then try to justify our sins.
We rebel against God and all authority. While we may be adults in this world, but we are no better than petulant children.

Spoiled Rotten
What happens when you let a child do whatever they want? When you give them what they want when they want it? And do not make them deal with the consequences of their actions such as punishment? Then when the consequences fall upon them, you defend them and tell them they are the victim and its everyone else? What does this create?
It creates someone who acts like a monster and therefore cannot handle the consequences of their actions. They hurt others and they hurt themselves without a care in the world.
I know parents who have done this. And I know some who do it now, I also know and have seen adults, a LOT of adults, like this. To be fair, we can all act like this from time to time, none of us are perfect.
But, there has come a movement as of late, where people think they should be able to do what they want, when they want, with no consequences whatsoever. And when consequences come knocking, no matter how light or severe, they get angry and indignant.
Adam and Eve Tried To Skirt Consequences

Adam and Eve tried to skirt consequences as well.
Genesis 3:12-13 KJV
The man said, “The woman you put here with me–she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
Then the Lord God said to the woman, “what is this you have done?”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
Those lines in the Bible have great significance and most people don’t understand what happened there.
Adam blamed Eve for his disobedience and Eve blamed the serpent. While Eve did feed the fruit to Adam and the serpent did deceive the woman, but they had a choice and made it.
We blame others all the time. The difference is, many of us will eventually accept those consequences. We may accept them bitterly, but we accept them whether the consequences are from God, our justice system, or individuals like our parents, boss, teachers, etc.
Consequences Out Of Love

Consequences are usually done out of love. When from God and parents, they are done for the betterment of ourselves or those around us. Some are natural consequences as well. If I stick my hand in fire, I’m obviously going to get burned.
But this all goes hand in hand with sin though. Those who want to live life as they want do what they please regardless of others, rules, laws, and logic will not accept the consequences which leads us down a slippery road and eventually death.
There is no excuse if you’re older than the age of accountability. People often use the excuse that’s all they know, that is an excuse. Everyone at the end of the day has a choice.
Salvation Saves Us From The Consequences Of Sin
However, there is a way out. Despite what people say, what you are taught, what you see and what you hear, there is a way out of a life that is taking you down the road that leads to death. This way out will lead you away from all of those bad things that have been drowning you.
It’s God. God frees us from our shackles, tears down strongholds, and gives us a new life.
This doesn’t mean there will be no more consequences or problems in your life, but this will help you accept the consequences and grow, find joy in your hardships.
That is why salvation is so important to help change our lives. Getting saved is what helps us grow and mature in God and will help us do better in this life.