Cute and Cheap Valentine’s Day Gifts You Can Make On A Budget That Your Husband Will Love
Looking for some Valentine’s day gifts you can make for him? I know money is tight for many of us this year and so buying gifts may not be an option. However, there are so many cute Valentine’s day gifts you can make that he will love!

Homemade Gifts For Him
This is something I actually started doing a few years back after I had quit my job. Money was tight and so I decided why not make gifts? I was always hesitant because I thought homemade gifts would be weird or unappreciated? That and I’ve seen way too many corny homemade gifts (no offense to anyone) that my husband would accept, but not really give a second thought to.
Not that he would be ungrateful, but he’s a man’s man and he likes useful gifts, not cutesy little trinkets. So, I had to learn some skills, up my game, and get crafty to make some homemade gifts for him that he would really appreciate and use.
Mind you, these gifts are not free, but usually can be cheaply made. And by cheaply I mean budget-friendly and not a jab at quality.
So, without further ado, here is my list of ideas for gifts you can make for Valentine’s day.
Valentines Day Gifts You Can Make

1. Make Him A Paracord Bracelet As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
Hear me out! My husband loves paracord bracelets. He had one a friend made him to support Law Enforcement and then he got one with a Jump Wing charm on it. Not only are they a more masculine piece of jewelry, but paracord has so many uses and in a pinch, those bracelets can be used in an emergency. Paracord bracelets really not hard to make if you follow a tutorial and paracord is fairly cheap. Plus, if he has a watch he loves with a very old strap that’s falling apart, it’s a great way to make it wearable again too!
2. Sew Him A Piece Of Clothing As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
If you have a sewing machine or can hand sew, sew him a piece of clothing. There are plenty of free sewing patterns online and tutorials. It will take some time, but this is a great gift! This is a gift I did for my husband for Christmas one year. He is super into the medieval era and Renaissance Faires and so I hand sewed him a tabard. I did save up and pay to have it embroidered, because while I can do small embroidery, it was a MUCH bigger project than I had the time or skill for. But even if he isn’t into the same things as my husband you can make ties, wallets, shirts, etc.
3. Crochet Him A Gift As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
This is one of my favorite things. Crochet your husband a blanket, socks, slippers, a plushie, a hat, a scarf. There are so many cute things you can make him that are also useful. Again, this can be time consuming, and understand the bigger the gift like a blanket, the more expensive the gift will be. But again, there are so many great tutorials to use to learn to crochet. I used these tutorials. I didn’t make a crocheted gift for my husband, yet, but I did make my nephew a blanket when he was born.
4. Create Some Wall Art As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
Looking for more Valentine’s day gifts for him? Well, this one is a lot of fun to make and even more fun to give. My husband has kept a lot of the art I made for him and refuses to take it down. I made him a distressed canvas with a quote from Lord of the Rings written in Elvish and painted another scene from Lord of the Rings. So, make something he loves. Outdoorsman? Follow a Bob Ross tutorial and paint him a beautiful forest scene. It doesn’t have to be paintings either. Make him a collage, string art, shadow box. A lot of the crafting supplies can be found cheap at places like Dollar Tree and Walmart. My acrylic paints are cheap $1.00 paints.

5. Embroider A Handkerchief As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
Hear me out! I actually did this for the linen gift for our anniversary, and it was a bigger hit than I thought. I had never embroidered before and it wasn’t perfect, but it’s something he actually carried with him when he was deployed to various places in Texas or when he goes on a trip. There are so many cute ideas on Pinterest and great tutorials on Youtube to teach you how to embroider easily. I went the route of one of his favorite things: Lord of the Rings. I took a piece of linen and embroidered the Evenstar.
6. Cook Him Up His Favorite Sweet Treat As A Gift For Valentine’s Day
Sometimes something simple and sweet is a perfect is the perfect gift! My husband loves chocolate covered strawberries so for the longest time I would be him a bunch. Then I turned to making my own candy for him. Usually something with peanut butter and chocolate! Pinterest has so many great ideas when it comes to candy and sweet making. And it doesn’t have to be candies! You can make him Valentine’s bark, cakes, pies, Rice Krispy treats, cookies, etc.
7. Make Him A DIY Gift Basket For Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s baskets can be expensive and a lot of times they have stuff we don’t really want in them. So, make your own! This can be done cheaply as well and still be super nice! My neighbor made a beer gift basket once. Dollar Tree beer glasses, some tall boys, ice, and snacks. Was really cute. Don’t drink? That’s fine! I made my husband a car gift basket from the Dollar Tree. I added a sponge, some microfiber towels, window cleaning wipes, car smelly good, car wash, etc. I think it cost me about $20 in total and I had stuff for him to take care of his Mustang.
8. Make Him His Own Unique Chess Game For Valentine’s Day
Have a board with missing pieces or can you get one at a thrift store? Yes? Perfect! Make your husband his own chess board using nuts, bolts, and screws. It’s so amazing, simple, and actually a great gift. Not only is it cute, masculine, but useful. And men are all about useful gifts. And it gives you guys something to do and it’s cheap to make.
9. Take Some Sexy Photos For Your Husband This Valentine’s Day
Sexy photos?! Scandalous! Not really, but it’s a great gift for your husband. I won’t lie, I’ve taken some risqué photos for my husband and lo and behold, he loved them! Our husbands don’t get to see us be super alluring and mysterious often. It’s hard to be with kids, work, a messy home etc! So break out your lingerie, jewelry, button up shirts, ties, whatever you have around and start take photos! I don’t mean selfies. Most phones, cameras, and web cams have a timer, so move fast. You can print these photos at home with special paper and frame it or make him a special boudoir book.
I’m not going to link to any boudoir stuff because of many of the images, so I’ll leave it for you to look up. But I will say look into the following if you’re going this route. Look up:
- Boudoir Pose Ideas Based On Your Body Type
- Lingerie Based On Your Body Type
- How To Use Camera Timers On Your Phone, Camera, Webcam
- Take Time To Learn How To Edit Photos
- Best Lighting For Pictures
- How To Do Glam Make Up/Hair
- Learn To Make A Sexy Face
It sounds silly, but trust me, taking time to look up stuff really makes a difference.

10. Write Him A Love Letter For Valentine’s Day
A simple letter is sometimes the best thing. I’ve written my husband a letter for every holiday and just because and it’s one of his most favorite things. Print out or buy special stationary and write him a love letter. Tell him everything! Tell him:
- Why You Love Him
- What You Love About Him
- Let Him Know How Much Your Desire Him
- The Reasons Why You Desire Him
- The Best Things About Him
- Also, Tell Him How Proud You Are Of Him
- That You Respect Him
- What He Means To You
- Your Favorite Memory Of Him
- And What Your Hope For In The Future
Not comfortable writing all that? Then write him some poetry! There are so many wonderful things you can write, like all the things you never say.
Homemade DIY Gifts For Him For Valentine’s Day
I hope you love these ideas as much as I do. I’ve done most of them and these homemade gifts for him on Valentine’s day really makes gift giving on a budget easy. Even if you’re budgeting or low on cash you can always make a little something!