This free printable birthday calendar is perfect for any homemaker, or really anyone to keep up with family birthdays, friends birthdays, or it can be used by others like teachers to keep up with classroom birthdays.

Free Printable Birthday Calendar
This free printable birthday calendar is not only super simple to fill out, but it’s fun and festive. The happy birthday title is colorful and goes from blue, purple, to pink. It also has festive balloons on both sides of the title.
It also has all 12 months and each month has a different color with space underneath to fill in the birthdays.
Get Your Free Printable 12 Month Birthday Calendar PDF File Here:
How Do I Track My Family’s Birthday?
To use it is simple. I left spaces under each month so you can write the name and date under each month. There isn’t a ton of space, but there is enough to help you keep track of each birthday. I personally write them:
Jane S. 1/12
John S. 2/23
Just the name and last initial and then the month and date of their birthday. Though, I suppose writing the month is a tad redundant. But it just seems right.
You can also add their age next to it.
Jane S. 1/12 (34)
John S. 2/23 (94)
More Ways To Use Your Birthday Calendar
Don’t want to print it out every year? Save paper and waste and laminate them or use a plastic cover. You can use an erasable marker on it and wipe it down every month.
You can mix and match colors on your birthday calendar to make it more festive, or color coordinate. Either way, it is a great way to be able to use each sheet over and over again.

Remembering and Celebrating Birthdays With This Free Printable Birthday Calendar
People really like to feel special on their birthdays, and I feel terrible when I miss one and then have to tell them a late Happy Birthday. Especially since it’s my job to help my husband and I stay connected and close to our relationships. So, this free printable birthday monthly birthday calendar has been a big deal for me.
I intend on eventually making full calendar templates to use, to help me keep up with different dates and appointments, but until then, this free printable birthday calendar template will work!
I Am Always Ready With Birthday Gifts and Birthday Cakes Now
I don’t generally celebrate my birthday, but I know it is important for others to feel special on their birthday. The problem is, I don’t use social media, and I have a terrible memory. So I tend to forget birthdays.
And I don’t keep a real calendar and I don’t use the calendar on my phone, so I just needed something for my fridge. And thus this downloadable free printable birthday calendar was born!
Now I can make sure that everyone will have a great day and there won’t be any awkwardness when people mention their birthday or their kids birthday. And I can have a gift, flowers, cookies, or a birthday cake ready.
Either way, I hope this printable birthday calendar is as useful to you as it is too me.