Oh boy, sin is a hard topic because there is just so much to say about it. The problem is, most people don’t want to hear about it, including Christians. Most people don’t like to be told they’re doing wrong or need to change.
Most of us can parrot that sin is bad and leads to death, but have we ever stopped to think why it is bad?

The Wages of Sin Is Death
Because while sin may feel good or be the easy choice it will ultimately lead to our death. Didn’t you just say that though? Yes, I did. And while it is true sin can lead to our physical death, even worse, it can lead to our spiritual death which is much more dangerous.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
James 1:15
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Romans 5:12
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned-
Sinning Is Rebelling Against God
Sin is the rebellion against God. Sin began with Satan, once he was cast out of Heaven, (Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 10:18) his mission has been to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:20). He wants to devour you (1 Peter 5:8), and keep you away from God, and he does this through sin.
Living In Sin Seems Glamorous

Sin is made to look glamorous and normal. Killing, stealing, lying, pornography, promiscuity, drugs, abortion are just some of the ways that Satan leads us astray. He has found a way to normalize it in our society.
So many times you don’t even realize your are sinning. And if you’re not strong in God and haven’t accepted Him you won’t feel the rebuke of the Holy Spirit, but you’ll still have that void that these things cannot fill.
Some of this may ruffle some feathers, but I won’t sugar coat this. Christians want to talk about love, love, love, and say sweet words, but we need to talk about the seriousness of sins and what sin leads to.
God’s Love and God’s Wrath
Hanging on to sin and living in sin without repenting, without accepting Christ can lead you to hell. No, I’m not condemning you, but I’m telling you what can happen.
There is no nicer way to say it, and we’re not called to be nice, but to be kind. We talk about God’s love so much that often we forget to talk about God’s wrath.
God does love us (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:19, Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:8). However, without repenting and turning from our sins and accepting Christ as our Savior we cannot have everlasting life. (Romans 10:9, 1 John 1:9, Matthew 4:17)
Jesus told us to repent (Matthew 3:8, Luke 5:31-32, Acts 3:19) because when we don’t we leave ourselves open to attacks that do include demonic oppression, sometimes possession, and ultimately death.
Finding Repentance and Salvation

Those who are lukewarm (revelations 3:14-26) I’m talking to you too. I’m going to say this out of love…I too am a sinner (Romans 3:23), I struggle, and I have failures still, and there are things in my past I’m not proud of, but as much as I strive to be Christ-like I know I will stumble.
But I will get back up to continue my journey to turn away from temptation and sin.
But you have to start denying yourself these temptations, don’t fall into the trap of the enemy. (James 4:7) Even Jesus was tempted (Matthew 4-10), but He resisted and He said if we resisted temptation, the devil would flee from us.
Spiritual Warfare Is Real
Through God, His grace, prayer, and the Bible you can withstand sin and temptation, and if you fall, let Jesus pick you back up. Because you will stumble, and when you do, don’t let the voice of the enemy keep you down. He is full of lies.
Because I promise you, when you get back up, and chase God with earnestness, and turn from your past and wicked ways, the spirit realm will be in an uproar.
Temptation and hardships will be thrown your way like never before. Some may be from the enemy, a lot will be from the flesh (Galatians 5:16), but these are ways to strengthen your relationship with God, but resist and Heaven will see and they will celebrate!
Luke 15:10
In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
How beautiful is that! Heaven is rejoicing when you turn from your sins! You have holy beings celebrating your victories!
Being A Christian Is A Sacrifice

Being Christian is to deny your flesh many things (Matthew 16:24, Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Ephesians 4:22, and Colossians 3:5). It will be hard because the world will want you to love it and conform to it. But sin will NOT bring you happiness, and it will ruin your life and possibly the lives of those around you.
While people may joke about hell, even demons don’t want to go to hell. Keep that in mind, demons don’t want to go to hell. (Luke 8). There is a misconception that hell is ruled by the devil, no hell is punishment for the devil and demons and those who are unsaved.
It’s time to change, the world has enough evil and darkness. Be a light for those who are lost in the darkness, just as God is your light. (Psalm 119:105)
Struggling With Sin and Temptation?
Are you struggling? Here are things you can do to help you overcome:
- Talk and pray to God everyday and put on the armor of God, everyday (Ephesians 6:10-18).
- Read your Bible everyday.
- Talk to other followers of Christ about your struggles.
- Get rid of things that make you stumble i.e alcohol, sexy movies or books, occult items.
- When you’re tempted, go do something else.
And these things won’t ensure that you never sin again, you will probably sin again, but understand that you can be forgiven, and you are still loved by God, despite what the enemy says when you slip up.
I also don’t say this out of perfection, but things I have learned the hard way. I have a very sinful history, I’m not proud of it, and I still struggle and slip up myself. But I think it’s important that we understand how serious this is and it is hard sometimes to realize it in this world we live in.
But I believe in you, and I want to share not only the Word with you, but my experiences as well in the hopes it helps someone.
Helping Brothers and Sisters Struggling With Sin

I didn’t have a lot of help myself, and I don’t want others to feel they have no one who understands their struggles or takes it seriously. I think it’s been a disservice of the church (in general, not all) to not go in-depth about sin, personal struggles, spiritual warfare, and really remind people what the price of sin is.
I hope to share a lot with you and I hope many of you will feel comfortable to share not only with me, but others as well. Remember, the church is for the sick.
Jesus didn’t just hang out with people who did their best. He spent time with: prostitutes, sinners, tax collectors, the ill, the possessed, and the downtrodden. And we need to start helping our brothers and sisters stand up, because we have all been down.