Homemaking For God

Adventures of Biblical Homemaking and Drawing Closer to God.

“Get up and get dressed!” This is something I regularly tell myself. which sounds silly, but as someone who spends a lot of time at home it can be tempting to be lazy and stay in pajamas.

I won’t lie, this is a bad habit I got into for years. Even when I was working I got dressed, but didn’t really do my hair or wear makeup. I was comfy and that is all that mattered.

Why you should get dressed

Getting Dressed Everyday

When I got home I threw off the clothes and my pajamas came on. Now that I’m home again I am very tempted to stay in pajamas, and go through periods where I do.

But I’m trying to be a lot better about it.

For a while, I’ll admit, I went from day pajamas to night pajamas. I didn’t think I needed to get dressed just to be at home.

Get Dressed Up For Cleaning?

Who wants to get dressed up when you're scrubbing a toilet with yellow rubber gloves and a green sponge.

Who wants to dress up to clean? Plus, it makes more laundry, and takes effort when I can be doing something else, and sometimes quite frankly I just don’t feel like it.

But that is one of the reasons why I started to get dressed.

Being a homemaker we shouldn’t help feed the stigma of us being lazy cave dwellers. That only one reason. I also realized my old pajamas weren’t necessarily inspiring my husband to be Romeo. 

Getting dressed up just seemed silly to me if I wasn’t leaving the house, until it didn’t.

Your Home Is Worth Getting Dressed Up For

You put so much love and effort into your home like this clean kitchen with plants in the window sill, get dressed up for you!

I read some homemaking articles, when I came across one that talked about your home and your husband is worth dressing up for.


You put so much effort into making your house a home, and taking care of your kids, and your husband…whom you love….who is generally a visual being…..and they are worth dressing up for.

Not only that, but you are worth dressing up for! You! You’re beautiful, and you deserve to put on some nice clothes, maybe a smidge of make up, some of your favorite perfume, and to do your hair.

Get Dressed Everyday

It takes effort, yeah, but guess what, dressing up everyday will make you feel better about yourself and will make you want to be better. 

Getting dressed will change the way you feel! You’ll feel pretty and confident, and maybe a little silly at first, but that will pass. 

Now, I’m not talking about sweats or yoga pants, though they have their place. Put on your favorite pair of jeans, top, skirt, dress, whatever you enjoy wearing.

Personally, I love dresses! I wear dresses, put on makeup, I’m terrible at hair so I’ve started wearing headbands and scarves. I don’t wear jewelry, but I enjoy putting on some perfume. 

You Will Feel More Confident

Put on some makeup after you get dressed like blush, cream eye shadow, nude lipstick.

It makes me feel beautiful and feminine. I feel way more confident and it made me feel confident enough to even start working out and taking control of my health which is a very big step for me. I generally don’t think about taking care of myself. It really changes your outlook and productivity.

My husband noticed as well. His eyes light up everytime he sees me dressed up and my hair done. He comes in, kisses me, and compliments me, not that he didn’t do it before, but there is a difference.

He gets dressed too now! He puts on clothes rather than hanging out in his boxers (which I have no problem with.) But seeing me put more effort made him want to put more effort in and that makes me happy.

Our Bodies Are Temples

The main reason is…it makes a difference with how you feel about yourself. When you’re feeling good it shines through. It inspires you to take even better care of your body, which is important.

Our bodies are temples, and I know we are not supposed to focus on the outside with gold and jewels, and we should have good and holy fruits of the Spirit, but when we aren’t taking care of this wonderful gift God gave us, that isn’t good either.

You need a happy medium, don’t be vain, but be beautiful inside and out. That’s how we are built, women are meant to be beautiful.

Giving Your Best

A second reason to get dressed, and even dressed up nicely, is because you reflect your husband and relationship. If you’re a hot mess and not trying, how does that look on you, your husband, and your relationship?

I know we are told to disregard what others think, but, think of it like this…being a hot frumpy mess just doesn’t look good. Even if you’re comfortable and happy, it doesn’t look good and it means you’re not giving your husband or yourself your best.

Sometimes it is hard, I’ve been there TRUST ME, but we should try to give God, our husbands, ourselves, our children, and our homes, our best…even when we don’t feel like it.

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