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How To Claim Your Home And Cleanse It

When you move, one of the first things you should do is claim your home and then cleanse it. What do I mean claim your home? You bought it, it’s yours right? Well, yes, but you claim it in the name of God and then you cleanse it from the enemy. It’s an important step to take once you buy your home. Everything that happens in this world first happens in the spiritual world, and so you need to claim your home for your family.

Claim Your Home and Cleanse Your Home- house against a blue sky and grass- homemaking for God
Claim your home when you move in!

Claiming Our Home

We finally moved! For years we have talked about moving to the country and we finally did it. After 20 years of suburbia it is finally time to open a new chapter in our lives. And boy, it’s been an adventure and we’ve only been here less than a month.

However, before we moved I told my husband I would not stay in the house until we cleansed it. We learned early on after living in apartments that all the new dwellings needed to be blessed and cleansed. And this house was no different. Many things have occurred in this house: divorce, strife, illness… and I did not want those things to still be dwelling there and effecting my family.

I was talking to my Gramma about these things and she actually told me something else to do. That we needed to walk the land and home and claim it in the name of God like Abraham did in Genesis 13. Now, God doesn’t say we have to do these things…but it made sense.

So, we prayed about it and it was something we did. My husband, who is the head of the house and spiritual leader, walked the land and claimed it. Then we blessed it.

Related: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare In Your Life and The World

Why Is It Important To Claim Your Home?

Claiming your home is a way of accepting God’s blessing and the first step in spiritual warfare.

I guess you’re probably wondering why it is important to claim your home. The practice is somewhat archaic really, I mean we have a deed proving it’s ours right? In Biblical times walking the land would be the same as measuring the land and measuring was a sign of ownership.

Not to mention, God had told Abraham to do this. This was so Abraham could accept and take possession of the land God had given to him.

Claiming your home and land is a way of accepting the blessing God has given you and claiming ownership over it. Which I believe is an important step when it comes to spiritual warfare. Which leads me to my next point…

Why Is It Important To Cleanse Your Home?

We have to protect our homes and family from the enemy.

Spiritual warfare is often ignored in the church, but everything that happens in the physical happens in the spiritual first. And when you buy land and a home there are spirits already dwelling there from the previous owners.

How do I know? Because we all fall short of the glory of God… we are all sinners. And when we sin it allows spirits to dwell in these areas and build strongholds and it is important for us to tear down these strongholds and cast off these spirits.

Don’t think just because someone moved that all their problems have gone with them. That’s why it’s important to be careful who you allow in your home.

How Do You Claim Your Home and Land?

Walk your land and give thanks!

In Genesis 13:17 God told Abraham

Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.

Genesis 13:17

Those instructions are very clear, you walk the length and the width of your land. During that time, my husband prayed and claimed the blessings that God gave us and thanked Him for them.

For years, God told us to wait to move. And in January, God had us start looking at properties and closed every door except to this property, where he made the transition smooth. He blessed us with this wonderful home and land and we accepted those blessings and gave Him thanks.

How Do You Cleanse Your Home?

Cleanse your home by getting rid of bad things, praying and dedicating, rebuking, and anointing.

There are a few things to do to cleanse your home.

1. Get Rid Of All Evil Roots

Whether the person before you left something or whether you have something, get rid of anything with evil roots. This can be:

Anything that has anything to do with the occult, witchcraft, satanic things, violence, sex, etc.

2. Pray In Each Room

Pray out loud in each room. You have authority and you need to use it. Invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in every inch of your home. Pray that only God’s will be done in your home and that He will use your family and your home for His will. Dedicate your home to Him.

4. Rebuke And Cast Out

Rebuke every evil thing out of your home and cast it out. Demons, strongholds, spells, curses, portals, etc. All of it, cast it out and pray against any attempt of the enemy against your home or family.

5. Anoint Your Home

Get some anointing oil and then as you do these things put oil on every door frame of your home. Anointing with oil is the physical act of faith and expressing spiritual truth. We belong to God and trust ourselves in His care.

We can see the importance of anointing oil in these verses:

Claim Your Home And Cleanse It To Keep Your Family Safe

I feel like as Christians, we sleep on spiritual warfare. In many churches it really isn’t taught. I didn’t learn about how serious spiritual warfare was until recently. But we want to keep our families, our homes, and our pets, safe. And to do this, we need to accept God’s blessings, and dedicate our home to God, and cast out evil. Pray against the enemy, resist him, and he will flee. I pray God blesses you and your family and pray that He protects you.

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Did you ever claim your home? What do you think of the practice? Do you believe in cleansing your home?

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