Wondering how to deal with ear infections? Ear infections are not fun, painful, and quite frankly miserable. But knowing how to deal with an ear infection can help ease some of the pain and discomfort, help you heal faster, and let you know when it is serious enough to go to the doctor or ER.

Dealing With Double Ear Infections This Week
I had other ideas for posts to write for today, but as I had a double ear infection this week I figured this was a good post to write. After all, it is allergy season. Mine unfortunately were caused by me vigorously scratching the psoriasis in my ears that became infected that turned into ear infections. I do have regrets.
Unfortunately mine did get bad enough that I did have to seek medical attention, but that’s okay. Allopathy and homeopathic medicine go hand in hand. After medicated ear drops and steroids a week later I’m starting to feel human. But there are things you can do if you have a mild ear infection to treat it or to help relieve some of the pain if you’re on antibiotics.
Related: Check out these old home remedies that actually work for minor ailments and injuries.
What Is An Ear Infection?
An ear infection is an infection of the ear caused by bacteria or viruses. The bacteria that tend to cause most ear infections are:
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
Viruses that typically cause ear infections are those that cause the common cold. Allergies can also cause ear infections as can injuries like scratched in the ear.
What Kinds Of Ear Infections Are There?
There are typically 3 different types of ear infections.
- Acute Otitis Media
- Otitis Media With Effusion
- Swimmer’s Ear
What are the difference between the three?
Acute Otitis Media is a middle ear infection and is usually sudden. Otitis Media with Effusion is a middle ear infection except that it isn’t technically an infection but a build up of fluid. And swimmer’s ear is an infection in the outer ear canal.
What Are The Symptoms Of An Ear Infection?
In adults ear infection symptoms are typically:
- Pain in the ear
- Pain that spreads to the jaw
- Pressure or fullness in the ear
- Itching and tenderness around the ear
- Difficulty hearing
- Fever
- Lethargy/Fatigue
- Ear discharge
- Dizziness/vomiting
In children the symptoms are typically the same, but there are signs to look out for like:
- Rubbing and pulling their ears
- Irritability
- Crying
- Not reacting to sounds
- Not eating
- Losing their balance
Ideas On How To Deal With An Ear Infection
Here are some ways to help your ear infection clear up faster and to help deal with some of the pain.
1. Get Plenty Of Rest

I know, this one is obvious, but we live in a society that takes no time off when we are sick. We are always afraid of missing work. But did you know your body does most of its healing while you’re asleep? Plus it takes a lot of energy to be sick. You have to rest to get energy back. Do not sleep on the infected ear as it will cause more discomfort.
2. Take Some Over The Counter Pain Drugs and Fever Reducers
For low fevers I generally let my fever do its things. Fevers are the body’s way of trying to kill infections. But for higher fevers you will want to take something that lowers it. If it gets too high it’s time to see the doctor. If your baby or toddler has a fever over 100, they need to see the doctor. Adults are a little more resilient. Pain relievers are also your friend. You’re gonna be in pain. You can alternate between Tylenol and Ibuprofen to deal with it, but keep in mind you can only take so much of each in one day.
3. Use Heat To Relieve Some Of The Pain Caused By An Ear Infection
Heat is your friend. If you have a heating pad, place it against your ear for about 10-20 minutes. Don’t have a heating pad? A warm rag or a homemade heating bag can help! You can do this throughout the day. It really helps relieve pain and makes the pressure more bearable.
4. Gargle With Saltwater
Jordan, why would gargle with saltwater if we have an ear infection? Because all that stuff in your head is connected. When you are gargling it will soothe not only your throat, but help kill off some of the infection. Bacteria and viruses don’t like salt.
5. Eat Well To Help Heal Your Ear Infection

I know it is tempting to eat comfort food, easy food, or no food when you’re sick. You want to get better faster you need to eat well. That includes sick soup, teas, taking your vitamins, eating natural antibiotics like garlic and ginger. Get all the healthy stuff in you so your immune system can properly do its job.
6. Warm Olive Oil To Help Relieve Ear Pain During An Ear Infection
There is conflicting info on this one. But this is what my parents did when we had ear infections growing up and what I do for my husband and I when we have mild ear infections. Heat up olive oil so that it’s lukewarm and put it in your ear and then place a cotton ball against the ear. You don’t want an earful of oil, a few drops can be comforting and help relieve pain.
7. Ear Drops Can Help Clear Up Swimmer’s Ear
You can buy ear drops at store that can help clear up swimmers ear. These drops help dry out the ear canal and get rid of the fluid that the viruses and bacteria is breeding in so your ear can heal. If you have discharge coming from your ear, don’t use them and go to the doctor.
8. Salt Compress To Help Alleviate Ear Infection Pain
So, this one is basically a heating pad, but the theory behind it is that it will help pull some of the infection out. Like your sickness isn’t going to just leave, but when you’re ear feels full and you know there is fluid built up in it, salt attracts water. I’m not sure if this one is true, it’s one I often use as well and I’ve seen other people use. Perhaps it’s just a nice heat compress, either way it helps. You can make a salt compress by heating salt in a pan until it starts changing colors and then putting it in a sock.
9. Massage Your Jaw and Ears To Help Your Ear Infection Drain
This one sounds weird, but I swear it helps. When I was dealing with this horrendous ear infection recently I was looking for any relief because I was in so much pain and I came across this video. Maybe it was a placebo affect (which still means it works in a way), or maybe it really helped, but massaging my jaw and ears made a difference. You can see the video I followed here.
10. Stretch Your Neck To Help Relieve Some Ear Infection Pain

If your ear infection is bad enough it can make your head, jaw, and neck hurt. Stretch out your neck by slowly rotating the neck and head. Lift the shoulders up and down. This can help relieve some of the pressure in the area.
11. Other Ways To Help Heal An Ear Infection Quicker
A few other things you may want to add to this list is:
- Take an elderberry supplement
- Get into the sun
- Make sure you’re getting zinc and magnesium
- Rub diluted oregano oil around the ear (not inside)
How Not To Deal With An Ear Infection
While it may be tempting to stick stuff in your ear to help get rid of the fluid or to itch your ear, don’t. That can make things worse by pushing wax further in and can cause agitation and inflammation.
Try not to let soap and water get into your ear in the shower. The extra liquid isn’t going to help and can cause swimmers ears.
Your ears are going to itch more than likely, try not to scratch them. It’s hard, trust me, I know.
Do All Ear Infections Need Medication To Heal?
Believe it or not, not all ear infections need antibiotics. Many clear up on their own. However, sometimes they don’t or they can keep coming back or the infection can spread and in those cases you have to have antibiotics.
While many ear infections clear up on their own you may also need help with managing the pain, i.e steroids or ibuprofen.
Typically an ear infection will clear up in 3-4 days, but symptoms can last a for a week or so.

Wondering How To Deal With Ear Infections That Are Really Bad?
Now that you know how to deal with ear infections when they’re mild and how to relieve pain associated with all ear infections I’m sure you’re wondering how to deal with ear infections that have gotten super uncomfortable and painful.
Go to the doctor. I’m not kidding. That’s how you deal with ear infections that have gotten severe.
My left ear wasn’t too bad a little sore. But my right ear was completely clogged, so swollen I could barely get the ear drops in. The pain spread to my jaw and the right side of my face swelled up, I had jaw pain and my teeth hurt. I was throwing up and had a fever. I couldn’t wait for it to clear up because I couldn’t eat, couldn’t keep fluids down, and I was in very bad pain.
The doctor can be expensive, I understand, but if the infection gets bad enough you need antibiotics because the infection can spread and it can become deadly if left untreated or at the very least leave permanent damage.
What Happens If You Have A Bad Ear Infection That Doesn’t Go Away?
As I mentioned before your ear infection can spread. They don’t spread from person to person, however it can spread to other parts of the body. It can spread to to the mastoid which can cause damage to the bone and leave pus filled cysts. It can spread to the skull and even cause meningitis. Plus it can do damage to the ear drum and cause permanent hearing loss.
Now these aren’t typical things that happen, but what can happen if you leave a severe infection untreated.
Take Care Of Yourself
You all know I love homeopathic medicine, but allopathy medicine has it’s purpose sometimes and this is one of those situations. When the body isn’t healing the way it is supposed to and homeopathic isn’t working, sometimes you need a little help and that’s what allopathy medicine is. It’s a helper, not a masker or a band-aid, but a way to heal what’s ill. I pray all of you stay healthy and if you’re ill I pray that God will heal you swiftly!
Looking For More Home Remedies? Check Out These Posts From Homemaking For God:
- Is Red Yeast Rice Really Good For High Cholesterol?
- Old Timey Home Remedy: Hot Toddy To Soothe Your Cold
- The Wonderful Health Benefits of Clove
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- The Very Best Books On Natural Healing and Herbal Remedies
- The Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic
- The Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger
Now that you know how to deal with ear infections what do you think? Did I miss any? Let me know if you have any ideas, tips, of home remedies for ear infections.