“Just get back up when it knocks you down.” That sounds so simple, doesn’t it. As if it were easy to just get back up when it knocks you down… and what is it? It is any adversity or tribulation you are facing in life that makes you feel like you want to give up. Or maybe the “it” brought you down to rock bottom. But why should we get back up? Isn’t it easy to give up rather than to just get back up when it knocks you down? The answer is yes, but we live in a day and age where giving up is no longer an option, because people have given up for far too long and the consequences have become rather severe.

Just Get Back Up When It Knocks You Down

Life is hard. It always has been. But we, for a number of generations, have been exceptionally blessed with a good life here in the US for many, many years. Do bad things still happen? Yes, but we live in a fallen world and the world is where Satan roams to and fro to lie, steal, and destroy. But overall, the majority have not had to really struggle in the sense our ancestors did or even others around the world do. Most of us have clean water, a roof over our head, food, and other things likes phones, computers, a vehicle, bicycles, etc.
We’ve had it so well, that people have had to make up reasons to fight. Which makes sense, we are warriors, meant to struggle and survive, and we live in a society that makes us rot. We desire more, and the rot makes us unhappy, so it comes out in social politics, riots, and the supporting of wars. That’s another conversation for another time though.
We Are Too Soft Which Is Why People Won’t Get Back Up

But going back to the point of us having it well for so long, it has made us soft. So now, most people don’t have a purpose, a reason, and because the lack of God, purpose, and the poison we are regularly putting into our bodies, adding on our modern lifestyles, we are depressed, anxious, and quite frankly hot messes. We are weak.
And because we are weak we are seeing more and more people who can’t get back up when they’re knocked down. Rather, they wallow in the pit and curse those who aren’t in the pit with them. Worse yet, the people who wallow in their selfishness and self-pity will also drag down those who get to close to the edge.
Now, I understand mental illness is a serious thing, and I understand there can be outlying factors that cause it. I had horrible anxiety and panic attacks and depression until I got my hormones, inflammation, and thyroid fixed. But that was caused by the modern lifestyle and the lack of God.
I Understand, I’ve Been There

And I know how hard it is to just get back up when it knocks you down. I used to have a hard time getting out of bed and motivated to do much. I used to drink, a lot. And it wasn’t until I finally found God and purpose that I was able to get myself up. And I made things hard for myself. Sounds ridiculous right?
But I wasn’t content with everything being easy. I needed more, needed to feel more fulfilled. Of course, it wasn’t until I got closer to God that I really filled that void, but the hard work also helped and gave me the satisfaction that I didn’t have before.
And it isn’t just our individual lives that suffer when we give up and refuse to get up. Because we refuse to just get back up when it knocks us down, we make everyone around us miserable. That’s how social politics, politics, and every other divisive topic has become so popular. People are so miserable and without purpose, that attention and acknowledgement from others temporarily gets rid of negative feelings. It gives us meaning. A high that we lack in our everyday lives.
We Live In A Fallen World

The problem is, often times when we enter these echo chambers with people who are similar to us, and we are not told the truth. We aren’t told to just get up when it knocks us down, we aren’t told to change, to do better. Nope, we are told that everyone around us is wrong, a bigot, a horrible monster, sub-human, and we are perfect the way we are. That we never need to change. That’s gross.
We live in a fallen world and we are fallen. We have to strive everyday to do our best, die to our flesh, and live Godly lives to not only further God’s will, but to do good around us. Why do you think the world is the way that it is?
It’s because too many people, and Christians, have said “Oh well, this is the way it is now” instead of getting up and making changes in our lives and the lives around us. We never got back up when the world, when our government, when Satan knocked us down. We sat in the dirt and started drawing squiggles in the mud saying “woe as me”.
Evil Has Gone Unchecked

So, because of that, evil has been able to run unchecked for so many years. And now we are on the brink of WW3, civil war, terrorist attacks, over-reaching governments, crime, narcissism, decay of our society, morals, the family, etc… we are actually watching Biblical prophecy unfold. Now, Biblical prophecy was going to happen one way or another.
I can’t help but look around at this burning world and I see the majority of people crying “woe as me” or in denial, or just waiting to die. And it’s sad. People don’t want to get back up, and I don’t think they can get back up until they find hope and learn to rejoice in the Lord. Joy is not happiness. Happiness is fleeting, but you can have joy even during the hardest times.
It’s knowing the enemy has been defeated, that God has victory, that all of this is temporary. And to get back up doesn’t mean you don’t struggle or have fear. But it means you still have fight and that you’re not easily defeated.
Get Back Up Through The Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Jeers

There is something so amazing about someone who doesn’t quit. Who gets up every time, who fights through the blood, sweat, and tears and ignores the laughter and jeers at others to succeed. It’s beautiful. It’s someone who has hope. Who knows God is for them so no one can stand against them. I just pray more people can just get back up when it knocks them down, regardless of what it is. I want to see more warriors, strength, and perseverance of God’s people. To take back territory, cancel the assignments of the enemy, and to make the world a better place.
I guess, there isn’t any real advice today, but a rant. God bless you all and get back up.
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Have you been able to get back up when life knocks you down? If not, what is stopping you?