I’ve always been a believer in old home remedies. Anyone who has read on this website for a while knows that. But the exciting thing is, more and more people are turning to them. Allopathy and natural medicine go hand in hand.

Let me preface this by saying I’m not a doctor and this is in no way medical advice, rather things that I have learned and have done in my life. All medical advice should be from a doctor and be sure to ask your doctor before trying anything, may it be: natural remedies, exercise, supplements, etc.
Old Timey Natural Remedies
I know delving into old natural remedies can be intimidating, so I wanted to share a few of them that I regularly use, and share some products that I use and love. Especially since over the counter medication is getting harder to get. I’ve found that a lot of allergy, cold, and even tummy medicine has been in short supply on lately, so these old home remedies have been a life saver.
Many of these old natural remedies help alleviate the symptoms, though they will help aid in getting better quicker. Food, herbs, exercise, the sun, all help our body do what it does best. It works hard to heal us! Most of these home remedies such as fluids, honey, etc. can be used for multiple ailments on this list.
Old Home Remedies For A Cough

1. Honey Lemon Tea
Honey may relieve a cough. A study showed that between dark honey, some cough medicine, and no medication the honey had the best relief. Plus, it is antibacterial and antiviral.
I generally like adding a slice of lemon because lemon helps ease inflammation in the throat and irritation in the throat.
I usually like some black tea with lemon and honey, but you can just use warm water with honey and lemon. The warm water will also help soothe your sore throat, though, it can sting if you’ve already coughed yourself raw.
2. Fluids
Wait, didn’t you just mention tea? I did, but warm water, warm juices, warm clear broths are also great. Not only does warm fluids help, but so do room temperature liquids according to research.
Not to mention, they can help alleviate other symptoms like a sore throat, fatigue, even chills.
Plus, the more fluids you intake the less thick the mucus will be making it easier to get rid of phlegm.
3. Steam
If you have a cold with a stuffy nose, phlegm, and wet cough, steam can definitely help break up all that crud in the nose and chest. You can do this with the shower, using a steam bowl, anywhere you can build up steam, safely. Keyword being safely, steam can burn you if you’re trying this over the stove, which I don’t suggest.
You only need to stay in the steam for a few minutes or until the crud starts breaking up. I’ve done this for myself, my husband, and kids, it does help quite a bit. But it isn’t a cure all, just brings some relief when it’s bad and you feel like you’re choking and hacking.
Just remember to hydrate after being in the steam to avoid dehydration.
4. Suck on Lozenges or Hard Candy
We usually don’t want a lot of sugar when we are sick, but lozenges and hard candy can help increase saliva which can help relieve some of your coughing.
Some even have zinc, vitamin c, and echinacea which can help.
5. Gargle Salt Water
Salt water will only help the front of your throat, but also help your sinuses, and soothe a sore throat. Use warm water, ½ teaspoon salt, gargle, and spit. It never tastes good, but it definitely helps.
This even helps when you start feeling your sinuses filling up and when a sore throat first starts to help stop them from getting worse. It doesn’t work all the time, but it usually stops mine in its tracks. I will do it twice a day most times.
Old Time Home Remedies For Sore Throats

6. Apple Cider Vinegar
There have been so many studies done showing the antimicrobial effects of apple cider vinegar. Which makes it perfect for helping a sore throat.
It is acidic and will help break down all that crud and mucus in the back of the throat and help stop bacteria from spreading.
Don’t start shooting apple cider vinegar though. The acidity can also hurt your throat, so you need to dilute it. Take 1 cup of warm water and add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
You will then gargle.
Drinking it with honey added can also help as well. If you’re sensitive to vinegar though, skip this.
7. Licorice Root
Did you know licorice root has been used to treat sore throats for a long time? Research shows that when added to water it makes a great solution to gargle to help aid your sore throat.
However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding this home remedy is NOT for you.
8.Fenugreek Tea
Drinking Fenugreek tea is a great old home remedy. Research has shown that fenugreek can help relieve not only pain, get rid of inflammation, but also kill bacteria and fungi.
Again, this home remedy is NOT for pregnant women.
9. Peppermint
Peppermint is not just for tummy aches! Did you know peppermint contains menthol? Menthol helps not only thin mucus, but calm sore throats, and even calm coughing. Peppermint is also antibacterial, antiviral, and can help fight inflammation.
Menthol cough drops are great, peppermint sore throat sprays, or peppermint tea, or candies are perfect for this.
10. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea isn’t just a sleep aid. It is naturally soothing and that includes the throat! It has astringent properties, is full of antioxidants, and is used for getting rid of inflammation. Studies show that chamomile helps stimulate the immune system on top of soothing a sore throat.
Old Home Remedies For Colds, Flu, and Other Respiratory Illnesses

11. Chicken Soup
This is my favorite home remedy for really any illness, but particularly for colds and sinus problems. Did you know there is research showing that chicken soup is a great remedy?
The heat calms throats, coughing, and opens airways. The broth hydrates you, and the fats, vegetables, and herbs work together to break mucus up and heal your body.
Need a good chicken soup recipe? Try this one! It’s hearty, full of vegetables, and is tasty.
12. Garlic
Garlic is one of my favorite herbs. It’s so good for healing, and it tastes so good. Allicin is in garlic and is known to be a decongestant and expectorant.
Did you know it is also antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal.
Want to know more about garlic, you can read about it here.
Cook a bunch of raw garlic in your soup or in a meal to get the benefits.
13. Hot Toddy
This is only for those who are 21+ and only if you’re not on medication like antibiotics. A hot toddy, or the way my family made it, is black tea, a cinnamon stick, lemon, honey, and a shot of whiskey.
Whiskey can work as a decongestant, help with thinning the mucus, and kill bacteria in the throat and alleviate a cough.
Make sure you hydrate afterwards with some water.
14. Rosemary Tea
Rosemary tea, with some lemon, and honey is great for when you have a cold or sinus infection. Rosemary is a great herb for breaking up congestion and helping calm a sore throat. It also helps stimulate the blood circulation which helps with headaches as well.
15. Rest
This one is something that everyone is rolling their eyes at, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t rest when sick.
When you rest, you are boosting your immune system so you’re going to get better. When you sleep, your body is able to use more energy to fight infections.
I learned this the hard way. For years, when I was sick, I would keep pushing and keep pushing and wonder why I was sick for a week or two. But once I started taking time off and sleeping when sick, my illness only last a couple days.
Old Home Remedies For Constipation

16. More Water
I know, this one is obvious. But you’d be surprised at how much water people need and don’t drink. My husband suffers from regular constipation, and when I asked if he drank water, he would always say yes. But I found that that literally means a glass or two. You need more water than that.
17. Magnesium Citrate
Ask your doctor before using this one. But, magnesium citrate is great for constipation. I use Natural Calm to help me sleep when I’m stressed. Even on the container it warms that magnesium not only eases anxiety, but can make you poop. And boy does it.
18. Exercise More
This is another obvious one. But most of us sit all day. Sedentary lifestyles have shown to cause increased constipation. Not all exercise relieves constipation, but brisk cardio can help “get things moving”. Though, if you’re severely constipated it can make you feel worse.
However, exercise is a “natural remedy” as movement is something our bodies need to help keep regular movements.
19. Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics are important for keeping us healthy in general, but can help prevent chronic constipation. Don’t forget to eat fibrous foods to help feed the good bacteria. Not only will you be feeding the good bacteria, but eating more fiber which can get things moving.
20. Senna
If worse comes to worse, senna is an herbal laxative that can help you go potty. Senna has a plant compound called glycosides which will stimulate the nerves in your guts and move your bowel movement along.
My husband use this when he can’t go for a hot minute, and he takes it in tea form called “Smooth Move.”
However, this is still a laxative. Do NOT take it if you’re breastfeeding, pregnant, or have IBD. Do not take for long periods of time and go see your doctor.
Old Natural Remedies For Minor Wound Care

21. Salve
I love using a salve for minor burns, zits, minor skin infections, cuts, scrapes. My favorite is J.r Walkins Petro Carbo Salve. This is considered a sucking salve. My family have used it to get small splinters out, get rid of small boils, zits, ingrown hairs. It heals so much. I used it, my mom used it, my grandmother used it. It’s my favorite and it only has a couple ingredients.
22. Baking Soda Paste
Mix one part baking soda to three parts water to create a paste when you get bit by fire ants. If you’ve ever been bit by a fire ant, you know it hurts, and then it turns into an itching painful blister.
Put the baking soda paste on the bites as soon as you get them. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinse it with warm water. It won’t itch as bad, hurt as bad, and you will have less blisters.
My neighbor taught me this one, and I’ve done it ever since. It really is amazing.
23. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera we know is amazing for sunburn. It brings some cool relief and is so nice. But did you know it is also great for razor burn too and minor cuts?
I didn’t until I had a friend tell me about it when my husband was dealing with razor burn when he was learning to use a straight razor. It’s been a life saver!
24. Calendula Cream
Did you know calendula cream was used in World War 1 for antibacterial wound care? It contains anti-inflammatory properties and can help with minor wounds, prevent infections, and even help skin conditions like eczema.
25. Black Tea Bag
I learned about this from my oral surgeon and my husband’s dentist. Had a tooth pulled? Still kinda bleeding? Apparently a black tea bag steeped in warm water can help stop the bleeding. The tannins in the tea help stop the bleeding.
If you are bleeding a lot though, you need to go to the doctor or dentist. This was used for minor bleeding, not a mouth full of blood.
Old School Home Remedies
I hope these are useful for you guys. I know some are obvious, but they may not be obvious for everyone. These are very basic, most are safe for everyone, but always do your research, talk to your doctor. I’ll definitely be doing more advanced home remedies one day, but these are great for dipping your toes into self-healing.