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The Many Benefits Of The Miracle Herb Mullein

Mullein herb outside green plant with yellow flowers- homemaking for God

Today we are going to be learning about the mullein herb. Now that it is winter and there are illnesses galore, it’s time to learn about the mullein herb. And herb that can be used in a variety of ways to help boos your immune system, deal with inflammation, aid your respiratory system, and more! So, let’s explore the many benefits, side effects, interactions, of mullein and how to use it.

Let’s check out the benefits of mullein!

Mullein: An Herb Everyone Should Know About

I’ve known about mullein for a while, but only recently starting using it. Many herbalists swear by it and so do people who generally take their health in their own hands. It’s so versatile. And the best part is, it’s considered a “weed” so it grows in many places. So there is a chance you may have it in your yard. Regardless, it’s a fairly inexpensive herb that I definitely recommend to keep in your medicine cabinet.

What Is Mullein?

Mullein’s “formal” name is Verbascum thapsus. It grows throughout the US and is usually considered a weed, as most herbs are. But, mullein was actually brought here from Europe. The Native Americans used the mullein herb for respiratory illnesses, heal wounds, and other ailments.

The mullein stalks are tall and they can grow 6-8 feet tall. At the base, the stalk grows in the middle of a leaf spiral. The leaves of mullein are “hairy” and they are a green/gray color. And believe it or not, the leaves have been used for many things beyond medicine like shoe in-soles, toilet paper, and even diapers.

You’ll often see the mullein plant grow alongside the road, meadows, and pastures across the US.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Mullein?

Let’s explore the health benefits of mullein!

Mullein has so many great health benefits. It’s an herb that you definitely need to keep in your medicine cabinet, especially during the winter seasons where respiratory infections are super common. But let’s look at all the health benefits of mullein.

1. Mullein Is A Natural Expectorant

Move over Mucinex! Mullein is actually a natural expectorant. And in case you don’t know what an expectorant is, it is a type of medicine used for coughs that help clear mucus and phlegm from your airways. Mullein works the same way by helping the body get rid of mucus in the chest or throat. Which is why mullein is great for respiratory infections like colds, the flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

2. Mullein Is A Natural Demulcent

Mullein is also a natural demulcent. What is a demulcent? A demulcent is a substance that relieves inflammation. Which means mullein can help a soothing and anti-inflammatory coating over mucous membranes like mouth, throat, ears, etc.

3. Mullein Is A Strong Antiviral

Studies have shown that mullein is super useful when battling the influenza virus. But that isn’t the only virus it is used to fight, but also the herpes virus. However, there is more research needed as these have been test-tube studies. However, you will see many herbalists and people who use herbal remedies also agree with these studies. Mullein is also great for colds as well.

4. Mullein Is Also A Strong Antibacterial Agent

Mullein is great for bacterial infections too. In fact, mullein in combination with red clover was found to inhibit MRSA and inhibited growth in S. aureus. This herb also has antiseptic qualities that help prevent the growth of germs that cause pneumonia, staph, and even E.coli bacteria. Because mullein has antiseptic qualities and helps with respiratory gunk which can be caused by bacteria and viruses, it can also be used for ear infections as well.

5. Mullein Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Studies have shown that mullein leaf provides anti-inflammatory benefits. And do you know what that means? It means that mullein leaves can help fend off chronic diseases as most chronic diseases are caused by disrupted gut biomes and chronic inflammation.

6. Mullein Provides Antioxidants

Antioxidants are super important for the body. We often get antioxidants from food or supplements. Antioxidents help prevent and slow down cell damage in the body. And mullein leaves contain antioxidants which is what helps aid in it’s healing properties. In fact, there are studies showing that high levels of mullein had helped combat free radicals in the body. Which means it could potentially be used as an anti-cancer agent.

7. Mullein Can Be Used For Wound Care

Mullein isn’t just for illnesses! It can be used for wound care as well. Mullein can be used to help treat rounds, bruises, frostbite, infections (such as cellulitis), burns, and even hemorrhoids. It turns out mullein leaves are soft and can protect the skin. Often times the leaves will be used as a poultice or a compress to treat wounds.

8. Mullein Aids In Improving Sleep

Turns out mullein is great at helping with insomnia. Mullein has sedative properties that can help people get some sleep. However, it has “mild sedative” effects and isn’t as strong as other options.

What Are The Side Effects Of Mullein?

Does mullein have side effects?

Believe it or not, there are not many side effects of mullein. But there are a couple, so let’s look at the side effects of mullein.

1. Mullein Can Cause Skin Irritation

The hairs on mullein leaves can cause skin irritation especially if you have sensitive skin. It can also cause contact dermatitis which is an allergic reaction.

2. Mullein Can Cause Throat Irritation

It is very important to make sure you strain your tea before drinking it as the tiny hairs on the leaves can cause throat irritation.

3. We Don’t Know How Safe It Is For Pregnant Women Or Breastfeeding Women

Not enough studies or research has been done to see whether mullein is safe for pregnant women or breastfeeding women. So, make sure you talk to your doctor.

Who Should Avoid Using Mullein?

Mullein is safe for most people. However if you have allergies, are pregnant, breastfeeding, are a small child, should talk to your doctor first.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Mullein?

What is the nutritional value of mullein?

Mullein has quite a bit in it when it comes to nutrients. It contains a number of vitamins and minerals like:

Mullein Interactions With Other Herbs and Medications

1. Mullein Antidiabetic Drugs

Mullein has been reported to inhibit the effects of antidiabetic drugs. So, if you’re diabetic, be careful. Make sure you talk to your doctor before using.

2. Mullein and Muscle Relaxers

Also, since mullein has mild sedative properties it can intensify the effects of muscle relaxers and other medications such as lithium.

3. Mullein and Diruetics

Mullein can also have diuretic effects. So, if you’re taking diuretics you may want to avoid mullein or talk to your doctor first.

Mullein Leaf Dosage

How much mullein is safe?

Just like medicine mullein has a special dosage depending on how you use it. This goes for every herbal remedy. Your doctor should help you find the proper dosage needed for whatever ailment you’re trying to help heal, however, these are suggested dosages based on how you use it.

1. Herbal Tea

To make mullein tea at home you can use 1-2 teaspoons for 1 cup of water. You need to let the leaves steep for 15 minutes. You can consume this tea 1-4 times a day if you’re dealing with respiratory issues. However, make sure you’re straining your tea well.

2. Herbal Tincture

If you’re using a tincture, you can use it 3-4 times a day as well, especially if you’re dealing with respiratory issues. But you only need to use 1/4 teaspoon to 3/4 teaspoon.

3. Herbal Oil

As mentioned above, mullein is great for ear infections. Make sure you check with your doctor if you’re wanting to use this remedy for you or your children, but for children 10 and under it is recommended you use 1 drop and over 10 you can use 2 drops.

4. Smoking Mullein

You can smoke up to 1 gram of mullein daily which is great for the respiratory system. No children should be smoking this, smoking is for adults.

Mullein Is Great For So Many Things

Whether you have wounds, ailments, sleep issues, etc… mullein is a great herb. It can help keep you healthy especially in the winter where respiratory infections and germs are so prevalent. So, stay healthy, be joyful, and God bless!

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