What are dads important? That’s a question I’m sure a lot of people nowadays are asking themselves. If you live in this current society, and if you’re reading this I’m sure you are, you’re probably wondering about the importance of dads. And why wouldn’t you be? With the rise of feminism, the abuse strewn on them from society, and the way they’re depicted on social media, media, and entertainment… it is no wonder why someone would be asking that question. But since Father’s day is around the corner, I thought I would be appropriate to explore why are dads important.

Why Are Dads Important?
Dads are parents too. We seem to forget that. Somehow everything is always about mom. The bitterness of women has stolen parenthoods from dads, as has the one sided court system in our country. And quite frankly, it is disgusting.
Men in general are abused. No matter what they do it’s wrong and even if they succeed they’re overlooked because they’re men. And according to society, “MeN aRe BaD.” Even the special things God gave them during creation is condemned and demonized.
Dads In Entertainment, Social Media, and Media
When was the last time you watched a sitcom or movie or saw a commercial and there wasn’t a man who wasn’t a complete idiot, bumbling around, unable to care for their kids because they’re barely able to take care of themselves?
When was the last time you went to fatherhood videos and Father’s day posts and not see bitter women trying to take what little praise they do receive away?
Dad’s are so important, and yet, they’re so underappreciated, disrespected, and overlooked. So, I just wanted to say to all the wonderful dads out there…we see you! You are loved and appreciated.
Related: How Men and Women Are Different and Why It Is A Good Thing
All The Reasons Why Dads Are Important

1. Dads Create Less Behavioral Issues In Boys
Fathers who engage with their family on a regular basis and take time to teach their children will find their sons have less behavioral issues. Boys and young men growing up in fatherless homes are more likely to have behavioral issues. There have been a number of argued studies on why from the lack of a role model to the fact that mothers have less warmth towards their sons than daughters whereas studies show fathers have more warmth towards sons than their daughters. It takes 2 parents to give children what they need and that includes a father.
2. A Good Relationship Between Mom and Dad Results In The Children Having Less Emotional/Behavioral Issues
Another reason it’s good to have an attentive father (as well as mother) is because mom and dad having a good relationship affects their children. Studies show that children have less emotional and behavioral issues when mom and dad are loving and get along. It’s believed that if parents don’t have a good relationship that the stress can affect children. But in both circumstances children emulate their parents behaviors. So if dad is treating mom well, taking care of the family, leading the family, and taking interest in the kids then the kids will emulate that. Girls will see that’s the type of man they should find when they’re older and that’s the type of man sons will want to be. That’s true also on the negative perspective.
3. Dads Can Help Lower Depression For Their Daughters
Did you know that a father who is present actually reduces the rate of depression in their daughters. Not only that, but it also reduces other psychological problems as well. Isn’t that amazing?
4. Rough Housing With Dad Helps Kids Learn A Number Of Skills
Rough housing with dad is not only a great way to tire the kids out. But it helps children release aggression. And it promotes a faster bond between fathers and their kids. Plus, it teaches children boundaries. Which is super important and a reason why we shouldn’t stop kids from rough housing. Rough housing even with each other have huge benefits.
5. Girls With Good Relationships With Their Dads Are Less Likely To Be Promiscuous
There have been so many studies done on this. If a girl has a good relationship with her father, she is less likely to be promiscuous. Which, despite what society says, is a good things. Without a father a girl is more likely to be promiscuous because of:
- Low self esteem
- Lack of independence
- No confidence
- Inability to create and sustain long term relationships with men
- Crave male attention they never had
A child who loses a father before the age of 6 is actually 5x more likely to end up a pregnant teenager. That’s why dads are important!

6. Boys Are Less Likely To End Up In Prison When Dad Is Around And Attentive
Did you know when a father is around and attentive children are 80% less likely to spend time in jail. Isn’t that crazy? Father’s create strong, confident, disciplined children. Without a father children have a lot more psychological issues like depression, anxiety, and have a lot more undisciplined aggression, and have no male role models. Another big reasons why dads are important!
7. Dad Turns Boys Into Men
Moms are about to get mad at me. But moms cannot turn boys into masculine men. You are a woman, you are feminine, and beautifully and wonderfully made, but men and women are different. In order to create a strong, masculine, disciplined man, they need a father. Studies show women have less discipline in their homes and allow young men to stay into the home much too long because of her motherly instincts stifling him. Which can create animosity. Plus, women teach mean to be less masculinity and sometimes their bitterness for men also bleed through hurting the young man in the long run. Boys need good and strong men to teach them to be not just good men, but strong men.
8. Dads Set Kids Up For Life
Moms teach and care for children when they’re young. And so do dads. But younger years are when children tend to need moms nurturing nature and fathers protection more. Later years, mom has to let go and dads have to get their kids ready for love. I heard it best like this. Mothers have tender love and fathers have practical love. That isn’t to say dads can’t be tender, but again men and women are different and we play two different roles.
9. Dad Is A Role Model
Dads are important role models for their kids! You are the man they will look up to and want to emulate for young men and they type of man they want to marry if they’re a young woman. So it is important to be the type of man your kids can look up to as a role model because you are going to shape them and their future. Another important reason why dads are important.
10. Dads Are Protective
A masculine father will protects their family better. Men are wired with instincts, strength, logic, and sacrifice. Their bodies were built for hunting and protection. So, protection lies in a man’s masculinity. Women will also protect their kids to the best of their ability, but they don’t have the same ability to protect as a man does.

11. Children Have More Self-Esteem Thanks To Dads
Did you know dads create more self-esteem in kids? Fathers can help children understand how valued and loved they are. They make them feel more secure, teaches them how to tolerate stress, be less fearful, and less hesitant, and how to stand up from themselves.
12. Fathers Are The Biggest Providers In Most Families
I know this is gonna ruffle some feathers and I know all circumstances are different and the roles may reversed, but fathers make more money which means they provide more for the family. This isn’t to say one is more important than the other, but this is another reason why dads are important. Especially in rough times like right now when that extra money can make the difference.
13. Dads Teach Children Empathy
There is a study done over 26 years, yeah that’s long, that shows that the number one factor in children being able to develop empathy is father involvement. Fathers spending quality time with their children created compassionate adults.
14. Dads Are The Head Of The Home And Spiritual Leader
Proverbs 22:6 says:
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
A good father will teach his children what is right and what is wrong. He will keep a strong, loving, disciplined, protected house, and most important teach his kids about God so they won’t be gobbled up by the world.
15. Fathers Help Children With Cognitive Development
Did you know father’s teach children with problem solving, self control, and self regulation? Those are extremely important skills that kids need to have to succeed in life. And fathers provide that. Yet another reason why dads are important!

16. Fathers Help Kids Develop Good Social Skills
Fathers also help teach their kids learn social skills. A lot of these skills are developed during rough housing and play. But they play a big role in children’s social skills according to Michigan State University. This study was done on 730 families and show that not only play, but the fathers characteristics and attentiveness also play a big factor. There are more important skills kids need to succeed in life.
17. Children Who Have An Attentive Father Have Better Academic Success
Because fathers help children more disciplined, confident, with higher self-esteem. And because of this children succeed at school. When dad is active in a child’s life they are more almost 50% more likely to get A’s and 33% less likely to repeat levels. They are also more likely to go to college as well.
18. Fathers Teach Children Values
Fathers teach children important values like:
- Kindness
- Resilience
- Confidence
- Respect
A good father represents these values and in turn teaches them to their children. Through a positive relationship kids can learn these values which is super important for kids to succeed in life. Which is another reason why dads are important.
19. Fathers Also Teach Independence
Mothers nurture and want to take care of their kids. Fathers, while they love their kids and want to take care of them, teach children to be independent in the long run by helping them being more fearless, confident, with high self-esteem. When you’re more confident you’re more likely to try more things and branch out on your own.
20. Dads Provide Stability and Security To Their Children
Mothers tend to provide emotional stability to children where as fathers provide security as well as financial stability as well. As the children grow up, fathers provides even more stability and security first as a mentor and guide.

I Understand Not All Dads Are Heroes…
Before anyone comes at me. Also, I understand there are bad fathers. I understand that there are fathers who aren’t around or may be around, but not present. I wasn’t particularly close with my step-father and my biological father was never around. My husband was never particularly close with his father.
There are men who hurt their kids. Men who don’t care about them. I get it. I get that some women have to play both roles, just like there are dads who play both roles with less help most times.
This post is not about the men who walked out or is a dead beat. But if you are one of those men and see this post, I pray it leads you back to your family. To lead them the way God intended.
Why Dads Are Important?
Men are important and fathers are important. Society has spent way too much time and effort demonizing them and abusing them. It’s time we see them as the wonderful blessing they are. A family needs a father and mother. A masculine, Godly, loving father, a feminine, nurturing, and loving mom, will build a strong family. Strong families build strong communities and strong communities build strong societies. Something we seriously lack right now.
So, Happy Father’s day and I see you all you wonderful dads! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Father’s day, you deserve it!
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Now that you know all the reasons why dads are important…why is your dad important to you? What are you doing for him this Father’s day?