So, you’re asking why do we need probiotics in our diet? I asked myself that a years ago and never really thought about it again until recent years when I desperately needed probiotics to heal my gut biome, help with inflammation, and just my digestive system and immune system as a whole. And I want to share not only why we need probiotics in our diet, but their benefits, effects, and what types there are out there.

What Is A Probiotic?
A probiotic is something you can find in food form, liquid form, or gummy/capsule form. A probiotic is good bacteria and good yeasts that live in our bodies. We have good bacteria and bad bacteria in our body. Probiotics help keep the bad bacteria and yeast in check, keeping us healthy.
How Do Probiotics Work?
As I mentioned before, the main job of a probiotic is to keep you healthy. They do this by keeping the bad bacteria in check. In short, it helps keep balance in your body. That balance is what keeps you from getting sick.
That’s because your gut biome and all the bacteria in it plays a big part in your immune system function and plays a part in how much inflammation is in out body.
The Myth of Probiotics
There are studies that show inconclusive data when it comes to probiotics. Some doctors will swear by them while others will say you’re wasting your money. However, you all know how I feel about a lot of modern medicine and how skeptical I am. Especially after I got sick.
It was a holistic doctor who suggested probiotics to me along with others who were suffering the same way I was who led me down the path of probiotics, and let me tell you the changes I’ve seen.

Modern Diet Destroys Our Gut Biome
Most people are healthy enough in the sense they’re not sick all the time. But they still don’t generally feel well or have energy and we are much more fragile than say our grandparents. There is a reason for that. The modern diet of fast foods and highly processed foods are destructive to the good bacteria in your guts.
So when doctors say “Probiotics are a waste of your time.” I’m often skeptical. Most of people eat craptastic diets of breads, sugars, salt snacks, just a hot mess of food. It causes inflammation, illnesses, and a whole lot of problems including stomach problems.
On top of that, most people don’t go outside, are sanitizing with harsh chemicals, and are not eating enough fiber (prebiotics) and not eating/drinking enough fermented foods. No wonder we’re sick and tired all the time.
When Should I Take Probiotics?
Most people won’t need to take powder/liquid/capsule/gummy probiotics if they’re eating a healthy diet full of fiber, prebiotics, and staying away from junk. However, if you find you have stomach issues, inflammation, are taking antibiotics, or overcoming an illness (especially one that has a lot of diarrhea or vomiting) you may want to try probiotics to see if they help.

Why Should I Take Probiotics During Antibiotics?
Antibiotics are great. They’ve helped mankind overcome quite a few dangerous illnesses that being said they’re abused and can be dangerous. Antibiotics don’t discriminate, they kill all bacteria. And studies find that a single course of antibiotics can effect your gut biome that can takes months to years to recover.
So, taking probiotics during antibiotics can not only help your destroyed gut biome, but it can also help stop antibiotic induced diarrhea as well.
It can also keep you from getting other illnesses afterwards like C.diff. Which is the illness I keep talking about. C.diff is a disease that effects the colon. While most doctors are uneducated about this disease and play it off as “just diarrhea.” This was one of the most awful, painful, diseases I’ve ever faced and it nearly killed me. I would take Covid over C.diff anyday. Even years later my guts and other people’s guts who have had this disease have never been the same.
Won’t Antibiotics Kill The Probiotics?
Good question, and the answer is…probably. It is suggested that you take yogurt or bacterial probiotics at least 2-3 hours after you take your medication. However, I found a great probiotic that you can take while taking antibiotics that won’t die. It’s actually a yeast based probiotic called Florastor which made a huge difference when I had C.diff and when I had to take antibiotics afterwards.
What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics?
Okay, we’ve talked and talked on the what’s, why’s and how’s, but let’s talk about the benefits of probiotics now!
1. Probiotics Create Balance In Your Guts
Probiotics are good bacteria and they can help restore the natural balance in your guts. Not only that, balancing your gut biome will make you more regular, relieve allergies, help with mental health, and even battle against obesity.
2. Probiotics Help Treat Diarrhea
Probiotics can help reduce diarrhea related to illnesses like C.diff, from antibiotics, and even traveler’s diarrhea. Which is pretty awesome! Diarrhea can wreck havoc on your guts, behind, and hydration levels, so minimizing it is always best.
3. Probiotics Can Benefit Your Mental Health
Did you know your guts and brain are linked? I mean obviously our entire body is linked, but your mental health and gut health are linked. Certain probiotics were show to help improve anxiety, OCD, memory function, and even depression.
4. Probiotics Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy
Who would have thought probiotics can help keep your heart healthy. This one actually surprised me. But probiotics can help lower your cholesterol which in turn is good for your heart.*
*There is some argument when it comes to cholesterol and how it affects your heart and healthy.
5. Probiotics Can Help With Digestive Issues
Do you suffer from IBS, IBS, or other digestive issues? Then probiotics may be able to help! It seems that probiotics can help reduce the severity of symptoms that come along with these digestive issues!
6. Probiotics Can Help Reduce Allergies and Eczema
Suffer from Eczema and allergies? I do, so when I found out probiotics could help, I was 100% on board. Turns out there is some older data that shows that certain probiotic strands can help with Eczema.
7. Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight
Did you know probiotics can help you lose weight? It can help prevent absorption of fat in the intestines and the fat is then sent out the body through your poo rather than being stored in your body. Cool huh?
8. Probiotics Can Help Boost Your Immune System
Research shows that since the gut biome and immune system go hand in hand that probiotics can actually help you overcome certain illnesses and diseases. I actually heard this from my holistic doctor as well, but there is some research out there as well.

Now, What Are The Side Effects Of Probiotics?
1. Probiotics Can Increate The Risk Of Infection In Some People
In super rare cases some of the bacteria and yeast probiotics can enter the blood stream and make people sick. Also, those who have suppressed immune systems are more likely to get an infection from probiotics. The risk is low, about one in one million people get a bacterial infection and one in 5.6 million will get a yeast infection from probiotics.
2. Probiotics Can Cause Allergic Reactions
Like everything people can be allergic to probiotics or the ingredients within the supplement. Always be aware if you’re allergic to certain bacteria, yeasts, or fillers that may be in the supplement like certain prebiotics, dairy, etc.
3. Probiotics Can Cause Histamine Levels To Rise
Histamine is created in the body when it detects a threat. Some probiotics can cause your histamine levels to rise. This in turn can cause almost an allergic effect like: itching, watery eyes, runny nose, and even issue breathing. This is usually a concern with people who have a histamine intolerance.
4. Probiotics Can Cause Headaches
I honestly did not know this one. But some probiotics have biogenic amines which can decrease blood flow and trigger headaches in people who are sensitive to amines.
5. Probiotics Can Cause Stomach Issues
The irony, I know, but probiotics can cause stomach issues. Too many probiotics can cause diarrhea, and particularly yeast probiotics can cause gas and bloating. Tis why you generally start with a low dose and build your way up to a suggested dose if possible.
Names Of Commonly Used Probiotics
There are so many different strands of probiotics and certain ones are better for different age groups, different illnesses, and have different purposes. But they’re all fairly healthy for us one way or another. These commonly used probiotics are:
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- Lactobacillus Fermentum
- Lactobacillus Casei
- Lactobacillus Reuteri
- Bifidobacterium Longum
- Bifidobacterium Bifidum
- Saccharomyces Boulardii
- Bacillus Coagulans

Best Types Of Probiotics
Wondering what the best source of probiotics is? The food types are my favorite, though the pills and gummies have a purpose as long as you eat them with a lot of food. But these are my favorite sources of probiotics:
- Suja
- Kombucha
- Real Vinegar with mother
- Kimchi
- Fermented Pickles
- Fermented Saurkraut
- Raw Dairy
- Kefir
- Yogurt
- Sourdough
- Olives
- Kvass
- Green Peas
- Tepache
- Apples
Healthy Gut Means Healthy Body
The state of our guts is going to show us the state of our body. Everything starts from the guts. You are what you eat has some merit to it. If you’re eating bad foods you’re gonna feel bad. Between mental decline, mental health, hormones, inflammation, bowel movements… it all starts in the gut! Our bodies are temples, so let’s try to heal them with the Lord’s help of course and fuel them with the right things!
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Now that you have an understanding of probiotics, do you get enough? Do you eat fermented foods? Do you have one you take regularly? I’d love to hear from you!