I never thought I would have to say this, but you need to protect your children. Now, I know many of you are wonderful, wonderful, parents. But I also know there are bad parents, confused parents, and parents who are just not paying attention. This world is crazy and you need to protect your children from it. Because we have seen time and time again the world, is in fact, coming for your them.

You Need To Protect Your Children
The world is fallen. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit in Genesis the world fell to sin. And unfortunately we are in a time period where evil is good and good is evil. Depravity has taken control of our once great nation. And whether it’s violence or sex, these things are pervasive and down our throats every single day.
And those same people are coming after your kids.
I am dancing around the subject, because I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’mma throw some research out here for you. There are a lot of crazy ideals out and about now. I’m sure you’ve seen them. Mental illness, sexuality, depravity, hedonism, nihilism, violence, division, communism, destroying people’s lives (cancel culture), destroying families… these are things that are being taught to our kids from:
- Social Media
- Media
- Entertainment
- Schools
- Music
And I’m sure many of you are scoffing and are calling me some kind of -phobe. And that’s fine. But let me be clear. I’m not afraid of any of these things or people. What I’m concerned about is that predators are after our kids.
Related: Here are 15 reasons why you should homeschool your kids today!
You Need To Protect Your Children: The Facts

I don’t want to just sound like a broken record player and just say “they’re out there they’re after you and your kids”, let me show you the things that are happening and have been happening in our country.
- Teacher arrested after giving students and LGBTQ+ book depicting pornographic images and teaching kids how to use adult apps used for homosexual hookups.
- And another teacher got in trouble for teaching her students about sex toys and how pleasurable the prostate is.
- A Dean of students is very proud of the fact that children at his school are playing with dildos and butt plugs.
- There have other teachers who to being apart of Antifa and admitted communist indoctrination being taught in their classroom.
- There are teachers having sexual relationships with students. And this has been happening for years.
- There are online discussions by communists and anarchists about how to bring these views to your children in their classrooms.
- Children are being punished for expressing opinions about there being only 2 genders.
- People are teaching our kindergarteners about sexuality in new sexuality curriculum.
- Teachers are suggesting that your kids should pledge their allegiance to the Pride flag.
- Children’s shows like Blue’s Clues have pride parades with characters that have “top scars”.
More Reasons Why You Should Protect Your Kids From What Schools and Society Are Teaching

- Former teachers have also came out and spoken out about todays public schools and the propaganda being taught within them.
- Target recently has been under fire for their satanic and pride items available to children and where children can easily see these controversial items.
- Other cartoons are teaching your kids inappropriate things like: Peppa Pig, Disney, The Loud House, Rugrats remake, etc.
- There are perverse books in schools like “Gender Queer” which is finally being banned from the classroom, but there are many more that have not been.
- Children are being taught about critical race theory and being told to support radical political groups.
- Many female musicians are creating pro-feminist, satanic, and LGBT music that is enabling the division of men and women like Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor (most of her song are not friendly towards men), Beyoncé, etc.
- Schools are putting female products in boys bathrooms at schools and allowing boys in the girls locker rooms and bathrooms which in some cases led to sexual violence.
- Teaching girls it’s okay for boys and men to take over their sports.
- Teachers telling and coaching your child when it comes to sexuality when it comes to sexuality and trans.
- Radical bills are being passed allowing children to be put into group homes without parental consent.
Even More Reasons You Need To Protect Your Kids

- Inappropriate heterosexual books and violent books in kids libraries. This one I know from experience and read a number of books in middle and high school that had pervasive sex and extreme violence, rape, along with other adult themes that kids have no business reading about.
- Other laws passed will hide kids and not tell parents where kids are if their parents are not supportive of them being trans.
- Being told that sex change treatments or “gender affirming care” i.e irreversable puberty blockers and surgery are fine. Despite the rising number of trans people coming out and regretting their decision.
- The fact that the lie above is being taught and no one is talking about the suicide rate still being high for those who go through transition is also omitted when pushing for “gender affirming care.”
- Kids are being labeled with mental illnesses when some of them are rare and it is more likely confusion or them following peer pressure or being influenced. Body dysmorphia is actually rare, and once a mental illnesses becomes well known it spreads like wild fire and history shows that. When we see things over and over again especially at a young age we tend to emulate it.
- They’re teaching kids to practice and stimulate their “queer imagination.”
- Inappropriate jokes in kids shows like: Jimmy Neutron, Spongebob, Cow and Chicken, Hey Arnold, Animaniacs, and Powerpuff Girls, and the list goes on.
- Not to mention, schools are no longer safe thanks to the rise of mental illness and broken family unit.
- Schools destroy creativity and create workers. It’s nothing more than a daycare for parents and indoctrination center.
Why Should We Care About These Things?
Jordan, you sound terrible! Do you hate the LGBT+ community? Why are you hating on heterosexual things? Music? Socialism? BLM and Antifa?
I want to make this clear. I don’t hate anyone. And, I am not afraid of anyone or a -phobe of any kind. What I am is someone who cares about our kids. Kids do not need to know about sexuality until they’re older and it is the parents job to teach them about it.
Kids do not need to be taught that communism is good and that capitalism is bad. They should be taught about all systems and then be allowed to make a decision when they’re older. They should not be taught that one race is better than another and that they should be guilty of something they never did. Or being told to join political groups out of fear at a young age.
Kids don’t need to be on social media alone and subjected to sex and violence through the internet or in life. Kids need a mom and a dad who care about them, who want to teach them, and who will pull them out of these schools. Radical ideals, politics, and sexuality have no place near our kids. Those topics are something for someone who is mature and much older than they are. This is why you need to protect your children. They are not mature enough for these things.
It Is Your Job To Raise and Protect Your Kids
Unpopular opinion and I know I’m going to get some hate. Parents have gotten lazy. I know, many of you are red in the face right now ready to type how hard it is to be a parent. And you’re right. It is hard to be a parent.
It isn’t meant to be easy. But it is YOUR job to protect your kids. Sex and violence are things you should be protecting your kids from. It does long term damage. Long term damage that takes a lot of work and help to overcome.
Homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to be home 8 hours a day to teach. Younger kids need as little as 30 minutes a day whereas older kids need a few hours. Most kids finish multiple grades in 1 year and on average finish high school at a younger age. Yes, you have to socialize your kids and take time to be part of a community, but socially homeschooled kids have higher IQs and can interact better with adults and children of all ages.
They’re not just stuck around kids their ages learning inappropriate behaviors like we see in daycares and the public school system.
If you want to protect your kids and their mental health then you cannot be friends. You have to the be parent. And you cannot be absent. I’m not saying breathe down their neck and never let them leave your sight. But we live in a very sick world. And that sick world is after your kids. You need to be able to guide them through the world until they’re able to on their own they rely on you which is why you need to protect your children.

Pay Attention To What Your Kids Are Being Taught, Watching, And Hearing
I know some parents can’t get their kids away from these indoctrination centers we call school. But you can be aware of what they are being taught. Talk during dinner about what they’re learning. Ask to see their homework and books.
And school aside, just be aware of what they’re looking at online. What kind of music are they listening to? What movies are they watching? Who are they following on Youtube and Tiktok? I know most parents feel like their kids are fine and deserve privacy, and they do.
But we live in a broken world. You should trust your kids, but you shouldn’t trust everyone who is interacting with your kids. That doesn’t mean be paranoid, but use discernment.
Make Changes To Better Help and Protect Your Kids
And if you find yourself in a situation that is negatively affecting your family sometimes that means changing things. That means:
- Moving away from cities if possible.
- Pulling kids away from public school and sending them to a well researched charter/private school or homeschool them.
- Paying attention to what they watch and read.
- Knowing who their friends are and what their teachers are teaching them and what curriculum is being taught.
- Being present and taking an interest in your kids.
- Disciplining your kids when they misbehave. Not abusing, I know people like to straw man this.
- Giving your kids a routine and rules.
- Answering questions they may have thanks to all the pervasive things in society. If you as a parent don’t answer them, the world will.
- Teaching them about God so they can have faith and hope in something.
- Building them up so they may be confident and not fall pray to the things of the world.
- Help them make goals to always give them something to strive for.
- Mom and dad should both be more present in their lives. Both parents are equally important in a child’s life.
- And say no. It’s okay for them to not watch violent movies. It’s okay for them not to listen to songs about promiscuity and drugs. It’s okay for them to not hang out with bad influences.
The Fall Of A Society
Are you familiar with The History of the Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon? He talked about how Rome was a city of grotesque opulence, were wasteful, and had a collapse in faith and science. And then of course Rome fell shortly after. And it’s because (I know you’re tired of me saying this) good times created weak men. Weak men cannot defend a nation.
All nations go through different stages.
Sir John Glubb who wrote The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival in 1976 believes that most nations followed a pattern before falling. The Persian, Babylonian, Roman, Spanish, British empires all lasted about 250 years before collapsing. And it is widely believed America is following their footsteps based on the process:
- Age Of Pioneers- New settlers come displacing previous peoples.
- Age of Conquests- A military forms to establish dominance and expansion over the territory.
- Age of Commerce- Security is established as are livelihoods and a society.
- Age of Affluence- Offense is now defense to protect wealth, rights, and lives.
- Age of Intellect- Progress and advancement brings new academics and ideas that now question their founders beliefs.
- Age of Decadence- Wealth, morals, and wisdom corrode and leaders are now superficial and a welfare state is put into place.
- Age of Decline and Collapse- Years of decadence, depravity, division breed decay resulting in failing families, economies, and weak defense to outside threats.
Y’all we are somewhere between the age of decadence and the age of decline, though I lean us much closer to the age of decline. We have to prepare ourselves and protect not only ourselves, but our families as well. Especially our kids who will be dealing with the hardships we failed to stop.
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Am I missing anything? Beyond propaganda at school and college, sexuality, violence, in media, entertainment, and being taught to them what else do you need to protect your children from? Share with us things that give you concern.