Looking for Dollar Tree prepper items? If not, you should be. I know, when we think of the Dollar Tree, we think of cheap stuff that many people are skeptical about. But, the Dollar Tree has so many gems. And that includes Dollar Tree prepper items! More and more people are seeing the writing on the wall due to the rumors of war, actual wars, our shaky economy, civil unrest, and they’re trying to get their families ready. And a lot of people are using some Dollar Tree prepper items in their stores. So, let’s take a look at some of these Dollar Tree prepper items, be sure to get your printable list too!

Prepper Items At The Dollar Tree
I love the Dollar Tree. I won’t lie, I really do. Some stuff there is not so great, but there are a lot of great things. I still have oven mitts, colander, measuring spoons, and cups, and dish rags that I’ve had for almost 13 years from there.
The problem is, most people assume everything there is terrible and it often gets overlooked. And the thing is, preparing your family for the worst, may it be natural disasters or man made, can be expensive. So if you’re prepping on a budget, this is the place for you. Even if there is a better quality out there, it’s still good to have something that is durable or usable then not have it at all if you don’t have a bunch of extra money.
So let’s take a look at some of the best prepper items you can get at the Dollar Tree.
Related: These are the best survival foods that everyone should know how to make.
The Best Prepper Items At The Dollar Tree
So, I’m going to try to break the sections up by medical things, food stuffs, survival stuff, and entertainment. That way it’s a bit easier for you to kind of go through the list.
Dollar Tree Prepper Items: Medical

1. Cotton Rounds
Cotton rounds are great for wound care and cleaning. You can get 80 of them for $1.25 which isn’t bad considering they are $2.19 for 100 at other stores. These are great for cleaning up minor scrapes, burns, and wounds.
2. 3-In-1 Cotton Set
These are great for go bags, your car, purse. It is a small plastic box that has 10 cotton pads, 70 cotton swabs, and 10 cotton balls. These are great for cleaning wounds and the plastic box is small enough you can fit it in a pocket of your go back, purse, where ever you keep your items.
3. Band Aids
If you don’t have $5 to throw down on a better brand of band-aids than these will work. These are not as sturdy and I find they tend to come off a little quicker, but they’re perfectly fine. You can get a box of assorted band aids with 110 of them for $1.25. Money is tight, I get it and it’s better to have something, than nothing.
4. Self Adherent Wrap
The Curad self-adherent wrap isn’t bad. I know my school when I was a kid had an assortment of these and I’ve used these too. You can use these on sprains or strained areas. It comes with 5 feet of the wrap.
5. Small Gauze Pad
These aren’t big gauze, I don’t think I’ve ever seen large gauze at the Dollar Tree, but an assortment of gauze is a must. You can get 10 gauze pad for $1.25. Which isn’t bad considering other stores have 10 count boxes of gauze for $2. So, grab the small size here and maybe a larger size elsewhere.

6. Medical Tape
You can get 5 feet of waterproof medical tape at the Dollar Tree. I’ve used it and it’s not bad. Other stores have some at $3-$8. I’m sure some of the other brands may have more stick, but I’ve used this tape, and this is the tape my mom would use and it never failed us.
7. Alcohol Prep Pads
This one I love. You can get Curad alcohol prep pads for $1.25. You get 100 medium sized prep pads and they’re pretty good. This is something else I always keep on hand. I don’t use them a ton, but they’re still useful when you really do need them.
8. Rubbing Alcohol
I don’t like using rubbing alcohol a lot for cleaning wounds, but occasionally if that’s all you have then it’s all you have. Also, it has other uses too.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide
I’ll take hydrogen peroxide over alcohol when cleaning wounds, but again, there are better options (like a saline solution), but peroxide is always an option for wound care if you have nothing else. It’s also great (diluted) for oral care, stain cleaning, and removing blood from cloth.
10. Calamine Lotion
This is a great item too. My mom used this on us when we had the chicken pox, when we got poison ivy, poison oak. You can also use it for bug bites. Understand, this is great for oozy type of rashes. It can dry out your skin.

11. Toothbrushes
You gotta clean your teeth. Even if the world was/is falling apart, oral care is important. You can get a 3 count of Colgate tooth brushes for $1.25, or 3 toothbrushes with travel cases, other off-brand toothbrushes in bulk.
12. Toothpaste
You can get a 5oz bottle of Colgate cavity protection for $1.25 whereas you can get 6oz bottle for $2.49. Not all the toothpastes are the greatest option, but there are many great options if you’re wanting to stock up on a few to always have on hand.
13. Dental Floss
I grab my dental floss here. It’s cheap, and a little less than 200 yard, but still reasonable compared to the $3-$4 dollars at other stores. While some would argue whether this is important or not, it has other uses besides teeth cleaning.
14. Deodorant
There are great deodorant brands you can get. At the store they are typically 2.3 oz and these ones can very from 1.4 to 2 oz, but to stock up on here and there it isn’t a bad option. And those are just the name brands. The bigger deodorants are called Power Stick and they don’t smell bad, to me at least. Better than paying $3+ dollars. When you don’t have a ton of money to spare.
15. Razors
These are not the best quality razors, but I grew up using them and they work well enough. And when things get rough, you’ll be happy you have these. Body hair has a purpose, but it can be problematic as well. So, you can get a 10 pack of double bladed razors to always have on hand.
16. Soaps and Shampoos
There are plenty of great shampoos and soaps. I grew up with White Rain brand and never had an issue. And they’re the same amount ounce wise to the Suave brand. Actually they make me think of like off brand Suave.
Dollar Tree Prepper Items: Food
Not all food is cheaper at the Dollar Tree. Many times you will find that canned veggies may actually be cheaper at the big box store. I know many times at the local stores I can get canned veggies for less than $1. So, keep that in mind.

17. Long Grain White Rice
You can get a 2 bag of white rice at the Dollar Tree for $1.25 whereas it is a little more expensive at the regular store. At least at my local store which is $1.84. Not much more, but hey, save money where you can.
18. Knorr Sides
While they’re called sides, you can actually use these for meals. My husband would often use them with added items when he was at the border working. And they’re a tad cheaper at the Dollar Tree than the store. At the regular store they’re $1.31 each whereas the Dollar Tree has them for $1.25. I know you’re only saving $0.06, but if you’re buying bulk, that’ll add up.
19. Long Grain Brown Rice
Rice is so versatile and it goes a long way. However, brown rice is a bit more healthy. And luckily you can get a 2lb bag for $1.25 rather than $1.71. Brown rice has more vitamins and minerals because it still has it’s outer layer. So if you’re using rice to add to beans or to bulk up soups, brown rice is great.
20. Campbell’s Soups
Now, this is really hit or miss. For example, I can get Campbell’s cream of chicken for $1.04 at the regular store and save $0.21. However, I can get a can of Campbell’s chicken noodle (13.5 ounce can) at the Dollar Tree for $1.25 whereas a regular 10.75 ounce can at the regular store costs $1.31. Again, I can get a can of Campbell’s pork and beans for $0.89 at the regular store whereas the Dollar store will cost me $1.25. So, make sure you compare!
21. Top Ramen
I know, this isn’t healthy, like at all, but it is carbs and other things can be added. The noodles are cheap and are great for bulking up sparse meals. At the regular store a 6 pack of these chicken ramen noodles will cost $2.16 and again, at the Dollar Tree they will only cost $1.25.

22. Canned Fruit Cocktail
There are a number of options for canned fruit that are cheaper at the Dollar Tree than the regular store. And while it may have a lot of sugar, it is a nice little pick me up for energy and does contain traces of iron.
23. Hunt’s Pasta Sauce
You can save about $0.14 buying this at the Dollar Tree rather than the regular store. And this will go great with stores of pasta, rice, eggs, meat. It can really doctor up bland and boring foods, plus it does also contains iron and potassium. And while calories are good in dire times, so are vitamins and minerals.
24. Evaporated Milk
Evaporated milk can be used in dishes that requires milk. Have you ever had white gravy made with evaporated milk? It’s so rich. And the best part is, most evaporated milk has some vitamin D. And it just so happens that the Dollar Tree is slightly cheaper than most stores when it comes to evaporated milk.
25. Goya
Most Goya products are cheaper at the Dollar Tree than the regular store and you can get seasonings, black beans, pinto beans, chick peas, small red beans. Beans make a fantastic carb and protein source! Definitely need beans in the storage.
26. Hormel Tamales
These things are tasty, they’re spiced, and they can serve 2 people. Add a little rice and you’ve got a decent meal. Plus, they have 6g of protein, vitamin A, carbs, and fat and so far one of the better options nutritionally on this list. They’re $1.21 cheaper at the Dollar Tree.

27. Baking Mixes
While I do not stock a lot of baking mixes in my pantry when I prep, it’s important I believe to have a treat once in a while. And if you’re in a position where maybe you can make your own butter and have an abundance of eggs, it wouldn’t hurt to have some cake mixes or brownie mixes on hand. They’re slightly cheaper at the Dollar Tree than they are at the regular store.
28. Candy
Again, this is not something I store a lot of. However, I do think some candy or sweets is important to have in your stores. They don’t last forever, and sugar is not good for you. But sometimes something sweet can give you the energy you need, the mood life you need, and if you’re ever in a traumatizing situation, sometimes something sweet can help. And you can find plenty of cheap name brand candy at the Dollar Tree, albeit in smaller amounts.
Dollar Tree Prepper Items: Survival
29. Duct Tape
Now, at Walmart you can get 20 yards for about 4 dollars. At the Dollar Tree you can get 10 yards for $1.25. And while it may make sense to get the bigger roll for some, that isn’t an option for everyone. And duct tape is so versatile when it comes to fixing, creating, or even at times wound care.
30. Battery Operated Lights
Battery operated lights are a great option if you have kids and/or pets. Because last thing you need in an emergency is a fire. And many of these lights and flash lights are amazing, despite being from the Dollar Tree. I learned this from experience and have used them many times during hurricanes, ice storms, or other power outages.

31. Batteries
This is just for the battery operated lights! On average, a AA battery has about 28 hours of juice. If you’re using an LED flashlight or have a flashlight on high, it’ll last only about 7 hours. Now, I used one of the battery operated Dollar Tree candles during a power outage and it lasted about 10 hours with Dollar Tree batteries, which I thought was amazing. If you need batteries for something that requires more energy, I suggest going name brand.
32. Emergency Candles
I feel like people are sleeping on Dollar Tree’s emergency candles. They have all sorts of candles including some tall ones in glass jars that are like the Jesus candles, but with no pictures. Which I appreciate. But they also have emergency candle sticks, and those things actually last quite a bit! Each pack comes with 24 hours worth of candles, and out of 2 packs of them, I only had 2 of them that burned out in about 4 hours or less. Most of them lasted 4 hours or more.
33. Trash Bags
They’re not necessarily the greatest, but they’re great in a pinch. You need to be able to keep your home clean in case of emergency as old food and trash can bring bugs, vermin, and disease. Plus, trash bags have other uses like keeping the feet dry, etc.
34. Bleach
Bleach is great for cleaning up nasty messes, kill super bugs (though it also creates them), and to clean water. (Please check out this post from the US EPA about cleaning water before you try it on your own.)
34. Toilet Paper and Towels
Again, these are definitely 1-ply, and occasionally 2-ply, but this is a great way to stock up on these items a little at a time if you don’t have a $20 to drop all at once.

35. Sewing Kits
The Dollar Tree has tiny sewing kits which are great for your go back or to keep in your stores. Clothes need mending especially the more you wear and work in them. Now, this kit doesn’t have a ton, but in a pinch, it is better than nothing.
Related: Learn The Basic Stitches Of Hand Sewing
Dollar Tree Prepper Items: Entertainment
Why would you waste money on entertainment for prepping? Because disasters are hard. And when there is no power, and you have kids, or even if you don’t and you’re sitting there for hours you can get bored. Plus, even if you aren’t bored, it’s always nice to have something you can focus on rather than doom and gloom depending on the situation.
36. Coloring Books
Coloring books are fairly cheap at the Dollar Tree and you can sometimes find jumbo sized ones for kids or even coloring books for adults. You can usually save about $1.50 or so on these here.
37. Puzzle Books
Puzzle books like word searches, crossword puzzles, sudoku are easily found at the Dollar Tree for less than $2. And considering how much you would pay for them at Walmart, it’s not a bad price. Grant it, the ones you will get at Walmart may be a little bigger. But if you’re on a tight budget, this isn’t a bad option.
38. Books
The Dollar Tree doesn’t have the biggest selection of books, so if you’re picky this isn’t the best option. But you can usually find cheap novels, the Bible, and children’s books here for $1.25. And having something new to read and focus on may be quite the blessing during hard times ahead.

39. Toys
We cannot deny that the Dollar Tree has cheap toys. And while some of them will obviously break fairly easily, you can stock up on toys like:
- bouncy balls
- toy cars
- bubbles
- glow sticks
- toy instruments
- stuffed animals
- yo-yos
- simple outside toys
- plastic tea sets
And while this may seem silly to stock and keep hidden away, in case an emergency strikes, a new toy may be what it takes to keep the kids calm. Or say an ice storm hits during a birthday it’s always nice to have something to give them.
40. Arts and Crafts
Believe it or not, the Dollar tree has gotten a much bigger arts and crafts section. And while crayons can usually be purchased cheaper elsewhere, they have items like:
- paints
- canvas
- wood
- stickers
- sketch books
Which is a fun thing to do and can keep your mind busy during rough times.
Dollar Tree Prepper Items
There are plenty of other things that are at the Dollar Tree that are great to prep, IF you can find them. Some carry portable heat, microfiber towels, shower curtains, wipes, and more. You know what your family needs when it comes to medication, entertainment, and survival and I know I have missed stuff on the list. But these are the things I’ve seen at my store. But, with everything that is going on, we need to start preparing for tough times.
But I want to add, don’t prep out of fear. That’s when you buy things you don’t need, waste money, and we aren’t meant to be afraid. God doesn’t want us to be afraid. But that doesn’t mean don’t prepare, even Joseph prepared in Egypt before the famine. Remember to rely on God for everything though, pray, and see what He wants you to do and how He wants you to prepare.
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What Dollar Tree prepper items do you suggest? What kinds of items do you suggest and store?