Today I have a free printable shopping list template that you can download and print! This shopping list printable is not only cute and simple, but has plenty of room to write down all the groceries you need. The best part is you can print as many shopping lists as you need and use them weekly! Hang one of these shopping list templates on your fridge and fill it out as you run out of things. Not only will this shopping list template keep you from spending extra money, but will save you time as well.

Free Printable Shopping List Template
This shopping list is very simple with a touch of fun. I always love cute things to keep me organized. It just makes me feel more accomplished? Silly, I know. But this printable shopping list has a number of lines to fill in with some fun groceries at the top. Click the orange button to download and print your free printable shopping list template now:
This printable shopping list will fix any normal sized printer paper. Once you have downloaded your pdf you can print off as many shopping lists as you need.
Cute Printable Shopping List For Your Groceries

The grocery list is appropriately labeled and has a little banana and orange on one side and a carrot and herbs on the other. There are 30 lines to write down different things you need from the store and you’re welcome to print off as many as you need! You could even laminate your grocery list, fill the blanks with a dry erase marker, and take a photo to save on paper if you wanted.
Free Printable Grocery List PDF File Download
Clicking the orange button below will bring you to your free printable grocery list.
Saving Money With A Free Printable Grocery List
Tired of spending an arm and a leg at the store? This grocery list printable (free for everyone), should help you manage your grocery budget a little more. I think we can all agree groceries have gotten ridiculously expensive. What I was spending for my family suddenly doubled, and that’s after I made cuts and we started doing more meatless nights.
We won’t delve into the politics causing this economic crisis, but just be aware that… no you’re not crazy. And yes, things really are getting that expensive and hard to find. Friends, it isn’t going to get any better, at least anytime soon. This isn’t be being a pessimist, but a realist. The writing is on the wall. But doom and gloom aside, after hearing friends and family complain about grocery prices, and feeling that pain myself I decided to try to find little ways to help people the best I could. And one way I wanted to do that is to make a free printable grocery list. This printable grocery list is blank so you can add what your family eats on it! Plus, it’s kind of cute I think.
Where To Put Your Printable Market List?
Put your free printable market list on the fridge or on the door of your pantry or cabinet. Somewhere you will see it on the regular. This will allow you to write down stuff as you need it. Out of milk? Write it immediately on your printable list so you remember to get more. That way, by the time you’re ready to go to the store you know exactly what you need. If you wait until later and you start scanning the fridge, the pantry, and cabinets, you can easily overlook things.

Plan A Menu Then Stick To Your Grocery List
The thing is, I noticed I, and a lot of people, go to the store with a mental list thinking okay I know I need eggs, milk, butter, and cheese, but what can I make for dinner tonight and tomorrow. We don’t really plan. Planning is going to be key in saving money that means making a menu for the week ahead and sticking too it. I’ll be making a menu list for everyone here shortly. It sounds silly, but it has helped me stick to my menu, stick to my list, and not buy all the extra stuff that my family doesn’t need and save on wasting food.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed By A Blank Grocery List Template
If you’ve never used a grocery list before and you suddenly see this grocery list template, you may be hesitant printing it off. That’s a lot of blank links, what do you even need? When I was first on my own, I felt that way. I didn’t want to waste money on things I didn’t need, and if I forgot things then I’d have to go back. And what if I looked weird? You don’t see too many people using lists anymore. Then I realized I forgot more things when I didn’t write things, I spent more money when I didn’t have a list, and who cares what people think. Using a completely blank template allows you to customize your list to be what you need it to be.
Making An Effective Grocery List
To make an effective grocery list try to keep things together. Write down all your cold items together, canned items, dried goods, baking ingredients, and recipes together. That way you’re not running around the store. First getting some carrots, then some beef, then some toilet paper, back to get strawberries. It’s a mess and your cold items need to be gotten last. This will save time and energy in the long run. The quicker I an get in and out of a grocery store, the better!
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Do you use a grocery list? Share them in the comments! We could all use some help saving money.
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