Don’t know how to spring clean your house? I got you! It’s springtime and that’s a great time to do a deep clean on your home. Declutter, deep clean, organize, dust, it’s time to get all the year long ick and clutter out of your home. Learning how to spring clean your house may be a little time consuming, but is easy and can make spring cleaning your home a breeze!

How To Spring Clean Your House
If you’re like me you may be looking around and wondering where do you start. I know, that’s how I felt before I learned how to spring clean my house. But luckily, there is a strategic way to spring your home without getting overwhelmed.
Best Way To Spring Clean Your House
The best way to spring clean your home is to break up the cleaning. If you’re trying to do the full clean and by that I mean:
- Deep cleaning
- Decluttering
- Dusting
- Washing
- Cleaning Out The Pantry, Fridge, Cabinets
- Scrubbing
- Sorting
- Moving Furniture
It will probably take you a few days to a week to spring clean your entire house. And nothing is wrong with that. Our homes are like our bodies and need some TLC sometimes. Learning to break up the cleaning and not doing it in one day was something I had to learn. And it honestly made me hate cleaning less.
Related: Check out this daily schedule to help you plan your day!
How To Spring Clean Your House In One Day
If you’re wanting to spring clean in one day, then you’re not going to do a lot of the deep cleaning. Your spring cleaning will be more surface cleaning. You’re not gonna worry about the baseboards and the unseen places like cabinets.
Rather you’re going to focus on:
- Dusting
- Vacuuming
- Mopping
- Clearing/Cleaning Tables And Counters
- Scrubbing The Bathrooms
- Flipping The Mattress
- Wiping Down Appliances
You’re still gonna be busy regardless if you’re doing a deep spring cleaning or just a regular spring cleaning.
Related: Here is a weekly cleaning schedule printable you can use!
The Best Ways To Spring Clean
Let’s break down all the places you should clean to do a full spring cleaning in your home! This semi-long list will help your entire house be sparkly clean and great smelling!

Spring Cleaning The Whole House
1. Clean All The Baseboards
Baseboards often get forgotten about during the year. But they can get grime, dust, and scuffs and start to look dingy. And while most people won’t look at your baseboards it can definitely make a difference on how a room will look especially smaller rooms where the grime will be more noticeable.
2. Dust The Cobwebs Off Of Ceilings and Vents
The corners of your rooms, around the edges, and the air vents tend to collect dust and cobwebs. Clean it up by using lint rollers or even your vacuum or a broom.
3. Wipe Down All The Window Sills
Window Sills have a tendency to get grubby. Between kids, dogs, opened windows they get dirty, dusty, and there is always at least 1 dead bug may it be an ant or fly. So, take time to wipe them all down! Besides looking better it will also keep yucky stuff from getting blown in if you have your windows open and the breeze blows.
4. Wash The Curtains
Curtains need to be washed or cleaned. They gather dusts, smells, and get get funky. Most curtains can go into the wash on a gently cycle. However, some cannot. Follow the directions on the tags. Steaming them your curtains are also a great option. Like I said, make sure you follow the instructions that should be on the tag.
5. Wash All The Doors
Be careful if your doors are painted as most cleaners may take off cheap paint. But take some time to wipe down your doors. Not only will it make them look better especially if they’re white or light wood, but doors are touched a lot. It helps get rid of all those germs.
6. Dust Your House Including Your Blinds, Light Fixtures, and Shades
Did you know there are special dusters for blinds? If you don’t want to go out and buy a new duster you can use a micro cloth or any rag available and dampen it to wipe down the blinds and shades. You can also use them on light fixtures as well, but a duster with an adjustable handle may make dusting light fixtures easier especially if you’re short like me.
7. Wash The Windows Inside and Outside
Want to know how to properly wash your windows? It’s easy! And you can learn to wash your windows without the streaks! Which is a plus, I hate streaky windows, at least at my house. Which was a problem because they can get so dirty!
8. Change The Batteries In All Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors
Changing the battery in my fire alarms and carbon monoxide alarm is something I need to remember to do more. I tend to only do this when they start beeping and driving me nuts. But, I need to remember to do this more throughout the year. According to the internet the battery should be changed out AT LEAST once a year with each alarm being changed every 10 years.
9. Sweep Off Your Porches And Your Garage
This is another one I forget about. I know! It’s bad, but with outside stuff I don’t care as much. It’s outside, it should be dirty. But then I go outside and get annoyed when I step on things on my porch. I should probably do this more often. I would suggest getting a designated outside broom for sweeping your porch and garage.
10. Gather Things You No Longer Use And Donate It
Go throughout your house and declutter. Get any decorations you’re not using, any technology like DVD players, clothes, toys, etc and donate it if it is still in good condition. Most of us tend to gather stuff over the year through shopping and gifts we are given but it just sits there taking up space. Donate these things and bless someone else!
11. Throw Away All Expired Food, Makeup, Cannisters, Etc
Look at all the expiration dates in your home and throw away things that are passed that date. There are some things I will keep a little passed that date (medication), but I don’t really keep anything else.

Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen
12. Clean Out Your Pantry
If you’re like me the pantry can get out of control. Things get pushed to the back, I bought things we intended to eat and didn’t. Things got opened and not finished. It’s time to clean up your pantry. Donate food that isn’t getting eaten and still good and unopened. Throw out expired food and open stale food. Organize things by the shelf. There are so many ways to clean and organize your pantry.
13. Clean Out Your Fridge
I actually started doing cleaning out my fridge every couple of weeks. Before I did it a lot less and boy that was… let’s not talk about that. I was learning! Clean out Tupperware, throw out old leftovers and veggies/fruits, get rid of old drinks, jams, and dressings. And most importantly wipe down all the shelves and drawers.
14. Wipe Down All Appliances
Appliances are like remotes… they get touched, with usually dirty hands, and get grubby. If you have stainless steel you’ll need a specific cleaner. But otherwise you will need a rag and some cleaner to wipe down your appliances.
15. Clean Inside The Oven and Microwave
I HATE cleaning the oven. It’s such a pain! But it needs done. A lot of new stoves have a setting that self-cleans. That means it basically cooks everything off and then once it is cooled off you can wipe out the ashes. But there are other ways as well if you don’t have a newer stove. I used to hate cleaning the microwave too until I found an easy way to clean it. And it makes it so much easier and less tedious, which I always appreciate.

Spring Cleaning Your Living Room And Offices
16. Wash Couch Cushions and Pillow Cases On Your Furniture
Once again couches, chairs, and living pillows get used, touched, and grimy. Plus they can hold smells. So, they need to be washed or steamed regularly. Like curtains, for the couch covers you will want to use cold water, a delicate cycle, and a gentle detergent.
17. Polish The Furniture
Not all furniture needs to be polished. However, wood furniture will need to be shined every so often. Wood can get dull, dry, and just look bleh after a while so you have to bring it back to life from time to time.
18. Disinfect All Remotes, Door Knobs, Light Switches, Mice, And Keyboards
By mice I mean your computer mouse, but I’m not sure the plural form of that. If is computer mice…computer mouses? I have no idea. Either way, you need to wipe down remotes, keyboards, light switches, door knobs, and… mice? You can use soap and water, cleaning wipes, just make sure you’re wiping and not spraying or dipping these items into any liquids.
19. Vacuum and Shampoo Carpets
Can I just say I hate carpet. I hate it with a passion. Anyone with allergies knows that carpets hold allergens and smells and it’s the worst. Anyway, you need to regularly vacuum your carpets. Did you know most of us actually vacuum too quickly? So go slow when spring cleaning and give your room a thorough vacuuming and then shampoo your carpets. If you shampoo your carpets make sure you have fans going and air moving so they dry quickly and don’t mold/mildew.

Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom
20. Wash All The Linens
Your sheets, blankets, throw blankets, and pillow cases, duvets, etc.. need to be washed. Preferably on a regular basis, but washed based on the instructions on their tags. Most will be fine in a regular cycle, but some may need a gentle cycle. And like your laundry you may want to separate colored sheets and blankets from white sheets and blankets. Unless you’re like me and just chaos wash all your stuff together. Washing your linens will help keep you healthy, bother your allergies less, and keep you acne free.
21. Clean Your Pillows
Pillows need to be cleaned as well. Wash your pillows based on the tags. But many of them can be washed in the washer, but the drying process is a little the most important. A lot of pillows need to be refluffed and the way to do that is dry them with tennis balls in the dryer. However if they’re foam they need to air dry.
22. Flip Your Mattress
You may be wondering why you need to flip your mattress. It’s important to flip your mattress because it keeps the comfort fillings distributed evenly and ensure that one side doesn’t sink while the other side is still full of life. Plus, it may help you be more comfortable in the end.
23. Clean Out Your Closets, Dressers, and Storage
Cleaning your closet is an easier chore, but time consuming. Take everything out of your closet, dresser, or whatever storage unit. Wipe it down. Now start going through everything. Have a keep pile, throw away pile, and donate pile. Cutting down clutter in your closets, dressers, and storage will keep your bedroom clean and decluttered.

Spring Cleaning Your Bathroom
24. Wash All Floor Mats
People tend to forget to wash their floor mats and bathroom mats. They need to be washed every couple of weeks in my opinion. They get walked on, wet, and that means grime, build up, and sometimes mold and mildew, yuck!
25. Change Your Shower Curtain
A lot of people, and I used to do this too, keep our shower curtains way too long. Your shower curtain should be changed once a year at least. That way the grime, slime, and mold don’t build up. It’s hard to get clean if things around you aren’t so clean.
26. Disinfect Your Bathroom
Bathrooms need to be disinfected, they’re gross. I’m not a fan of over disinfecting houses because that makes you less healthy in the long run. But bathrooms are gross. There are so many poop related illnesses that can be transmitted and illnesses in general. Plus, bathrooms are a place where mold and mildew tends to grow. And no one wants an icky and stinky bathroom.
27. Dust All Decorative Items
I don’t personally decorate my bathrooms, but I have friends that do and my mother and grandmother always had decorations. Does anyone remember the toilet paper dolls with crochet dresses growing up? All this stuff needs to be dusted.
28. Mop All The Floors
Mop the floors in your bathroom. Some people say you should wipe them with a rag rather than mop, but they need to be mopped. When you flush those germs go everywhere. And while you’re mopping (after you change the water and rinse the mop off) you need to mop the other hard floors in other parts of your house.
How Do You Spring Clean Your House- Tips, Tricks, and Ideas
28. DIY Carpet Cleaner
If you need to spot clean your carpet then try out this 2 ingredient carpet cleaner. Make sure you try it on a small spot to ensure it’s safe for whatever type of carpet you have.
29. DIY Household Cleaners
I don’t like using harsh cleaners. I make a lot of my own. But you have to be careful because if you mix the wrong things you can make yourself sick and or accidently cause worse harm…like death. However, these cleaners are safe!
30. Stock Up On Cleaning Supplies Before You Start
Gather all the items and products you need before you start. You don’t want to be cleaning and starting projects to only have to stop and go to the store and wait. You’ll lose momentum.

How Long Does It Take To Spring Clean A House
It really depends. Doing a more “superficial” clean or a surface cleaning… it can take a day. If you’re doing a very deep cleaning than it can take days to a week if you’re doing it yourself. And it also depends on how big your house is. Do you live in a one bedroom apartment? A tiny house? You can spring clean smaller spaces quicker. Now if you have a 1 story 4 bedroom house or a 2 story house then it will probably take you a hot minute.
How To Spring Clean Without Getting Overwhelmed
Pace yourself. You don’t have to have it done all at once. If you have a lot to do and you try to force yourself to do a million tasks at once you’re gonna feel overwhelmed, tired, cranky, and demotivated. Break it up. Examples would be:
Monday- Air the windows, clean the linen closets, and bathroom cabinets, recaulk your tub and shower, scrub the bathrooms down, wash the floor mats and towels.
Tuesday- Flip the mattress, clean all the linens, hang up clothes, fold any clothes that are clean but staying in a basket, donate clothes you don’t wear anymore as well as shoes, kids toys from their room, etc. Dust the blinds, wipe the windowsills and wash the windows.
Wednesday- Throw out old food from the fridge and pantry. Donate canned foods not being eaten. Wipe down the drawers, shelves, and baskets. Organize your fridge and pantry by shelf. Wipe down appliances. Clean your stove/oven and your microwave.
You get what I mean. Break it up by day and by room rather than running around like a mad woman trying to do it all.
How Often Should You Spring Clean Your House
Despite the name “spring cleaning” I think everyone’s house needs a deep cleaning at least a few times a year. How I do it in my house is, I do a superficial clean each week and then a deep clean every time the seasons change.
There are some chores that should be done daily like: Making the bed, clearing the table, wiping tables and counters, sweep, do the dishes.
Weekly chores should be: scrubbing and cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, linens, dusting, etc.
Spring cleaning chores would be like: airing out the house, cleaning the base boards, cleaning the grout, cleaning and wiping down the fridge and pantry, cleaning out closets and cabinets, etc.
Now That You Know How To Spring Clean…
Now that you have an idea of how to spring clean make a list! Grab some great music and get cleaning. Make it a family weekend where everyone helps. It may suck at the time because I’ll be honest, cleaning isn’t always fun, but it is so satisfying afterwards!
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Did you learn how to spring clean? Do you have plans to do a deep cleaning?