Homemaking For God

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Looking to save money on groceries? I know I’ve been asking myself how I can save money at the store. Eating healthy, making sure my family gets everything they need for 3 meals, and toiletries… the grocery bill adds up.

How to save money on groceries.

With inflation as it is, I know many of us are looking for ways to save money and get enough groceries to feed and take care of our families.

Ways To Save Money On Groceries

Y’all, grocery prices are crazy and many of us are struggling and shocked every time we go to the grocery store. Or at least I am and my friends and neighbors.

Other than buying less, I’ve been trying everything to save money and while I am not saving as much as I used to, I’m still saving a little bit of money here and there, and that little bit of money adds up.

I know people argue this, but eating healthy adds up and can be expensive. Especially if you have a big family and if you eat every meal at home…and if you like things to taste good and be filling and also have enough vitamins and minerals.

So, I put together this list to help you save a little money at the grocery store. Some of them are simple and common sense, and some are a little less known.

I wasn’t told any of these when I first started out, so I want to share them with you, because it seriously makes a difference in how much money you spend at the grocery store.

How To Save Money On Groceries

Save money on groceries by making a menu so you don’t overspend.

1. Make A Menu

Make a menu, plan breakfast, dinner, snacks, and lunches. Stick to that menu. You won’t buy a ton of extras when you have a menu. You know what you need, there isn’t any guessing and any random things. Those little items add up.

You can find blank menu or grocery menus based on different budgets here.

Make a grocery list to help you save money at the grocery store so you don’t overspend.

2. Make A Grocery List

Make a list and stick to it. Don’t buy anything that isn’t on the list, UNLESS you forgot to add something and it is a necessity.

Looking for a blank grocery list? Check out this one!

Eat before you go to the store. If you’re not hungry you won’t buy any extra groceries and save money.

3. Don’t Go To The Store Hungry

Don’t go to the store hungry. We shop with our stomachs and not our heads if we’re shopping hungry.

4. Shop On The Outside Aisles Unless Necessary

Stay on the outside aisles unless necessary. The outside aisles are where the fruits, veggies, and meat are. The inner aisles are where all the tasty, but unhealthy and expensive items are. Don’t go down them unless you have to.

Grant it, there are some things that aren’t terrible down these aisles like: coffee, tea, honey, etc.

Save money at the grocery store with coupons!

5. Coupons

Coupons! Some stores may have coupons in the store, but you can still get them in newspapers and online and in the mail.

Staying on the outside aisles will put a focus on meat, fruits, and veggies. This will help save money!

These websites are some of my favorite places to find coupons, particularly if you have a savers card or shop online.

Buy generic brands at the grocery store instead of name brands to save money.

6. Generic Brands

Buy generic brands when you can. Generic brands aren’t always great, but a lot of them are not bad. To be honest, some generic brands are actually better than name brand.

For example, the the generic HEB store brand of oat milk is way better, in my opinion, than name brands such as Oatly and is a couple dollars cheaper. Don’t be afraid to try things out! You won’t know if you like it until you try and you can always look at reviews online before you buy as many stores have reviews on their online stores.

7. Buy Things On Sale

Buy things on sale. Meat on sale is usually getting close to it’s sell by date, but you can freeze it and still use it for late.

Same with vegetables! You can buy vegetables on sale, cut them, blanch them, and freeze them! But only buy things your family will eat. I really like to do this with carrots, garlics, and green beans. Broccoli too.

8. But Don’t Buy Things Just Because They’re On Sale

Don’t just buy things because they’re one sale. If chicken is on sale and you needed chicken great! If you see a box of dried prunes for sale and no one really eats prunes in your house or you “think” you’ll eat them…just skip them.

If the item you’re buying doesn’t get eaten or get used, it is a waste of money.

Use all the groceries at in your pantry before you go grocery shopping.

9. Use All Your Groceries Before Shopping

Use up all your groceries before you go shopping. Get creative! Beans, noodles, canned or fresh veggies, rice, broths, and gravy mixes go a long way!

Hamburger, a canned of mixed vegetables, beef broth, and a can of tomato paste makes a great hamburger soup. Noodles, butter, lemon juice, chicken is great! Left over mushrooms or spinach? Add it! Beans, rice, a can of tomatoes, and seasoning go great.

Get creative and try new recipes!

10. Turn Leftovers Into Something Delicious

Turn leftovers into something great! This will save food and the extra food. I know leftovers can be a pain to turn into something good. But, a pork roast can be eaten with gravy, turned into BBQ, or put into a stir fry or stew.

Leftover spaghetti sauce can be used for manicotti, lasagna, baked ziti, chicken parmesan.

Turn leftover chicken into chicken noodle soup, chicken fried rice, or BBQ.

Use cloth toilet paper instead of regular toilet paper to save money on your grocery bill.

11. Toiletries, Paper Products, and Feminine Products

Toilet paper costs an arm and leg now, so do toilet papers. Pads, tissues, all of it adds up, especially right now. As someone who has hormonal issues, I go through feminine products and with pads and tampons being $10 a box, that adds up.

Use rags and towels instead of paper towels to save money.

Toilet Paper and Paper Towels

Switching to cloth towels and rags can save you quite a bit. I know the argument is that it costs more in water, it doesn’t. I hand wash my laundry multiple times a weeks and haven’t seen my water go up. If anything my electric bill has gone down.

While I haven’t done this…yet. Some families have turned to cloth toilet paper. I know, it sounds crazy and most of us could never imagine it, but take a look at this family and what they have to say.

Switch to period panties and cloth pads to save money on your grocery bill.

Cloth Pads and Panties

Also, cloth pads and period panties. It sounds weird, trust me I thought so too. To you ladies who have a very heavy flow, I know you’re skeptical, I was too.

But I pair up cloth pads and period panties and as a woman who does suffer from heavier flows, I’ve never leaked like I had with regular products, and they’re more comfortable, and healthier for the lady bits.

The downside….the cloth is very thick, and its a little noticeable around the butt. But I don’t where pants, so its not a problem for me.

They’re pricey at first. I know you’re gonna see the price, and this is not an affiliate link, but I’ve already made up the money I would have spent on pads and tampons.

Cloth Diapers

Same with diapers, cloth diapers are an option. I do not have experience with cloth diapers, but I’ve had friends that used them for their children and loved them. Everyone is different though.

Hope This Helps You Save Money On Groceries

Like I said I don’t know if these will help, these are what I’ve been doing and they’ve saved me some money here and there, and I’m all about saving money. If I can save money on groceries each time I go to the store, it is always a win.

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