I know I’ve had a number of posts with homemaking tips and homemaking advice. But there are some little homemaking tips and advice that I and many other homemakers forget to talk about that can really make things easier at home, but they will help you grow as a person. Most of these homemaking tips I have learned from my own failures and successes and I want to share them with you. With more and more women becoming homemakers it’s important to share not only great homemaking tips, but also our wisdom. That’s what God calls us older ladies to do.

Why These Homemaking Tips Are Important For All Homemakers To Know
We hear a lot of great homemaking tips about how to clean, how to raise kids, how to this, and that. And all of that stuff is valid and important. But there are more great homemaking tips beyond how-to’s and recipes.
Some of these great homemaking tips pertain to mental health, what to expect, how society will treat you, routines, etc.
Because let’s be honest. Regardless of what people want to think, homemaking and being a stay at home mother is a full time job. One that is often thankless and overlooked. But it’s one of the greatest jobs a woman can have. And us older women have to start teaching the younger women how to be women, how to take care of themselves, their families, etc.
Before we start, I will be frank. Not all of these are homemaking tips, or hacks, some of it is advice woman to woman. But they’re all things we need to know, recognize, learn, and prepare for as we take our journey to be a better daughter to God and a better wife and mother for our family.
What Does The Bible Say About Women Teaching Women?
The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5
Homemaking Tips I Wish I knew When I Was A Young Homemaker

1. God Comes First
God has to come first. Homemaking is hard. Taking care of a family, friends, and community is hard. The weight of the world can be crushing. If you don’t have God first you will get tired and discouraged quick, fast, and in a hurry. Burn out is a serious thing, and it’s hard to overcome it. So, spending time with God everyday is a must. Whether you’re praying, reading the Bible, or worshipping, you need to spend time talking to God. It’s the only thing that’s going to help you keep faith, strength, and courage in this broken world.
2. You And Your Husband Are Equal And Everyone Else Comes After
Your husband should be the head of the home, but you are his Ezer Kenegdo. You are his help meet and war counselor and it takes both of you to run a home. He is not better or less than you and you are not better or less than him. Your kids do not go before each other and neither do your friends or family. God, you and your husband, then everyone else.
3. Be Submissive
I wrote a post about women being submissive and what it actually means. Being submissive does not mean you’re a slave or worthless or a kink. It means you let God lead because you trust Him, and you let your husband lead because you trust him. He may not do things your way, and that’s okay. Women have the need to control everything may it be from past experiences or that we’re taught to be the boss from a young age. That’s not how God intended us to do things. If you want to read more about being submissive check out this post here.
4. People Are Going To Look Down On You, And That’s Okay
People are going to make nasty and snide remarks and make you feel little. And that’s okay, they’re ignorant and it’s not their fault. These feminist ideals of homemakers being abused slaves is nothing more than propaganda that has been circulating for a long time to break down the family unit and destroy gender roles. Believe it or not, it may be the people closest to you that make you feel the worst. I can deal with what strangers think, because I don’t know them and their opinion means very little. But it was actually a male family friend of ours that has almost made me feel worthless. And the worst part is, when you try to make your case they spout propaganda and try to shut you down because they don’t want to hear it and they don’t care. Don’t let it get you down. Raising a family, caring for your home, taking care of your community is one of the best jobs in the world.
5. Your Worth Is More Than A Paycheck
People only see your worth if you bring in a paycheck. If you don’t then you’re a “drain on society” and “taking up space.” And there are people like that. But being a stay at home mom or a homemaker does not put you in that category. Your husband and kids are more likely to me successful (as long as you’re doing intentional homemaking) than those who do not have someone at home. And they’re more likely to be happy and that is more important than money. Your worth is not money. Money is a means to live and an idol to most. There are deeper and more important things in life than money and raising kids and loving a husband and tending a home is one of them.
6. You Will Help Raise Happier And More Successful Families
I know, I keep saying this. But it’s true. Families who have a wife and mother at home tend to be happier (though it’s refuted), children tend to be better behaved, and husbands tend to be happier since the burden of work and home are off of him. Happier people tend to be more successful. Studies also show that homemakers and stay at home moms are happier. Of course there are always the outlier especially when women are struggling with homemaking (often times fitting the cliches of the frumpy lazy housewife due to depression which is usually caused by what the outside world thinks of them. I’ve been there.)
7. The Two Income Household Isn’t Always Necessary
One of the arguments is that the homemaker is lazy because you need 2 incomes to survive. And nowadays with this inflation…yes. Maybe you do. But overall, especially in years before Biden and Covid… not so much. Even Elizabeth Warren has refuted this claim as propaganda. It isn’t necessary. With the rise of feminism and the working woman, people were able to have more decadent lifestyles. Bigger houses, more cars, more vacations, more debt and people put themselves in this trap they couldn’t get out of. More spending means you do need more money. But if you’re not making money and things are not your idol, this isn’t a problem. And yes, depending on where you live plays a big factor in cost. But again, you are worth more than your paycheck and if you guys can live beneath your means and you can be home to tend your family, then be happy. You are blessed.

8. You Can Still Work And Be A Homemaker
Being a homemaker doesn’t mean you can’t work. There are a lot of woman who work from home or even part time, but their main focus is their family and home. I work from home, and I love my job. But I love God, my family, and home more. So they are my focus. And if work ever got in the way of me taking care of them, I’d quit. We are blessed enough my income is not a must, but I like to have a little extra money to help those who need it and I like buying homesteading stuff like canners, jars, dehydrators, hunting gear for my husband, etc. Even the Proverbs 31 woman worked. Her focus was her family and home and everything she did was for them. In all honesty, I think homemakers do need some kind of side job or do volunteer work or else your family can become and idol. Plus, it’s nice to do something for yourself.
9. Don’t Be Embarrassed By An Allowance
My husband takes care of the brunt of the finances. And when I wasn’t working he would give me an allowance. I was embarrassed at first. Not because he wasn’t generous, he was. And even if I used up my allowance he would often be okay with me using more. But it kind of feels weird at first, but he explained it like this. “You work hard all day every day turning our house into a home and making a safe place for us, you deserve it.” It almost felt like pay for what I did? I don’t know, it wasn’t until my friends were like “Your husband just gives you money?!” that I realized how blessed I was.
10. God Did Not Give Us A Spirit Of Fear
It’s easy to be afraid. Giving up your job, relying on someone else, being ostracized and mistreated by society can wear a person down. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgement. And we will use that in homemaking a lot. It doesn’t matter what society or friends say about you. It doesn’t matter that you don’t bring in a paycheck or a big paycheck. What matters is that God comes first in all and that your family is healthy, happy, and well cared for.
11. You Are More Than Superficial Tags
I get jealous. I know, it’s a sin. But it is hard sometimes. Seeing friends with new cars, designer bags, fancy hair, going to get drinks, shopping whenever they want… I am sometimes like “I want that.” And sometimes I do some frivolous stuff. But as a homemaker it is my job to budget and keep focused on our goals. And while it may suck sometimes not getting $1,200 bags, you probably don’t really need one anyway. That bag won’t save you if something like WWIII happens and you can’t eat it… or you probably could, but probably shouldn’t. You are beautiful without all the adornments.
12. Love Is A Choice When It Comes To Marriage
Love in any relationship is a choice. Meaning love isn’t easy. Like at all. Especially when it comes to marriage. Thanks to movie and romance novels we believe that love is supposed to be this hot, steamy, exciting thing 24/7 and if it’s not then something is wrong. Love changes over time. It may start out super passionate, become comfortable, be physical, be emotional. Life changes so the way our love comes out changes based on where you are. But it’s always work, and you always have to work on it or love does die. No one comes before you and your husband, but God. Not your kids, not your family. Now, that doesn’t mean you let them starve or ignore them. Rather, you take time to love each other. And you fight for that love every single day.
13. Protect Your Children
Being a stay at home mom or a homemaker means you can protect your kids. You have the time to homeschool (which doesn’t take 8 hours a day.) It means you have time to watch what they’re watching, see what they’re doing on the computer, and keeping bad material and creeps away from them. I know parents who do work do this, but not to the extent that a stay at home mom can as we have seen. Parents are just now finding out what they’re kids are learning despite this radical perversion being taught for years. We have a duty to protect our kids. And sometimes that means going against the world. See point 10.
Great Homemaking Tips For Taking Care Of Your Home

14. You Should Learn How To Cook
Cooking may not be exciting to you, and it’s work. Trust me, I know. But you need to learn how to cook good meals. Not just crockpot meals with canned soup and cheese. You gotta learn how to take care of your family and make healthy meals. Chronic illness is rampant nowadays and medicine is a bandaid. Gotta start with the inside and food is how you do that.
15. It’s Important To Know How To Clean
Cleaning is a must. Your husband works all day and he doesn’t wanna come home to a mess. You’ll feel less anxious and stressed when your house isn’t a mess. Cleaning isn’t fun, but it can keep critters out, make a home feel welcoming, makes it smell good, and it just feels good. And it’s a good workout!
16. Learn How To Wash Clothes By Hand
Why would you ever want to learn to wash clothes by hand?! Because your washing machine isn’t getting your clothes very clean. Not to mention all those perfumed and dyed soaps aren’t good for your clothes or you. Plus, what if you have something delicate? Or your washing machine breaks? Can’t wear dirty undies…or you can, but I don’t suggest it. If something ever happened in this crazy world and we had no electricity, it’s a life skill you will want to know!

17. Learning How To Fold Clothes
I like leaving clothes all wrinkled in a basket. Unfortunately I don’t like ironing unless I have to, which ends up often because I don’t like looking like a wrinkle bomb. My husband likes his clothes hung up and folded. Folding clothes saves you time in the long run and it’s a great way to free up baskets and keep things neat and organized.
18. Doing Taxes Yourself Isn’t As Bad As People Make It
Do y’all remember that Roseanne episode where Dan and Roseanne are doing taxes and it’s an absolute nightmare? I was terrified of taxes as a kid after that. Many people did not learn to do taxes from their parents or school (though it really lies on the parents), but it’s something we all have to do…unfortunately. However, thanks to technology it isn’t super hard thanks to websites like Turbo Tax. Once Turbo Tax became a thing we cut out the middle man (those tax people like Jackson Hewitt) which saved us money in the end. So, take time to follow the steps and do them yourselves.
19. Know How To Check The Basics In Your Car
My step-dad and mom did teach my sisters and I how to check the basics. And my husband was also a sweetheart and refreshed my knowledge and taught me things too. You need to know how to check the air in your tires, check your oil, windshield wipers, etc. Grant it, my husband took care of my car stuff for me before my car died (RIP Granny- what I named my super old Camry), but it is still good to know.
20. Know How To Put Air In Your Tires
I had to add this one because of a friend of mine. Bless her heart, she tried to air up her tires by herself for the first time and ended up getting rid of all the air. So, this is something good to know too.
21. At Least Know How To Pump Your Own Gas
If you can’t or don’t want to learn the other things at least learn how to get your own gas. My loving husband was sweet and always filled my tank for me (minus a few times), but it’s still something he taught me to do which was great because at the time he was out of town a lot and I was driving back and forth to work everyday. Needless to say, I got myself gas. I know, I’m spoiled.
22. Do Not Put Liquid Soap In The Dishwasher
Yeah… don’t do this one. Trust me. It doesn’t work out. Bubbles. Bubbles everywhere.
Great Homemaking Tips For Dealing With Life And Hard Times

22. Learn How To Budget
Budgeting is a must as an adult and a housewife. Especially in this economy we have to be able to save money every chance we get. That means making sure all the bills are paid and groceries are got before anything else. And sometimes that means cutting out treats or the little things. But budgeting can be the difference between getting by and going without.
23. Be Frugal And Save Money
Being frugal kind of goes hand in hand with budgeting, but I would venture to say it goes a little further. This means going thrifting instead of going to a big name store. Or making things on your own. Using coupons or waiting for deals on things you need. There are many ways to save a few dollars here and there. Which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up over time.
24. DIY Is Your Best Friend- Most Of The Time
Learn to fix and make things yourself. Much of the time it will save you time and money. Other times… you need a professional. Know the difference. Painting and destressing a cabinet to look country chic… you can probably do it. Caulking your bathroom? You can probably do it. Rewiring your house… hire someone unless you have the training and know how.
25. Know Basic Tools And How To Use Them
Knowing what tools are and how to use them can come in handy. Even if you’re not good at fixing things there will come a time where you need to know how to use some basic tools. It’s also great to have the basics around like: a star head and flat head screwdriver, hammer, wrench, pliers, wire cutters, taper measure. You don’t want to be using a butter knife at 12am to change the batteries in your thermostat because you suddenly realized you were sweating and it was 90 degrees in the house.
26. Get Good At Planning
Spontaneity is fun, but planning is good. It helps keep your life in order. A calendar or marker board of sorts is a great help especially when your family has something going on often. Beyond that, take time each day to plan your day and week. God willing you wake up everyday, it’s good to have an idea of what you need to do so you aren’t running around on the hot mess express.
27. Learn How To Make Your Own Cleaners Safely
More and more data is coming out about how harmful many cleaners and scents are and the damage it is doing to us neurologically, but also immune systems. So learn how to SAFELY make your own cleaners. I’ve been making mine for years and I will never go back.

28. Learn How To Sew, Knit, and Crochet
Beyond this being a fun hobby, it’s a useful life skill. Sewing is great for fixing rips and hemming. And knitting and crocheting is great for making things like blankets, scarves, socks, mittens, etc. It can become a side job, a blessing for others, or if things every got really really bad…great for your family. Because you know… you have socks.
29. Know Survival Skills
Being a homemaker isn’t just cleaning the house. It’s knowing how to budget. Making things from scratch, gardening, tending animals, home remedies, protecting your family. Everyone men and women need to know survival skills. Things are rough and if the news is right things are gonna get rougher. So, knowing how to take care of you and your family is must.
30. Always Be Prepared For The Best And Worst
Be prepared to celebrate! Always have something ready in case of a celebration. I.E something you can make and/or drink in case festivities and good tidings come your way. But also have extra food, water, and medical supplies in case the bad comes your way to. Whether it’s war, natural disaster, plague, whatever, always have a small store for your family.
31. Thrift Stores and Yard Sales Are Great
Save money at thrift stores and yard sales. So, I have literally bought a whole new wardrobe at yard sales for about $20-$30, no lie. I remember I went once and bought about 3 dresses, 4 tops, and a skirt. I was set for a hot minute. Same with thrift stores. My sisters and I pretty much only got clothes from the thrift stores and occasionally you can find super nice things with tags still on them.
32. Community Is Important
I love being alone. I hate socializing. I’ll be honest. But it’s something I’ve been trying to change. Community is important. It is important to have a support system in your neighborhood, family, and friends. We are not meant to be alone.
33. Life Is Not Fair
Life will never be fair. People will never have equal outcomes in life no matter how hard you push for it. Someone will always be on top and someone will always be on the bottom. Bad people will have good things while good people suffer and sometimes it’s the other way around. You will not always have the things you want and that’s okay. Accept it and move on. Life is and will never be fair.
Great Homemaking Tips When It Comes To Health

34. Understand How The Human Body Works
We pretty much understand how the body works by now. At this time, we should also understand basic biology and the difference between the sexes. It’s important to take time to study and learn about bodily functions, bones, diseases, etc. So you can keep your family healthy. It’s also great to have a basic knowledge in case something does happen.
35. Home Remedies Have A Place In The Home
Home remedies do have a place in the home. People discredit home remedies because of people doing not-so-smart things like trying to cure cancer with crystals and the such. Natural remedies are the basis of medicine. Most medications started out in nature. And grant it, some modern medicines have not and allopathic medicine has it’s place especially when it comes to infections and antibiotic use (though they’re overused.) But, I highly suggest checking out the role the Rockefellers had in allopathy medicine and what they did to discredit natural medicine, as well as who they paid for certain reports. You don’t need a doctor for everything. And with the medicine shortages coming up, it’s good to have a back up and to be able to take care of the basic things for your family.
36. Diet And Nutrition Is Something We All Know
Most things people are taught about diet and nutrition is bologna. Most of what we eat is poison. Plain and simple. The food pyramid is not accurate and look into the history of seed oils. I’m not saying there is a cure all diet. But modern food is causing intolerances, inflammation, stomach problems, and more. Food is the biggest cause of many modern and chronic illnesses as well as obesity. Learning about nutrition, what your body needs, what role vitamins, minerals, and probiotics play in your body is a must to keep your family healthy.
37. Always Better Yourself
We were told we were perfect the way we are and we don’t need to change. You do. You need to continually be at war with yourself trying to better yourself. Be a better daughter of God, be a better wife, be a better mother, friend, and be better to yourself. Strive for goals. What is the point in life if we are stagnant and miserable?
38. Yard Work Is Healthy
I grew up doing yard work…and I hated it. I still hate it. But it’s necessary and it’s good for us. Gardening is hard work, but it is worth it. Not just for building up your immune system, getting into the sun, free produce, but it can be great for the land too. Look into permaculture. Did I mention is can be good excerise?
39. Take Care Of Yourself
As a mom and wife you’re carrying a lot on your shoulders. It may feel like you never stop running. Trying to be everyone’s cheerleader, cooking, cleaning, errands, work, etc. It’s easy to stop taking care of yourself because you feel guilty or because someone needs something or because you’re tired. You will always be tired, someone will always need something, and stop feeling guilty. Go take a walk, take a shower, do your makeup, sit down and drink your tea or coffee, and watch a show or read a book. Whatever it may be, take a break each day for yourself.

40. Don’t Be Lazy
Being at home and doing the same thing everyday can get boring. But don’t be lazy. The stereotype of a lazy frumpy housewife started somewhere. Grant it, some of it is propaganda, but I’ve known enough women that fit this stereotype and I was once this woman until I pulled myself up by my big girl panties and said “Enough.” You may not want to do it, but do it anyway. Focus on one task at a time and when you finish it move on to the next. Don’t think ahead. Do what is at hand.
41. The Old Ways Are Not Always The Wrong Ways
For some reason people thing we’re evolving when in reality we are devolving. The old ways of life are not the wrong ways. Having a family is a blessing. It’s okay to let your husband lead. Kids are not meant to rule the house. God comes first. Life shouldn’t be so fast-paced. It’s okay to make homemade bread, your own butter, and sew your own clothes.
42. Science Changes
It’s important to keep up with what is going on and always learn. But understand science changes. They once said mercury was safe and it was not. Just like we’ve been told fluoride is great for us…and its not. Same when it came to COVID. Some science stays the same, some science is nothing more than theories, but many times when it comes to theories, medicines, illnesses, etc. It tends to change over time. It is important to keep an eye on these things and do your own research so you can better take care of your family. See points 34, 35, 36.
43. Go Outside And Get Into The Sun
I like AC and I’m sure you do too. But the sun is vital for our health. It may not be fun to go out in the sun, but go lay out! Work in the garden, mow the lawn, play in the sprinkler, grow some flowers. Just spend some time in the fun. Plus, it’s not good to be in the house all day. The sun kills bacteria, viruses, and the fresh air can keep you healthy.
44. There Is Not A One Size That Fits All When It Comes To Health
Sometimes it’s easy to be critical of people. “Well they’re fat because they just eat.” And that is the case a lot of times. But sometimes it’s extremely hard for people to lose weight or get better because of hormones, trauma, metabolism, immunity. Just because someone looks okay on the outside, doesn’t mean they’re okay on the inside. Be understanding and keep that in mind when it comes to your health and struggles.
45. Escapism Fixes Nothing
With shows, books, movies, day dreams, it’s easy to momentarily get away from your stresses and problems. But you can’t escape them. Rather you have to work through them. Your husband deserves to know what is wrong. The kids can’t run wild. And you need to stop running from God. Escapism helps you bottle things up and eventually all that anger, sadness…feelings… is gonna come out.
46. Don’t Let Your Emotions Rule
We live in an emotional society. Most people were not taught to control their emotions as small children and so now they struggle as an adult. Plus we live in a society that believes emotion rules over logic. Stop. Women are more emotional in general, but don’t let your emotions rule you and your decision making. Emotions have a place in life, politics, debates, arguments. But if everything is fueled by them, you’re going to find things are not going to work out well for you in the long run.
47. Be Feminine
Many women have taken up a masculine mantle because they want to be a “boss girl or a bad… you know.” Femininity for some reason has been deemed weak and archaic. But women are their strongest and most authentic in their femininity. And when I say that, I mean beyond dresses and tea parties. The Bible is very clear on what femininity is and why it’s important for women to embrace it.
Great Homemaking Tips When It Comes To Education and Learning

48. Think For Yourself
Don’t let others think for you. The media, social media, TV, movies, celebrities, politicians, friends may have good points on things or bad points on things. Look at the world from all angles. The good, the bad, the left, the right, spiritual, physical, and then make up your own mind. Far too often people regurgitate what they hear like parrots. Never stop looking for the truth and never stop thinking for yourself.
49. College Is Not The Only Way To Be Successful
Your kids do not have to go to college to be successful. Once upon a time that was the case, but not so much anymore. Did you know many people don’t even use their degrees? Did you know you can get a job with experience rather than a degree? Not all obviously. Like you’re not going to be a doctor without a degree. Trade schools cost considerably less and you can still get good paying jobs. There are plenty of great paying jobs out there, but you have to be willing to work, learn, and get your hands dirty. Too many people think blue collared work is beneath them when in reality it’s the bedrock of our economy.
50. The Government Doesn’t Care About You Or Your Family
The government doesn’t care about you. Why does this matter as a homemaker? Because being a homemaker is a form of rebellion against the current culture and government. They don’t care about your kids, your health, your safety, or your rights. In turn, they don’t care about your family. They may say pretty words and promise laws that will make everything all better when in reality, it’s not the truth. It’s up to you to care for your family.

51. The World Is A Lie
The world seems glamorous, but it is fallen. Sex, drugs, alcohol, money, kinks, violence, fancy careers, stuff… these are just a few things that become idols in people’s lives. Everyone wants instant gratification. We want to feel good, have no hardship, and do what we want when we want. We want everything to be rainbows and sunshine and to do what feels good. But it’s a trap. The world is the devil’s playground and sin is meant to feel good. It’s like a cage. Inside the cage there is lots of food, fun stuff, and it feels good. And every day the door closes a little more and little more. But we always think we have time, but soon we find that the door is closed and it’s too late.
52. Know Politics, But Don’t Make It Your Idol, And Don’t Base It On Your Emotions
I’m not sure when this happened, but somehow politics have become people’s religion. Politics have divided people, made them enemies, and brought out the ugliest in people. BUT, it’s important to know what is going on. Homemakers and house wives are actually a targeted group when it comes to politics because they tend to be less informed and more emotional. Which means they are easily manipulated. Get out of your echo chamber, off social media, and start looking at politics from both sides and get informed. It will affect your family in the long run. That means local politics, state politics, and of course national politics.
53. Never Stop Learning
The younger generations have the lowest IQ according to studies. And many of us can admit we aren’t as smart as we once were. Never stop learning. Read books, watch documentaries, study languages, learn something everyday! Plus, it keeps you interesting! Gives you something to talk about with your spouse. Not to mention, being educated and informed makes you less gullible and you can’t be manipulated as easily.
Great Homemaking Tips When It Comes To The World

54. We Are Meant For More Than The World Tells Us
The world tell us our worth comes from the money we earn, from the people we sleep with, from the tags on our clothes, and all the superficial garbage that we are told time and time again. The world tells us we have to be free, no kids, no husband, no God, but in reality, women are much unhappier than they were before. It’s because we are meant for so much more than this world tells us. We are made in God’s perfect image. Meant to be nurturing, loving, to bear children. To be our husband’s counselor and helper. We are meant to be part of the adventure!
55. No One On This Earth Will Fix Everything
We have to come to terms with the fact the world is a hot mess. We may hope that politicians will fix the world or that maybe things will suddenly fix itself. However, if you’ve read the Bible than you know the world gets worse before we get to experience peace. And so while everything slowly becomes more and more of a hot mess, it is up to us to take care of our family. That means learning the things we think is outdated. Doing our best. Making sure our family is healthy. And most importantly we have to keep faith in God and keep our joy and help our family keep theirs in rough times and be mothers to those without. To teach other young women so that we can have strong women to stand in the face of this fallen world.
56. Women Are Not The Center Of The Universe
Feminism has told us we are goddesses. That we are perfect and don’t need to change for anyone. We are never wrong! That’s not true. We, like everyone else, are born into an imperfect world. And because of that we are not perfect. If we were, we’d have nothing to strive for and the world wouldn’t be on the hot mess express. But here we are. Imperfection is okay. You have strengths, flaws, and things that are annoying or not good about you. So do I. Imperfection should help us strive to meet perfect (which is to be Christ-like) and not complacent miserable and mean. People have forgotten that nowadays.
57. You Do Need Your Man
You do need your husband. I know there are many women out there who like to remind their man they could have anyone they choose or that they don’t need them. That mindset and those actions are a way to keep men under control and acting the way you want them too. If you married that man, you need him. You made a vow to God that you’d be with him whether y’all are going through good or bad times. And mama, we are starting to go through bad times and you will need your partner to hang on. Grant it, many of our partners need work to improve themselves and that’s okay. That’s what the husband’s corner is for.
58. If You Don’t Stand Up Against Evil Then You Are Not Good
It’s easy to ignore evil things when you’re at home a lot or don’t leave your little community too much. Or maybe you live away from the cities and think what is going on there doesn’t affect you and your family. Wrong. What happens in the city is showing you what is going to happen nationwide. It’s like a sickness that oozes out and all that depravity, violence, and general ick is gonna make its way out of the cities and into the nearby areas. And if you don’t start standing up against what’s happening as a whole, you’re no better than those bringing it in. We all have a voice, no matter how loud or small, you gotta use it.

59. Debate Is Growth, Not Hate (Usually)
For some reason people think debating different views is a bad thing. That having a different view is bad. You can disagree with ideals and lifestyles and not hate anyone or be a bigot. Did you know that debates actually are important? It’s how ideas come to be and grow. But you have to be open minded. Even if you think their idea is dumb, it’s important to hear them out and understand why they think that way. Now if someone is like “rawr I want to murder all the horses because I hate their long faces” then yes, there is obviously hate there, but you may be able to change their mind with facts and logic. Never hurts to try. At the very least, you will give them something to think about. But keep in mind, once debates start introducing name calling and a lot of emotion they’re no longer productive.
60. Get Out Of The Cities
Mamas and Papas, the city may be fun. It may have lots of things to do. But the cities are a big part of what is destroying our country. These city folk are the ones who think farmers are useless. That blue collared jobs are beneath them. And where this sickness is seeping from. They’re becoming more and more dangerous and it’s time to leave them and become more self-sufficient.
61. Respect Authority, But Don’t Bow Down To It
Many of us were raised not to rebel. We respect all authority figures no matter what because they’re in charge and obviously know what they’re doing. As Christians, we cannot do that. We respect the leaders and we pray for them. But we never bow down to them. Many people like to quote Romans 13 and say “See we are supposed to respect ALL authorities, because they come from God.” But that’s not it at all. This post breaks it down best, but you have to understand the context, read the rest of the New Testament, and break down some of the Greek words to fully understand that Paul did not mean obey and bow down to every government official.
And we can see evidence of this when Paul repeatedly escaped prison and officials who were after him and demanding he stop preaching. We can see evidence of this in the Old Testament through Moses’ mother, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel, etc.
Great Homemaking Tips For Dealing With Life And People

62. Keep Your Joy
People don’t have very much joy anymore and it makes me sad. Joy is something so important to keep life full of love and life. Without joy there can be no hope. But so many people confuse joy and happiness. Happiness is fleeting and joy is eternal. You won’t be happy in hard times, but you have joy which gives you a good outlook in the dark and let’s you know “God has got me.” It’s hard to see joy, but joy has to be deliberate in this world or it will wear you down. I added this to my homemaking tips because I feel like we as women tend to stress more, but I also think we are more of the cheerleader types. And if we have our joy and can share it, well, I think it may help others find theirs.
63. Be Content With What You Have
Always be happy with what you have. You can always strive to do better, and we should have goals. But be happy with what you have. This push for socialism is from people who are not happy with what they have and want what others have (often without putting in the same work). But everything you have is a blessing. You don’t need a Gucci bag, or a car that costs as much as a house, or a huge house. Would it be nice? Sure. But they aren’t needs. America is so blessed. Even the poor here do better than most of the rest of the world. God has given you life, food, a home, a family, and maybe even a job. Or maybe you’re without some of those or don’t have an abundance. I’ve been without all of those things (minus life, I’m obviously still alive). But everyday is still a blessing because you’re still breathing which means your circumstances can still change.
64. Always Help Others When You Can
Always help people when you can. Don’t be taken advantage of though. There is a big difference and I had to learn this one. I always felt homemakers should help friends, family, and community when they can. But if you’re not careful you can do everything and that ends in resentment. But in a world of me, me, me it’s important to be selfless and help people. This is another one of the more important homemaking tips I think. Finding that balance of community, helpfulness, without losing yourself is is the way we build strong families and communities to withstand storms.
65. Forgive Everyone Who Wrongs You
We have movies, TV shows, songs, and memes about revenge and salting the earth of those we consider enemies and that’s not what we are called to do. Did you know that if you don’t forgive others that God won’t forgive you? I know it’s hard when someone really hurts you. I’ve been hurt bad in my life too. I’ve lost people at the hands of others and I’ve had people do things to me. And I wanted to hate those people. And sometimes it’s hard to forgive. But we have to keep praying for forgiving hearts and keep praying to release people of their debts and forgive their trespasses. We betray God on the daily. And He forgives us, we have to try to be Christ-like.
66. Find Out What You Believe In And Stand Up For It
I think Aaron Tippin said it best. You have to find something to believe in and then stand for it. Homemakers need principles and beliefs. God is our foundation, but you still need a sturdy home. Having something you’re willing to fight for, a line that cannot be crossed, is something you need to not only protect your family, but to know when you need to act. Evil never stops moving and if you don’t have that line evil things of this world will keep pushing you back and pushing you back until you’re cornered. Be fierce ladies and draw that line and then stand on that line. Unmovable and unbreakable. BUT, understand your principles will change over time. Some won’t and some will. Don’t be pigheaded.

67. What Is Popular Is Not Always Right
Evil will be seen as good and good will be seen as evil. What is popular in the world right now is not right. Depravity, nihilism, hedonism, violence, hatred, tribalism, lies, etc… all of these are destruction. There are books about how when these things become the norm in a nation the nation is about to take a tumble. It is usually easier to shut your mouth and march alongside others. But confrontation is important sometimes. It’s okay to cause the water to ripple. We as Christians are meant to stand out and be different. We are not meant to conform to this world.
68. Manners Are Not Outdated
Manners are not and will never be outdated. Please and thank you, ma’am and sir, holding the door open, hand shakes, all these things will go a long way. I know it feels like no one has manners anymore, but manners are important for a polite society. Manners show respect. I think this is one of the more important homemaking tips. People look at homemakers a certain way as is, let’s not give them a reason to look at us badly.
69. Let Go Of Cheap Thrills
Cheap thrills of the world is basically escapism and a waste of money. I’m not saying never treat yourself. Treats are important. But constant movies, vacations, new cars, shopping, this all is not only expensive, but a way to fill a void that cannot be filled with worldly things. Treats are great, but if you want to be a content homemaker, this is one of my homemaker tips for you: don’t fill your time with useless things. It takes important time away from things you should be doing. Breaks are great. But constant entertainment is not.
70. Nothing Is Wrong With Being Different
As I said before, we as Christians are meant to be different! We are meant to stand out. And there is nothing wrong with being different. Growing up I was told I talked to much, and that I was too weird, and immature. And as an adult, I’m told I have an old-soul, that I’m joyful and kind, and that people like hearing me talk. I felt like an outcast as a child, but as an adult I feel I’m where I’m supposed to be. There are people who make me feel little because I choose a traditional lifestyle and that’s okay. Be someone who stands out. When you stand out eyes will be on you. And that’s okay, live a life that God calls you to live and others will see God in you. It may change them or they may hate you and that’s also okay!
71. Treat Others How You Want To Be Treated
Oh how we’ve forgotten this little rule as adults. Treat others how you want to be treated. That means no name calling, no screaming at people, no harassing, hurting, etc. Adults are so angry nowadays. And trust me I get it. But we forget others are human too. And that makes me sad.
72. Don’t Weaponize Your Religion
I have strong feelings about religion in general. I love God, love the Bible, but religion makes my skin itch. People don’t read the Bible I feel like, not enough. Your religion shouldn’t be a weapon to make you feel good and make others feel bad. Grant it, people don’t want to be called out on their sins. Remember we are called to judge, but not condemn, there is a difference. And we aren’t supposed to treat non-believers the same way we treat believers. We can point out to a believer, hey God says not to look at that stuff. And the believer will understand why. We tell the same thing to a non-believer, they’re going to be like…”why?”

73. Don’t Be A Victim
Victimhood is celebrated nowadays. Being a victim isn’t a victory. And many of us have had traumas. But a real victory is overcoming your trauma if you can. Life isn’t fair. And it will never be fair. Pray, grow, and pick yourself up each and everyday. It’s hard especially if you’re dealing with mental illness and PTSD. Something my husband and I both know well. But victimhood is giving victory to bad things that we can all overcome. Nothing is impossible with God.
74. Slow Down, Life Goes By Fast Enough
Life nowadays is so fast. We barely have time to breathe anymore. Kids, school, cooking, cleaning, bills, work, errands, socializing, etc. It all adds up. Many of us are running around like a chicken with our head cut off. Slow down. Time goes by fast enough without you making it go by faster. Easier said than done, right? This is where planning and scheduling comes in so you’re not overpacking your days.
75. Get Dressed Every Day
This may sound like one of the more silly homemaking tips, but hear me out. It may feel good to be in jammies all day. But get up, shower, and dress. You don’t have to look fancy. But the way you look represents your husband and home. And there are some days where a baggy shirt and shorts are all you can muster, I get it. But our family and home are worth dressing up for. And you’ll feel better to. You are also worth dressing up for.
More Great Homemaking Tips and Advice From Homemaking For God
Love the homemaking tips and advice from this post? I have written a number of other great posts full of homemaking tips, how to’s, and printables to help your home run smoothly!
- Learn How To Meal Plan Effectively With This Free Printable Menu
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- Soak Your Clothes To Get Them Extra Clean
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What homemaking tips and advice did I miss? Do you have any? Share it down below!