Today I have gathered a big list of free Bible resources to help you read through and better understand the Bible. Reading the Bible is an important part of being a Christian as it draws us closer to God, teaches us, and helps us understand God and His will. But sometimes we need a little help and that’s where these free Bible resources can help!

Free Bible Resources
There are so many different Bible resources. Some are more for Bible journaling, others can help you understand different verses, and some are perfect for Sunday school, church, or study groups. While we should always pray for wisdom before we read the Bible, sometimes just reading the Bible isn’t enough.
Rather, using these free Bible resources can really help you pay attention, focus, and reflect on what you read, how you understand the passage, and how it made you feel and if the Holy Spirit was maybe convicting you, guiding you, or leading you one way or another.
Online Free Bible Resources

Not into writing, printables, and all that? That’s fine! There are plenty of online free Bible resources available for you to use to learn the Bible.
1. Bible Study Resources
This Bible resources website not only allows you to access the Bible if you don’t have one, but it is available in English and Spanish. Plus there are pdf’s, downloads, quotes, famous passages, fun facts, history, and more available!
2. Bible Project- Downloadable Free Bible Resources
The Bible Project allows you to download all sorts of Bible resources like:
- Posters
- Scripture references
- Videos
- Study Guides
- And more…
3. Bible Study Tools and Resources
Did you know the Bible Study Tool can help you learn the Bible? They actually have free Bible reading plans that can not only help you read a certain amount a day, but you can record your progress as you go as well.
4. Got Questions- Bible Resources
I love this website, Got Questions. I have actually used it quite a bit when it comes to trying to get some clarification on the Bible. Unfortunately I cannot find every answer to every question here, but this is super useful when you’re just starting out reading the Bible.
5. Bible Resources and Cross References
The Bible cross references itself so many times. Want to see what verses are connected? This is why this website, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, is absolutely great for that. You can look up Bible verses, hit search, and see where else they are mentioned in the Bible. This is great for studying especially when it comes to the prophets.
Free Sunday School Bible Resources

Do you help run Sunday school at church? Need some Sunday school curriculum and help? I’ve got you! There are so many different websites you can use to help teach your Sunday school class.
6. Bible Resources For Kids- Children’s Minestry
There are so many different downloads and printables on this website which is great for Sunday school or children’s church! This children’s ministry website also has a lot of different Sunday school lessons too such as lessons about:
- Adam and Eve
- How powerful God is
- The fruits of the Spirit
- How Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee
- and more…
7. Free Sunday School Curriculum and Resources
I believe this free Sunday School curriculum may be better for older kids, though there are a number of Bible activities, memory books, review sheets, games, training, and more! What better way to help children learn the Bible than games and fun!
8. Weekly Sunday School Lessons, Activities, and Resources
Need weekly curriculum for Sunday school? These Bible resources are perfect. There are PDF’s you can download and print to help you teach your kiddos about God. There are lessons for kids of all ages. Plus there are a number of articles giving advice on what you should be teaching your kids and how to teach younger kids about God. Perfect for new teachers.
9. Old Testament Bible Lessons and Resources For Kids
Many Christians focus on the New Testament, as they should, and they know the basics of the Old Testament, but it’s important that we know and study the Old Testament to have a foundation for the New Testament, because in reality they go hand in hand in showing us who God is and how much He loves us. These Bible resources do just that and there are Biblical lessons for kids of all ages, young and old.
10. Fun Printable Bible Resources For Kids
These printable activities are the perfect activities to help reinforce your Bible lesson. It’s one thing to listen to a story and it’s another to have to really focus on what you learned and these fun printable Bible activities do just that.
Free Printable Bible Resources

11. Books Of The Bible By Topic Resource
Whether you print this or save this resource it’s a great way to understand what you’re reading. It doesn’t explain each book of the Bible, but explains what each book of the Bible is about by breaking it down by:
- Law
- Gospels
- History
- Church History
- Poetry
- Letters
- Major/Minor Prophets
- Prophesy
12. Free Bible Study Printables and Resources
This is one of my favorite printable Bible resource. Not only are they informative, but they’re pretty. But what I love the most is that these resources can help with everyday life when we need them most by teaching us the word of God based on things we face. There are resources for when we are struggling with: fear, identity, spiritual warfare, and more.
13. Free Printable Bible Reading Tracker
Trying to read the entire Bible? Keep track of your progress with this free printable Bible reading tracker. Whether you’re a child, adult, or teen, this printable Bible reading tracker is perfect. Not only does it have some positive messages on it, but it allows you to also color in each book.
14. Free Bible Study Printables, Worksheets, and Other Resources
Want a comprehensive list of Bible study printables for free? Well Bloggers for the Kingdom has them! Between Bible journaling printables, monthly Bible reading plans, art, coloring pages, and more, you will want for not with this big printable Bible set!
15. Free Bible Study Printables For All Parts Of The Bible
Want to really understand what you are reading? Then this Bible study printable is perfect! It’s a simple worksheet that makes you focus on the chapter, the people mentioned, where it takes place, important points, how you can use it in your daily life, and questions you may have.
Free Bible Resources For Really Understanding The Bible

16. Online Hebrew Interlinear Bible
Read the translated Bible and see the Hebrew translation at the same time! For this you will need to be able to read Hebrew, but for those who are super interested in seeing the Hebrew translated versus English translation as it is sometimes a little off, which can affect our understanding of certain passages. This is only for the Old Testament.
17. Online Greek Interlinear Bible
Just like the Old Testament above, you can review the New Testament in English and Greek so you can understand the translations and how they can differ or have more than one meaning. When you break down the Bible in the original language, you will be surprised at how much you can learn.
18. Video: Learn The Bible In 24 Hours
This is a video series by Dr. Chuck Missler that was suggested to my husband and me by a friend. I love it, not only is he witty, and humorous, but he breaks down the Bible, misconceptions, myths, and even science alongside the Bible and deep dives into history.
19. The Living Church Boise
While we need a church and Godly community to thrive as Christians, this pastor is one of my favorites. Not only does he break down the Bible, but he gets down to the nitty gritty and talks to you on a human level and does not sugar coat anything. What better Bible resource is there than an actual online church speaking the truths we need to hear, but often aren’t told.
20. Free Inductive Bible Studies
These free inductive Bible studies are so cool. Learn the books and people of the Bible with a deep dive. Learn about:
- Name meanings
- Ancestry and Family Life
- Where People Were From
- Who They Were Professional Wise
- History
- Strengths/Weaknesses
- Important Acts and Events
- Lessons
- Death
- And more…
Really breaking down each book and each person can help us have a better understanding on who these people were, what they’re life was like, and lessons as well as the types of people used by God.
Why Using Free Bible Resources Is Beneficial Sometimes…
While it is most important to spend time with God, reading, praying, worshipping, and being obedient, sometimes we need a little help. And these free resources are there to do just that. Life is chaotic and sometimes it is hard to focus, and we should keep our thoughts captive. But having something to really help you reflect on what you read can help. Plus, understanding the Bible in it’s original context and history will open your eyes to so much! Trust me! It will blow your mind the more you deep dive into the Bible God is so amazing.
Check Out These Sermons From Homemaking From God:
- Psalms 91- A Powerful Prayer of Protection
- What Are The Fruits Of The Spirit?
- What Does It Mean To Be The Salt Of The Earth?
- Put On The Full Armor Of God
- What Is Heaven Really Like?
- Why it is important to pray over your children everyday.
- Here is a simple prayer to pray over your husband every single day.
- 30+ Surprising misconceptions and questions people have about God answered.
- 5+ Reasons Christians Should Not Support Abortion and Ways We Can Support Women Instead.
- Stop living in fear and for the world and live by faith and love.
- Beautifully Feminine: The 12 Wonderful Characteristics of Biblical Femininity.
- Progressive Christianity and the silent church are leading people astry.
- Why you should stop rebelling and ignoring consequences now?
- What are the 10 Commandments and why are they still important?
- How can we turn out backs on sin and temptation?
- What Are The 5 Heavenly Crowns Mentioned In The Bible?
- Breaking Down Proverbs 31- The Gold Standard Of Womanhood
Do you have any suggestions for more free Bible resources? Share them with us!