You should learn how to tell God how you feel. It’s something I had to learn a long time ago, and it wasn’t easy. I was not a good communicator and the church really did a number on how I saw God. So when I tell you to learn to tell God how you really feel, this is coming from a place of love, understanding, and hopefully healing.

Feeling Far From God And Not Being Able To Tell God How You Feel
A lot of us feel far from God. Most of us are living for the world and not for God. And then we wonder why we can’t sense His presence. Or maybe you are praying and read the word of God everyday and you still feel far from God. That’s the enemy. That’s the world.
God is never far from us, in fact, He never moves. He is always there, but it is us who steps away. We can’t trust our feelings. Feelings are fleeting. Look at verses like:
- Jeremiah 17:9
- Proverbs 28:26
- 2 Corinthians 5:7
But what does this have to do with telling God how you feel? Well, it goes hand in hand honestly.
Related: Want to get closer to God? Study the Bible? Need help? Then check out this big list of free Bible resources to help you understand the Bible better.

Christian Living Tells Us To Be Nice And Pray And Everything Will Be Okay
While the church is right, pray and have faith and in the end everything will be okay. We are taught to be nice in church. Not to make a fuss. There are people suffering way more. People are hurting way more find your joy. The disciples had it way worse find your joy. We aren’t supposed to get angry or upset with God because He is our Father. But give all your cares to Him. What does that even mean?!
All those things have merit, but it goes much deeper. I was taught watered down prayers and taught it didn’t matter how you prayed as long as you did it. We were to cast our cares on God and everything would be fine. That the world is suffering so focus only on joy. And you know what, we should have joy. Everyday of our lives we should have joy. But the church doesn’t explain what joy is. Many of us equate it to happiness and that’s not true.
Not to mention the Bible tells us the stories and the church repeats them, but many of us are never taught how to have real relationship with God. And the Bible will tell you, it will, but new believers sometimes need some help, but many of us never get it. So God seems like this far away figure and the church tends to make Jesus sound weak. And that’s how many of us view God, far away, weak, and almost uncaring.
Or we are filled with shame, regret, embarrassment to even come to God because we are the ones who messed up.
Communicating With God and Being Able To Tell Him How You Feel
Now that we talked about all that stuff, let’s talk about communication. Most of us suck at it. I did, I could barely communicate with my husband when we first met. And many of us are like that with God. We’re embarrassed or feel weird talking to God like a friend and we shouldn’t.
God wants to be our everything. He wants us to go to Him for everything. It doesn’t matter how you feel. To learn to tell God how you feel, you have to be open and honest. Don’t be scared to tell Him what’s on your mind and in your heart, because news flash, He already knows.
Look at Psalm 139:1-2
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”
Also look at Luke 16:15
“He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.”
Jesus was talking to the Pharisees, but this goes for all of us. God knows our hearts, our feelings, hidden motives, we can’t hide from God.

So, Finally How Do You Tell God How You Feel
The answer… is not so simple. It’s different for everyone. Some people can bow their heads, get on their knees, and just pray. Others can sit in their prayer closet or a rocking chair and just openly talk to God. And sometimes it isn’t so easy.
When I began talking to God I wrote Him letters. Yes, like that movie “Letter’s to God” and it helped me be open and honest with Him. I wrote to Him like I was writing to a friend. As I grew in my faith I was able to just pray and sometimes I do talk aloud when I’m alone.
Other times, it isn’t that clean and nice. I have gotten angry at the world and circumstances and sometimes at God. I’ve prayed bitterly and cried. I’ve asked God where He was. However, I was never disrespectful to God because I do fear and revered him. But, I’ve been on my knees in desperation and sorrow sobbing to God with no words or words that weren’t understandable.
There are times my prayers were single words like “Jesus” over and over again or “help” or “please” because I was so engulfed in anger and sorry that I just couldn’t find the words. And that’s okay, you know why?
God Knows Us And What We Are Feeling
The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf and if God knows our hearts, He knows what our tears, our shouts, and pleas mean. And He wants to hear those things. He wants us to lean on Him, come to Him, so He can be the one to fix us, because He is the only one who can.
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”
“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!”

Being Closer To God By Telling God How You Feel And Being Honest
Every time I have finally let go of the reigns and dropped to my knees and cried out to God I have felt His presence. It’s almost like He is telling me “Finally, I’ve been waiting.” Usually in those moments I get peace, I find an answer, or am told to wait, repent, whatever it may be God has been wanting to tell me, but I wasn’t able to listen.
The world is a hard and cruel place. It’s a fallen world engulfed by sin and Satan. Death, hurt, betrayal, illness, struggles, suffering, all of these are part of life. And often times we blame God for things that happen when in reality, they aren’t His fault. Or yet, they’re things He is using to strengthen us.
No one likes pain and suffering. But God does give us joy. Joy is the knowledge that God is good, God is love, and that everything is going to be okay in the end. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is faith. Cast your fears and worries and stresses on God by talking to Him. When you talk to Him and read your Bible you will understand that God is for you and if you trust Him, He will make a way out for you. It may not be the way you thought it would be, but everything is according to His will and His plan.
Our God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He has destroyed cities, destroyed armies, and fights for me and you. Our God is not a weak God, but a powerful, just and holy God, who only desires you to come to Him and have a relationship with Him. So, talk to to Him. Be honest about your problems and what you’re going through. He knows already, but for Him to help, you have to make that first step.
Check Out These Sermons From Homemaking From God:
- Psalms 91- A Powerful Prayer of Protection
- What Are The Fruits Of The Spirit?
- What Does It Mean To Be The Salt Of The Earth?
- Put On The Full Armor Of God
- What Is Heaven Really Like?
- Why it is important to pray over your children everyday.
- Here is a simple prayer to pray over your husband every single day.
- 30+ Surprising misconceptions and questions people have about God answered.
- 5+ Reasons Christians Should Not Support Abortion and Ways We Can Support Women Instead.
- Stop living in fear and for the world and live by faith and love.
- Beautifully Feminine: The 12 Wonderful Characteristics of Biblical Femininity.
- Progressive Christianity and the silent church are leading people astry.
- Why you should stop rebelling and ignoring consequences now?
- What are the 10 Commandments and why are they still important?
- How can we turn out backs on sin and temptation?
- What Are The 5 Heavenly Crowns Mentioned In The Bible?
- Breaking Down Proverbs 31- The Gold Standard Of Womanhood
Do you tell God how you feel? It’s never too late to start!