Anyone who had kids should be praying for them every single day. We live in a chaotic and fallen world, and everywhere we turn it seems like there is someone or something preying on our children. From schools, to TV shows, politics, every aspect of our children’s lives need God’s grace and protection.

Praying For Our Kids Because The World Is After Them
The world is a much different place than when most of us grew up. Technology is everywhere, sexuality, politics, radical ideals, predators, the occult, it’s so pervasive in our day to day lives and it’s consuming most of us as adults, and worse, it is reaching our children.
Our children are being raised by others. Whether they’re in front of a screen or being raised by the school the world is influencing our kids and that shows in this epidemic of mental health, school shootings, rise in radicalism, sexual confusion, suicide, etc.
It’s heartbreaking.
Our Children Need Prayer To Combat This War On Them
That’s all I can really say is it is heartbreaking. We as parents are failing our kids by letting the world consume them and allowing adult and radical themes influence them.
While I’m an advocate for homeschooling and putting your family first, I know not everyone has the ability to do this or perhaps your priorities are different.
Regardless, this war on our children isn’t slowing down, but parents are finally waking up to what’s going on. I don’t mean this to drag parents, please don’t take it that way.
I’m saying, many of those believed the schools, we believed in the media, and love technology, not realizing how it is hurting our children.
So, you may be asking what we can do to help our kids.
We need to pray that God will lead them through this crazy world and stay on the narrow path of righteousness and that we can help lead them through this weaving maze of life.
Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

What Kinds Of Things Should We Pray For Our Kids?
Kids don’t have the same problems as adults, or at least they shouldn’t. You know your child best, and hopefully you’re aware of things going on in the world, so you would know best how to pray for your kids.
Plus, you can pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you through the prayer!
But here are some other things you can pray for your kids:
- Pray for wisdom so they can make good decisions. Peer pressure is real!
- For strength to act on those decision and to stand by them.
- Courage to deal with the outcomes of those actions.
- Don’t forget about their friends, acquaintances, bus drivers, teachers, and all people at school.
- As well as their extra curriculum activities.
- They need supernatural protection from politics, propaganda, school violence, stuff on social media, etc. They’re kids, they don’t need these grown up things in their lives.
- Pray the armor of God over them.
- That they would know God.
- As well as knowing gratitude, kindness, love, and joy.
Pray Protection For Your Kids Everyday
First and foremost you have to pray for them. Then make sure you’re living as an example and making time to be in their lives to lead them. And I will say it again, pull them out of public school if you can.
God is the ultimate protection. God is love, forgiveness, and wisdom and evil stands no chance.
Don’t know where to start? Here is a simple prayer you can pray over your kids.

A Simple Prayer For Your Kids
Dear God,
I humbly come before you and thank you for every blessing you’ve given me. I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins and transgressions as I come before you to pray for my child.
As my child goes through their day, I pray for your supernatural protection over them. Let the Holy Spirit fill their heart and lead them throughout their day, letting them know what is right and wrong. Protect them with your angelic warriors, letting no evil come near them.
I pray the armor of God over my child. The helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, boots of the gospel of peace, that they take up the shield of faith and sword of the spirit. Protect them from every fiery dart of the enemy Lord, letting no ill influences lead them astray.
Lead them from temptation may it be anything at school, peer pressure from friends, bullying, gossip, anything that may tempt them during their day.
Let my child keep captive every thought, action, and word. Let them keep their child-like innocence and not be jaded by the world or confused by the world. Fill them with gratitude and teach them to be meek, courageous, and kind.
Please let them be a good student, friend, and good to their siblings. To be gracious and quick to serve You and others. To respect their peers and elders, but wisdom to know when to stand up for themselves and for others.
Allow good people and friends in their lives, only bringing positive and love into their lives. Fill them with Your wisdom, grace, and love. That you will fill them with joy, even if their day isn’t the best. Though, I pray that if it be Your will, You let all their days be wonderful and blessed.
Let them know they can come to You regardless of what happens in their lives, as well as me.
Lead me to be a good example in their life. Give me patience to teach them and lead them the way they need to go.
Let Your will be done in their lives Lord.
I humbly pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Free Printable Prayers For Your Kids
Want to print out this prayer for your homemaking binder or to hang up so you can remember to pray for your kids daily?
A Foundation Of Prayer
When you pray, make sure you go before God with humility and pray forgiveness for your sins. It’s hard to pray while you’re wallowing in sin. I also like to give thanks to God before and after prayers.
But I hope this prayer gives you a foundation to pray for your children and helps make a difference in their lives. May it be protection, guidance, wisdom, strength, or love.
Check Out These Sermons From Homemaking From God:
- Psalms 91- A Powerful Prayer of Protection
- What Are The Fruits Of The Spirit?
- What Does It Mean To Be The Salt Of The Earth?
- Put On The Full Armor Of God
- What Is Heaven Really Like?
- Why it is important to pray over your children everyday.
- Here is a simple prayer to pray over your husband every single day.
- 30+ Surprising misconceptions and questions people have about God answered.
- 5+ Reasons Christians Should Not Support Abortion and Ways We Can Support Women Instead.
- Stop living in fear and for the world and live by faith and love.
- Beautifully Feminine: The 12 Wonderful Characteristics of Biblical Femininity.
- Progressive Christianity and the silent church are leading people astry.
- Why you should stop rebelling and ignoring consequences now?
- What are the 10 Commandments and why are they still important?
- How can we turn out backs on sin and temptation?
- What Are The 5 Heavenly Crowns Mentioned In The Bible?
- Breaking Down Proverbs 31- The Gold Standard Of Womanhood